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Bezant Resources PLC Market & Company News

05.03.2025 09:11BZTMankayan Project Update - Visible Gold DiscoveredRNS
27.02.2025 07:00BZTFunding Facility Repayment ExtensionRNS
25.02.2025 15:04BZT, AJAXAjax and Bezant agree terms for potential sale of Eureka projectAlliance
25.02.2025 10:23AJAX, BZT, ARKAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Arkle hails lithium findings in BotswanaAlliance
25.02.2025 07:45BZTProposed sale of Eureka Project in ArgentinaRNS
21.02.2025 09:31BZTHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
18.02.2025 10:40BZTHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
12.02.2025 07:00BZTHope & Gorob Ore Sorting OptimisationRNS
06.02.2025 08:44BZTMankayan Project UpdateRNS
30.01.2025 07:00BZTHope & Gorob Mine Planning UpdateRNS
02.01.2025 15:31BZTReplacement: Fundraising, Directors' Holdings, TVRRNS
27.12.2024 07:00BZTReplacement: Fundraising, Directors' Holdings, TVRRNS
24.12.2024 12:21BZTFundraising, Directors' holdings, Fee shares, TVRRNS
15.11.2024 11:04BZTHope & Gorob Mine Planning UpdateRNS
07.11.2024 07:00BZTHope & Gorob Optimisation & Geotechnical DrillingRNS
01.11.2024 10:10BZTHope & Gorob Gold Contribution ReviewRNS
01.11.2024 09:30BZTTotal Voting RightsRNS
30.10.2024 07:00BZTPCB Gold Project Update, ZambiaRNS
29.10.2024 09:11BZTHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
16.10.2024 07:00BZTRe Granting of Mining Licence for Hope & GorobRNS
02.10.2024 15:31BZTFundraising, Issue of Equity and TVRRNS
01.10.2024 21:51BZT, CORO, ENWEARNINGS: MetalNRG loss widens while Quadrise loss narrowsAlliance
30.09.2024 07:00BZTUnaudited Interim ResultsRNS
26.09.2024 07:00BZTHope & Gorob Copper-Gold Project Permitting UpdateRNS
28.08.2024 18:31BZT, COBR, ORITTRADING UPDATES: Graft Polymer makes Awakn progress; ORIT Sweden dealAlliance
28.08.2024 07:00BZTHope & Gorob Copper-Gold Project Permitting UpdateRNS
27.08.2024 21:47BZT, AAZ, GROCEARNINGS AND TRADING: Belluscura optimistic; Flowtech makes buyAlliance
27.08.2024 07:00BZTGeophysical Surveying at Kanye Manganese ProjectRNS
19.08.2024 11:26BZTDirector's DealingsRNS
08.08.2024 07:00BZTPlacing Issue of Shares PDMR Shareholdings REPLACERNS
06.08.2024 14:16BZTDirector's DealingsRNS
31.07.2024 14:13BZTResult of AGMRNS
24.07.2024 07:45BZTLOI re sustainable energy supply for Hope & GorobRNS
16.07.2024 16:00BZTIssue of Shares and TVRRNS
08.07.2024 17:48BZTNotice of AGMRNS
03.07.2024 13:48LEND, CHRY, MET1EARNINGS: AssetCo proposes name change; i(x) Net Zero eyes AIM exitAlliance
02.07.2024 12:18GEMD, BZT, CASPEARNINGS AND TRADING: CML profit falls but sales rise; Gem's discoveryAlliance
02.07.2024 07:00BZTMankayan Project Investment UpdateRNS
28.06.2024 07:00BZTFinal ResultsRNS
13.06.2024 16:41BZT, RTW, ADMETRADING UPDATES: Christie trading improved, maintains expectationsAlliance
13.06.2024 07:00BZTHope & Gorob Copper - Gold Project, Namibia UpdateRNS
10.06.2024 17:52BZTBezant inks collaboration deal with PCB Mining for Zambia licenceAlliance
10.06.2024 07:00BZTCollaboration Agreement re Zambian gold projectRNS
13.05.2024 13:37BZTBezant Resources begins Kanye manganese project geophysical surveyingAlliance
13.05.2024 07:00BZTGeophysical Surveying at Kanye Manganese ProjectRNS
15.03.2024 07:00BZTGrant of Options - Directors/PDMRs ShareholdingsRNS
14.03.2024 18:26RENX, BZT, KDNCTRADING UPDATES: Horizonte subsidiary hit with debt injunctionAlliance
14.03.2024 07:00BZTUpdate on Hope & Gorob Copper – Gold ProjectRNS
05.03.2024 14:19BZTIN BRIEF: Bezant Resources extends funding facility repaymentAlliance
05.03.2024 07:00BZTFunding Facility Repayment ExtensionRNS
09.02.2024 14:24BZTIN BRIEF: Bezant Resources advances Namibian copper-gold projectAlliance
29.12.2023 11:16BZTTotal Voting RightsRNS
19.12.2023 09:18BZTHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
04.12.2023 11:40BZTIN BRIEF: Bezant unleashes 3 billion new shares, stock fallsAlliance
04.12.2023 07:00BZTPlacing, Issue of Shares, PDMR Shareholdings &TVRRNS
17.11.2023 14:22BZTHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
10.11.2023 07:00BZTIssue of Shares and TVRRNS
30.10.2023 15:56CTG, VIP, ALTTRADING UPDATES: Bezant optimistic after Hope & Gorob estimateAlliance
27.10.2023 07:00BZTHope & Gorob Updated Mineral Resource EstimateRNS
29.09.2023 14:51SEEN, NOG, BZTEARNINGS AND TRADING: Equipmake strikes GBP1.8 million London bus dealAlliance
29.09.2023 07:00BZTHalf-year ReportRNS
06.09.2023 15:40SFR, SAV, KEFITRADING UPDATES: URA orders Gravelotte parts; Kefi sustains progressAlliance
06.09.2023 07:00BZTUpdate on ProjectsRNS
28.07.2023 13:17BZTResult of AGMRNS
24.07.2023 20:15BZTIN BRIEF: Bezant Resources reports encouraging results in BotswanaAlliance
24.07.2023 14:49BZTKanye Project: Metallurgical Test Work ResultsRNS
21.07.2023 15:38XTR, SHED, SISUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
12.07.2023 12:47BZT, CMRSCaerus Mineral Resources loss widens during tumultuous 2022Alliance
04.07.2023 10:00BZTNotice of AGM and 2022 AccountsRNS
30.06.2023 16:22BZTBezant Resources swings to annual profit; notes volatile copper priceAlliance
30.06.2023 07:00BZTFinal ResultsRNS
15.06.2023 19:56BZTIN BRIEF: Bezant agrees extension to loan facility repayment dateAlliance
15.06.2023 07:00BZTFunding Facility Extension, Issue of Shares, TVRRNS
31.05.2023 14:41BZTTotal Voting RightsRNS
05.05.2023 11:33BZTIssue of Shares and TVRRNS
Showing 1 to 75 of 222