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Jupiter Green Investment Trust PLC Shares News & Articles

Discover the ‘picks and shovels’ providers behind the big energy transition

A wall of money is going into building out the green infrastructure required to facilitate the global energy transition. This starts with electrifying power generation all the way through to transmitting and storing this energy before it is eventually consumed.At the same time, indebted governments are increasingly looking to private companies to help solve the global water challenge.Water is an e

Jupiter Green: small caps are the best place to make money with the ‘E’ of ESG

Shares believes it is worth paying a moderate premium to access the compelling growth prospects of the Jupiter Green Investment Trust (JGC), a nimble £57.5 million cap fund that invests globally in companies delivering solutions to climate change and other sustainability challenges.Launched in 2006, the trust has lived in the shadow of larger open-ended sister fund Jupiter Ecology (B4KLC26), but
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