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Jubilee Metals Group PLC Market & Company News

14.02.2025 10:18JLPIN BRIEF: Jubilee Metals shares up after processing high-grade copperAlliance
14.02.2025 07:00JLPRoan Commences High Grade Copper ProductionRNS
12.02.2025 09:58IAG, ADM, EZJLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Morgan Stanley likes Astra; HSBC cuts Spectris Alliance
06.02.2025 13:55JLPJubilee Metals buys high-grade copper to speed up post-outage outputAlliance
06.02.2025 07:00JLPZambia Projects UpdateRNS
28.01.2025 09:42HSX, BEZ, ICGLONDON BROKER RATINGS: BofA reinitiates AB Foods at 'underperform' Alliance
21.01.2025 11:14JLPIN BRIEF: Jubilee Metals to re-start copper facility after power dealAlliance
21.01.2025 07:00JLPAdditional power supply secured for Roan re-startRNS
13.01.2025 12:15JLPJubilee Metals blames power woes in Zambia for copper production slumpAlliance
13.01.2025 07:00JLPOperational Update H1 FY2025RNS
24.12.2024 07:00JLPHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
17.12.2024 06:54JLPJubilee Metals uncertain on second-quarter guidance due to blackoutsAlliance
16.12.2024 07:00JLPZambia Operations Update and Exercise of OptionsRNS
21.11.2024 07:00JLPTR-1: notification of major holdingsRNS
20.11.2024 16:43JLPIN BRIEF: Jubilee Metals raises GBP215,500 after exercise of warrantsAlliance
20.11.2024 15:15JLPExercise of WarrantsRNS
12.11.2024 14:20JLPResult of AGMRNS
07.11.2024 13:37JLPJubilee Metals quarterly copper output slumps after limited run timeAlliance
07.11.2024 07:00JLPOperational Update Q1 FY2025RNS
06.11.2024 14:30JLPTR-1: Notification of major holdingsRNS
05.11.2024 14:49AIRE, JLPUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
05.11.2024 07:00JLPAppointment of Remuneration Committee ChairpersonRNS
31.10.2024 13:12JLPIN BRIEF: Jonathan Morley-Kirk joins Jubilee Metals as board memberAlliance
31.10.2024 07:00JLPBoard changesRNS
16.10.2024 07:00JLPIntegrated Annual Report FY2024 & Notice of AGMRNS
07.10.2024 13:11JLPJubilee Metals opts to buy majority interest in Zambian Project GAlliance
07.10.2024 07:00JLPNotice of Full Year Results Investor PresentationRNS
07.10.2024 07:00JLPProject G Acquisition and Power UpdateRNS
03.10.2024 08:30JLPJubilee Metals annual profit down as costs, low platinum prices weighAlliance
03.10.2024 07:00JLPAudited Results for the year ended 30 June 2024RNS
23.09.2024 08:00JLPJubilee Metals' Zambian operations start getting renewable powerAlliance
23.09.2024 07:00JLPCopper Projects UpdateRNS
19.09.2024 07:45JSE, JLPIN BRIEF: Jubilee Metals CFO steps down, Reuel Khoza to join board Alliance
19.09.2024 07:00JLPManagement changesRNS
27.08.2024 10:48JLPIN BRIEF: Jubilee Metals signs three-year PPA in ZambiaAlliance
27.08.2024 07:00JLPPrivate Power Purchase Agreement in ZambiaRNS
21.08.2024 12:44JLPJubilee Metals shares down despite robust copper and chrome outputAlliance
21.08.2024 07:00JLPOperational Update Q4 FY2024RNS
13.08.2024 07:33JLPIN BRIEF: Jubilee Metals produces first copper from upgraded facilityAlliance
13.08.2024 07:00JLPRoan Front-End Module’s First Copper ConcentrateRNS
08.08.2024 09:16JLPJubilee Metals starts operations at new Roan copper plant in ZambiaAlliance
08.08.2024 07:30JLPRoan Upgrade Project Commences OperationsRNS
24.07.2024 13:00JLPDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
23.07.2024 07:00JLPDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
15.07.2024 07:00JLPChange of BrokerRNS
24.06.2024 19:46NWG, JLP, CCREARNINGS AND TRADING: PureTech seals tender offer; HL bid questionedAlliance
24.06.2024 07:00JLPRoll-out of Integrated Copper Strategy in ZambiaRNS
10.06.2024 14:10JLPTR-1: Notification of major holdingsRNS
03.06.2024 08:00JLPExercise of Warrants and OptionsRNS
23.04.2024 07:00JLPAppointment of Joint Corporate BrokerRNS
18.04.2024 10:49JLP, MANO, SUNAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Surgical Innovations up as revenue jumpsAlliance
18.04.2024 08:11JLPJubilee Metals posts "strong" chrome production in third quarterAlliance
18.04.2024 07:00JLPOperational Update Q3 FY2024RNS
28.03.2024 12:14JLPJubilee Metals' Abu Dhabi partner agrees to form Zambia joint ventureAlliance
28.03.2024 07:00JLPProjects UpdateRNS
06.03.2024 15:00JLPExercise of OptionsRNS
06.03.2024 08:29JLPIN BRIEF: Jubilee Metals forms subsidiary boards in SA and ZambiaAlliance
06.03.2024 07:00JLPChanges to the Board & New Dedicated Exec BoardsRNS
29.02.2024 09:18HIK, RIO, RKTLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Barclays cuts Direct Line to equal weight Alliance
29.02.2024 07:00JLPInterim Results 2023 PresentationReach
28.02.2024 09:31JLPInterim Results 2023 Presentation Re-scheduledReach
26.02.2024 08:30JLPJubilee Metals posts "strong" interim performance, upbeat on outlookAlliance
26.02.2024 07:00JLPInterim Financial Report 6 months to December 2023RNS
08.02.2024 13:00JLPIN BRIEF: Jubilee Metals shares up as Zambia copper unit progressesAlliance
08.02.2024 07:00JLPZambia Copper Expansion UpdateRNS
23.01.2024 08:16JLPJubilee Metals production performance "strong" in second quarter Alliance
23.01.2024 07:00JLPOperational and Projects Update Q2 FY2024RNS
09.01.2024 09:29ATYM, BHP, CAMLLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Berenberg cuts target prices for minersAlliance
05.01.2024 08:57ROO, JLP, BRKLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Jefferies cuts Mondi to 'hold' from 'buy'Alliance
05.01.2024 07:59JLPIN THE KNOW: Jubilee Metals set to cash in on Zambian copper ventureAlliance
04.01.2024 15:00JLPTR-1: Notification of major holdingsRNS
03.01.2024 12:47JLPJubilee Metals shareholders endorse GBP13 million equity raiseAlliance
03.01.2024 12:00JLPResults of General MeetingRNS
27.12.2023 15:53JLPUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
18.12.2023 06:35JLPJubilee Metals bumps up placing to GBP13 million on strong demandAlliance
Showing 1 to 75 of 217