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Palace Capital PLC Market & Company News

20.12.2024 14:16WHR, PCA, FGENUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
21.11.2024 16:22TRB, PHI, OSECUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
15.11.2024 12:59PCAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
14.11.2024 11:10HGEN, PCA, ENQSMALL-CAP WINNERS & LOSERS: Palace Capital sees revenue, profit fallAlliance
14.11.2024 07:00PCAInterim ResultsRNS
12.11.2024 12:00PCANotice of ResultsRNS
18.10.2024 15:35SRAD, STS, VIPUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
09.10.2024 12:16PCAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
24.09.2024 12:00PCADirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
19.09.2024 07:00PCADividend DeclarationRNS
19.08.2024 14:24TEP, SNX, SWEFUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
24.07.2024 11:03CAU, PCA, MARSSMALL-CAP WINNERS & LOSERS: England's Euros run boosts Marston'sAlliance
24.07.2024 11:03PCAResult of AGMRNS
24.07.2024 10:53PCAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
22.07.2024 08:55PCAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
18.07.2024 16:18VLX, SHIP, SNXUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
18.07.2024 07:00PCADirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
17.07.2024 16:16SIS, PNN, NXRUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
17.07.2024 14:30PCAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
16.07.2024 07:00PCATransaction in Own SharesRNS
11.07.2024 07:00PCAResult of Tender OfferRNS
09.07.2024 10:45PCAResult of General MeetingRNS
19.06.2024 07:00PCAAnnual Report and Notice of Annual General MeetingRNS
13.06.2024 16:41BZT, RTW, ADMETRADING UPDATES: Christie trading improved, maintains expectationsAlliance
13.06.2024 07:00PCATender OfferRNS
06.06.2024 14:52SSIT, DSM, EPPEARNINGS AND TRADING: Palace Capital revenue falls 41% as loss narrowsAlliance
06.06.2024 07:00PCAPreliminary Results for year ended 31 March 2024RNS
04.06.2024 07:00PCANotice of ResultsRNS
29.04.2024 14:21PCAIN BRIEF: Palace Capital sells subsidiary that owns Boulton HouseAlliance
29.04.2024 13:15PCABoulton House disposalRNS
18.04.2024 12:36PCAPalace says tender offer likely after moving to a net cash positionAlliance
12.04.2024 15:39STS, PCA, JEMIUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
28.03.2024 12:45PCATotal Voting RightsRNS
14.03.2024 15:06VSL, TSTL, TENTUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
12.03.2024 07:00PCADividend DeclarationRNS
08.02.2024 15:49PCAHolding(s) in Company - AmendmentRNS
08.02.2024 15:30PCAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
08.02.2024 15:29PCAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
07.02.2024 11:53PCAIN BRIEF: Palace Capital up on sale of three investment propertiesAlliance
07.02.2024 09:18PSDL, PCASMALL-CAP WINNERS & LOSERS: Palace Capital up on possible tender offerAlliance
22.01.2024 10:04PCAMore Acquisitions shares soar following successful fundraiseAlliance
22.12.2023 15:50WHR, TMPL, RMIIUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
04.12.2023 16:00PCAResult of General MeetingRNS
27.11.2023 14:51PRSR, PCA, DECUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
16.11.2023 15:53YNGA, FAN, VODUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
16.11.2023 10:43PCAUPDATE: Palace Capital sheds CFO to save cash, as interim loss narrowsAlliance
15.11.2023 15:15PCAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
15.11.2023 11:38PCAPalace Capital gets rid of CFO to maximise cash to shareholdersAlliance
15.11.2023 07:02PCANotice of General MeetingRNS
15.11.2023 07:01PCADirectorate ChangeRNS
15.11.2023 07:00PCAInterim ResultsRNS
17.10.2023 16:00PCADirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
06.10.2023 15:48TRI, STAN, SFRUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
14.09.2023 15:44XPS, WCW, VANQUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
14.09.2023 07:00PCADividend DeclarationRNS
06.09.2023 07:00PCATransaction in Own SharesRNS
04.09.2023 13:40PCADirector DeclarationRNS
04.09.2023 08:52NRR, PCA, PHPPrimary Health Properties hires NewRiver co-founder as new CEOAlliance
29.08.2023 07:00PCATransaction in Own SharesRNS
22.08.2023 07:00PCATransaction in Own SharesRNS
21.08.2023 07:00PCADirector DealingRNS
15.08.2023 10:07PCANotification of Major HoldingsRNS
15.08.2023 09:56PCANotification of Major HoldingsRNS
14.08.2023 07:00PCATransaction in Own SharesRNS
10.08.2023 07:00PCATransaction in Own SharesRNS
08.08.2023 10:46PCAIN BRIEF: Palace Capital announces share buyback worth GBP11 millionAlliance
08.08.2023 09:51ZTF, PCASMALL-CAP WINNERS & LOSERS: Palace Capital rises on share buybackAlliance
08.08.2023 07:00PCAShare Buyback and Total Voting RightsRNS
02.08.2023 10:33PCAIN BRIEF: Palace Capital sells Maidenhead office for GBP9.6 millionAlliance
02.08.2023 07:00PCASale of Maidenhead office property for £9.6mRNS
28.07.2023 15:47WKP, VOD, VIPUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
26.07.2023 17:02ENW, NICL, MARSTRADING UPDATES: Marston's optimistic; Nichols sales get Vimto boostAlliance
Showing 1 to 75 of 209