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Seraphim Space Investment Trust PLC Shares News & Articles

Discover why the managers at MIGO Opportunities are so excited by the returns outlook

MIGO Opportunities (MIGO) 352pMarket cap: £71.25 millionDiscount to NAV: 4%With many investment trusts trading at deep discounts to NAV (net asset value), a great way to exploit the potential for discounts to narrow is by investing in specialist closed-end fund investor MIGO Opportunities Trust (MIGO).The company has a unique mandate within the sector aimed at exploiting pricing inefficiencies at

Why big discounts on investment trusts can sometimes but not always mean great bargains

Whether or not you are a value investor by nature, we all get a kick out of finding companies which are trading on big discounts to 'fair value'.Rather like Warren Buffett, who claims he buys dollar stocks for 50 cents, we all like to think we can spot a bargain.The problem is identifying fair value, first, then having the courage of our convictions to go for it, second.In the investment trust wor
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