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Michelmersh Brick Holdings PLC Market & Company News

24.01.2025 07:00MBHBlock Listing ReturnRNS
02.01.2025 12:06XPS, WWH, WKPUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
05.12.2024 18:31MBHIN BRIEF: Michelmersh CEO Peter Sharp retiring; CFO to step inAlliance
05.12.2024 07:00MBHRyan Mahoney to succeed Peter Sharp as CEORNS
26.11.2024 13:13MBH, BRCKBrickability revenue firm in 1st half; confident on UK housing marketAlliance
22.11.2024 07:00MBHPre-Close Trading Update and Notice of ResultsRNS
21.11.2024 16:22TRB, PHI, OSECUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
03.09.2024 17:05MBHDividend UpdateRNS
03.09.2024 15:25MBHMichelmersh Brick orders rise while profit falls in challenging marketAlliance
03.09.2024 07:00MBHHalf Year ResultsRNS
27.08.2024 15:57WOSG, UPR, STVGUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
27.08.2024 07:00MBHRetail Investor Conference CallReach
31.07.2024 07:00MBHNotice of ResultsRNS
29.07.2024 16:08MBHBlock Listing ReturnRNS
08.07.2024 07:00MBHDirectorate ChangeRNS
03.07.2024 14:34RNWH, NWOR, MBHUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
14.06.2024 09:09MBHHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
30.05.2024 13:01LGEN, WIX, BOYUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
16.05.2024 16:10MBHResult of AGMRNS
16.05.2024 14:32AREC, IKA, DXRXEARNINGS AND TRADING: Michelmersh continues with positive order intakeAlliance
16.05.2024 07:00MBHAGM StatementRNS
13.05.2024 16:39MBHHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
09.05.2024 15:49VTY, UTG, WPSUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
24.04.2024 15:11MBHDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
04.04.2024 07:00MBHAvailability of Annual Report and Notice of AGMRNS
26.03.2024 12:46WTE, TIME, GCLEARNINGS AND TRADING: Michelmersh profit up; Journeo wins bus dealAlliance
26.03.2024 07:05MBHDirectorate ChangeRNS
26.03.2024 07:00MBHFinal ResultsRNS
21.03.2024 08:14MBHTR-1 - Notification of major holdingsRNS
19.03.2024 15:54SAG, YOU, XARUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
19.03.2024 07:00MBHRetail Investor Conference CallReach
29.01.2024 07:00MBHBlock Listing ReturnRNS
23.11.2023 15:10MBHIN BRIEF: Michelmersh Brick profit in line, amid resilient tradingAlliance
23.11.2023 07:00MBHTrading Update and Notice of ResultsRNS
20.11.2023 07:00MBHHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
10.11.2023 16:48MBHHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
01.11.2023 07:00MBHTotal Voting Rights – 31 October 2023RNS
02.10.2023 07:00MBHTotal Voting RightsRNS
02.10.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
29.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
26.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
18.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
15.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
14.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
13.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
11.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
08.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
07.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
06.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
05.09.2023 13:59ITV, STVG, VNETEARNINGS AND TRADING: Michelmersh Brick and Brickability trade in lineAlliance
05.09.2023 07:00MBHHalf Year ResultsRNS
05.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
04.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
01.09.2023 07:00MBHTotal Voting RightsRNS
01.09.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
31.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
30.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
29.08.2023 15:45TRX, STVG, SRCUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
24.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
21.08.2023 07:00MBHRetail Investor Conference CallReach
21.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
18.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
17.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
16.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
15.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
14.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
08.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
04.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
03.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
02.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
01.08.2023 15:23HE1, ZYT, HSPEXECUTIVE CHANGES: NWF chief and Michelmersh co-founder to retireAlliance
01.08.2023 07:00MBHDirectorate Changes and Notice of ResultsRNS
01.08.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
01.08.2023 07:00MBHTotal Voting Rights – 31 July 2023RNS
31.07.2023 07:00MBHTransaction in Own SharesRNS
Showing 1 to 75 of 221