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At&T Inc. Fundamentals

Company NameAt&T Inc.Last Updated2025-03-24
IndustryTelecom ServicesSectorCommunication Services
Shares in Issue7.178 bnMarket Cap$193.63 bn
PE Ratio17.94Dividend per Share$1.11
Dividend Yield4.15Dividend Cover1.34
EPS$1.49EPS Growth (%)-0.04
PEG1.11DPS Growth (%)0
Debt Ratio0.3570Debt Equity Ratio1.3014
Asset Equity Ratio3.3388Cash Equity Ratio0.0279
Quick Ratio0.2760Current Ratio0.66
Price To Book Value1.8379ROCE0

At&T Inc. Dividends

TypeEx-DatePay DateCurrencyNet DividendYear Total

At&T Inc. Company Financials

Tangible Assets$149.78 bn$149.39 bn$149.26 bn
Intangible Assets$195.72 bn$200.36 bn$197.34 bn
Total Fixed Assets$363.63 bn$370.60 bn$369.75 bn
Stocks$2.27 bn$2.18 bn$3.12 bn
Cash & Equivalents$3.30 bn$6.72 bn$3.70 bn
Other Assets000
Total Assets$394.80 bn$407.06 bn$402.85 bn
Creditors within 1 year$46.87 bn$51.13 bn$56.17 bn
Creditors after 1 year$227.70 bn$236.52 bn$240.22 bn
Other Liabilities000
Total Liabilities$274.57 bn$287.64 bn$296.40 bn
Net assets$120.22 bn$119.42 bn$106.46 bn
Called up share capital$7.62 bn$7.62 bn$7.62 bn
Share Premium$109.11 bn$114.52 bn$123.61 bn
Profit / Loss$16.70 bn$19.85 bn-$3.09 bn
Other Equity$104.37 bn$103.30 bn$97.50 bn
Preference & Minorities$15.85 bn$16.12 bn$8.96 bn
Total Capital Employed$118.25 bn$117.44 bn$106.46 bn
Debt Ratio$0.57$0.58$0.60
Assets / Equity3.33883.33883.3388
Cash / Equity0.02790.02790.0279
Cash Flow202420232022
Cash from operating activities$38.77 bn$38.31 bn$32.02 bn
Cashflow before financing$14.06 bn$22.70 bn$8.28 bn
Increase in Cash-$3.43 bn$3.04 bn-$17.52 bn
Turnover$122.34 bn$122.43 bn$120.74 bn
Cost of sales$49.22 bn$50.12 bn$50.85 bn
Gross Profit$73.11 bn$72.31 bn$69.89 bn
Operating Profit$19.05 bn$23.46 bn-$4.59 bn
Pre-Tax profit$16.70 bn$19.85 bn-$3.09 bn

At&T Inc. Company Background

SectorCommunication Services
ActivitiesThe wireless business contributes nearly 70% of AT&T's revenue. The firm is the third-largest US wireless carrier, connecting 72 million postpaid and 17 million prepaid phone customers. Fixed-line enterprise services, which account for about 15% of revenue, include internet access, private networking, security, voice, and wholesale network capacity. Residential fixed-line services, about 11% of revenue, primarily consist of broadband internet access, serving 14 million customers. AT&T also has a sizable presence in Mexico, with 23 million customers, but this business only accounts for 4% of revenue. The firm recently agreed to sell its 70% equity stake in satellite television provider DirecTV to its partner, private equity firm TPG.
Latest Interim Date24 Jul 2024
Latest Fiscal Year End Date27 Jan 2025

At&T Inc. Directors

2004-04-30Admiral Bobby R. InmanDirector
2022-04-08Ms. Debra L. LeeDirector
2004-06-30Mr. Carlos Slim HeluDirector
2008-04-30Mr. Charles F KnightDirector
2022-04-29Mr. Geoffrey Y. YangDirector
2005-11-23Mr. David W. DormanDirector, President
2007-05-31Mr. Edward E. Whitacre,JrDirector, Chairman, CEO and President
2012-03-30Mr. Forrest E. MillerGrp.Pres.-Corp. Strat. & Dev.
2004-04-30Mr. Herman E. GallegosDirector
2015-04-30Mr. Jaime Chico PardoDirector
2007-05-31Mr. James D. EllisSr.Exec.VP and Gen.Cnsl.
2013-04-30Dr. Gilbert F. Amelio,PhDDirector
2004-10-29Mr. James E. BarnesDirector
2015-04-30Mr. James (Jim) P. KellyDirector
2010-08-31Mr. James W. CallawaySr.Exec.VP-Exec. Oprs.
2016-09-30Mr. James W. CicconiSrEVP-Ext & Legis Affairs
2022-02-15Mr. Jason KilarCEO, Warner Media, LLC
2004-04-30Mr. Jess T. HayDirector
2016-04-29Mr. John B. McCoyDirector
2005-04-29Mr. John H. Atterbury,IIIGroup President-IP Services
2025-02-19Mr. John T. StankeyDirector, CEO & President
2014-04-30Mr. James H BlanchardDirector
2019-09-30Mr. John M. DonovanCEO, AT&T Communications, LLC
2007-05-31Ms. Karen E. JenningsSrEVP-Adv. & Corp. Comm.
2016-04-29Mr. Jon C. MadonnaDirector
2019-04-30Ms. Joyce M. RocheDirector
2016-12-30De La Vega RafaelVice Chairman
2025-01-31Mr. Matthew K. RoseDirector
2007-04-30Mr. Martin K. Eby,JrDirector
2025-02-10Mr. Michael B. McCallisterDirector
2011-04-29Ms. Patricia P. UptonDirector
2015-04-30Mr. Reuben V AndersonDirector
2012-03-30Mr. Rayford Wilkins, JrCEO-AT&T Diversified Bus.
2011-05-31Mr. Richard G. LindnerSr. Exec. VP and CFO
2007-04-30Mr. S. Donley RitcheyDirector
2007-08-31Mr. Stanley T. SigmanPres.&CEO-AT&T Mobility
2025-01-31Mr. Stephen J. LuczoDirector
2005-04-29Mr. William P. ClarkDirector
2020-01-31Mr. William A. Blase,JrSEVP-HR Transition
2025-01-31Ms. Beth E. MooneyDirector
2015-03-31Ms. Catherine M. CoughlinSr. Exec. Vice President
2008-04-30Ms. Toni RembeDirector
2004-05-15Mr. William M DaleyPresident
2010-04-30Mr. William F Aldinger IIIDirector
2010-04-30Mr. August A. Busch,IIIDirector
2015-09-30Mr. D. Wayne WattsSr. Exec. VP and Gen. Counsel
2025-01-31Mr. Glenn Hogan HutchinsDirector
2007-04-30Mr. James A. HendersonDirector
2007-06-29Mr. James S. KahanSr. Exec. VP-Corp. Dev.
2020-04-30Dr. Laura D'Andrea Tyson,PhDDirector
2012-04-30Ms. Lynn M. MartinDirector
2010-04-30Dr. Mary S. MetzDirector
2025-03-10Mr. Pascal DesrochesSr. Exec VP and CFO
2010-08-31Mr. Ronald E. SpearsPres. & CEO, AT&T Corp.
2021-01-21Mr. Randall L. StephensonDirector, Exec Chairman of the Board
2025-01-31Mr. William E. KennardDirector
2005-04-29Mr. Clarence C. BarksdaleDirector
2021-03-31Mr. John J. StephensSr. Exec. VP and CFO
2022-04-29Mr. Samuel A. Di Piazza, C.P.A.,JrDirector
2025-01-31Mr. Luis A. UbinasDirector
2025-01-31Mr. Scott T. FordDirector
2014-12-31Mr. Andrew M. GeisseCEO-AT&T Business Solutions
2025-01-31Ms. Marissa A. MayerDirector
2025-03-17Ms. Lori M. LeeGlobal Mktg Ofr & SEVP HR&Intl
2023-06-30Mr. David S. HuntleySEVP&Chief Compliance Officer
2021-04-30Mr. Richard W. FisherDirector
2025-02-28Mr. David R. McAtee, IISr. Exec. VP and Gen. Counsel
2018-05-15Mr. Robert W. Quinn, JrSr.EVP-External & Leg. Affairs
2025-03-10Mr. F. Thaddeus ArroyoChief Strategy & Dev Officer
2020-01-31Mr. Brian D LesserCEO, Xandr Inc.
2025-02-28Mr. Jeffery S. McElfreshChief Operating Officer
2023-08-31Ms. Angela R. SantoneSr. Exec VP-Human Resources
2025-01-30Mr. Edward W. GillespieSrEVP-Ext & Legal Affairs
2025-01-30Ms. Kellyn Smith KennyChief Marketing & Growth Ofcr
2023-03-31Ms. Debra L. DialSVP-ChiefActngOfcr&Controller
2025-01-30Mr. Jeremy Alan LeggChief Technology Officer
2025-03-10Ms. Sabrina SandersSVP-ChiefActngOfcr&Controller

At&T Inc. Contact Details

Company NameAT&T Inc
Address208 S. Akard Street, Dallas, 75202
Telephone+1 210 8214105

At&T Inc. Advisors

AuditorErnst & Young LLP