Source - LSE Regulatory
RNS Number : 7367G
Jubilee Metals Group PLC
03 October 2024

Jubilee Metals Group PLC

Registration number (4459850)

AIM share code: JLP

Altx share code: JBL

ISIN: GB0031852162

("Jubilee" or "the Company" or "the Group")



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Audited Results for the year ended 30 June 2024

Jubilee, a diversified metals producer with operations in South Africa and Zambia, is pleased to announce its audited results for the year ended 30 June 2024 (FY2024). Jubilee delivered another profitable performance achieving notable growth in chrome production while successfully meeting its revised copper targets.

Highlights for the year ended 30 June 2024

·    Strong operational performance was delivered by the Group with increased production in chrome and copper supported by the ongoing expansion of processing capacity in both chrome and copper.

·    Group revenue increased by 20.2% to US$205.4 million (FY2023: US$170.9 million) driven by the increase in chrome and copper production during the period which was able to offset the sharp pullback in platinum group metals (PGM) basket prices. 

·    Chrome concentrate production increased by 20.0% year-on-year to 1 548 205 tonnes (FY2023: 1 289 891 tonnes), exceeding full-year guidance.

·    Copper cathode and copper in concentrate (copper units) production for the financial year increased by 17.1% to 3 422 tonnes (FY2023: 2 923 tonnes) in line with our revised guidance for FY2024 of 3 250 - 4 000 tonnes.

·    6E PGM production decreased by 14.2% to 36 411oz (FY2023: 42 433oz) driven by increased focus on chrome production given the improved economic merits of our chrome material.

·    Chrome EBITDA increased by 154.3% to US$17.8 million (FY2023: US$7.0 million) helping offset decreased PGM earnings. Chrome contributed to 73.1% (FY2023: 56.8%) of the Group's revenue whilst PGM contributed to 17.9% (FY2023: 31.3%) of the Group's revenue.

·    Copper EBITDA (excluding fair value adjustments), increased by 71.4% to US$3.6 million (FY2023:US$2.1 million) driven mainly by the increased sale of copper units in concentrate for Roan which is sold at a higher margin and which contributed to 57% of total copper units sold during the period (FY2023: 24%).

·    Group EBITDA decreased by 7.1% to US$27.7 million (FY2023: US$29.8 million) supported by increased chrome production helping partially offset the impact of the sharp decline in PGM EBITDA.

·    Both copper and chrome processing capacities continue to expand with the completion of the upgrade to the Roan Concentrator in August 2024 and the addition of two further chrome modules currently being completed and expected to be brought into operation during November 2024.

·    Jubilee's focus in Zambia now shifts to bringing into operation its copper resources to utilise its expanding copper processing capacity such as:

the acquisition of the Munkoyo open-pit mining project on 28 June 2024, which was brought into operation during July 2024, ahead of schedule, with mined run-of-mine (ROM) grades exceeding 3.5% copper which is delivered to Sable for refining.

Roan commencing with the processing of historically mined low grade surface stockpiles

The large Waste Rock Project, with approximately 260 million tonnes of surface rock, which is set to begin an industrial trial of 15 000 tonnes through Roan's front-end module in November 2024 as part of the final due diligence review.

The completion of the technical review of Project G, as Jubilee's potential second targeted copper open-pit mining opportunity.

·    Completed an oversubscribed placing of US$16.5 million before costs at 5.5 pence per share on 5 January 2024 to accelerate the Zambian copper expansion drive.

·    The Group invested US$39.9 million (FY2023: US$65.9 million) in capital and intangible asset expenditure and other assets to expand its Zambian and South African operations.

Statement from Leon Coetzer, Chief Executive Officer:

"I am pleased to report strong operational performance, with significant growth across our copper and chrome operations. Our South African operations delivered considerable growth to achieve a new record in chrome production, which was able to in part offset a challenging PGM market.

The expansion of our Zambian copper processing capacity has been a key focus for this year. Completing the Roan copper concentrator upgrade in August 2024 has positioned the Company to handle multiple feed sources of copper oxide and sulphides simultaneously, increasing Roan's copper output capacity to 13 000 tonnes per annum (tpa). This achievement by the Jubilee team comes despite facing several challenges during the implementation of the project which delayed the commissioning of the project and impacted full year copper production. The upgrade and expansion of the Sable Refinery is currently underway and is targeted to be completed over the coming 10 months to reach a capacity of 16 000tpa. With Roan capable of operating independently of Sable this will increase Jubilee's copper processing capacity to in excess of its initial target of 25 000tpa of copper. Our focus now shifts to bring into operation our various copper resources to take-up this expanded processing footprint.

In South Africa, chrome production has been a highlight, with a 20.0% year-on-year increase, reaching 1 548 205 tonnes for FY2024. This growth allowed us to exceed our full-year guidance of 1 450 000 tonnes and keeps us on track to achieve our goal of producing 2 million tonnes of chrome concentrate per annum.

Our PGM production decreased by 14.2% to 36 411 ounces. However, this was offset by our strategic prioritisation of higher margin chrome material, which provided improved economic returns.

The Group's financial performance demonstrates the strength of our operations and the diversification of revenue. Increased chrome production helped offset the reduction in PGM revenue, given the challenging pricing environment. In January 2024, we concluded an oversubscribed placing, which supported the acceleration of our copper expansion projects.

Looking ahead, we remain committed to our production guidance. The strategy for the year ahead lies in tapping into the full potential of our varied metals portfolio, using our technical excellence, while staying dedicated to sustainable and responsible mining.

In conclusion, I would like to thank our shareholders for their continued support and confidence in Jubilee. The progress made this year has laid a solid foundation for the future, and I look forward to reporting further achievements in the year ahead."

Key Operational and Financial Indicators






Production - Copper (Note 1)


3 422

2 923


Production - Chrome


1 548 205

1 289 891


Production - PGM (Note 2)


36 411

42 433


Sold - Copper (Note 1)


2 655

2 728


Sold - Chrome


1 569 817

1 275 558


Sold - PGM (Note 2)


36 411

42 433


Average revenue - Copper (Note 3)


6 964

7 451


Average revenue - Chrome





Average revenue - PGM


1 009

1 262


Average cost - Copper


4 294

5 281


Average cost - Chrome (Note 4)





Average cost - PGM (Note 4)





Group revenue

US$ 000

205 404

170 901


Group cost of sales

US$ 000

(169 425)

(133 102)



US$ 000

27 718

29 842


Group profit after tax (Note 5)

US$ 000

6 388

15 617


Attributable earnings

US$ 000

5 955

15 550


Earnings per share

US$ cents




Net debt (Note 6)

US$ 000

(11 922)

(2 025)


Total capital and intangible expenditure

US$ 000

39 876

65 900


Net asset value per share

US$ cents




Number of shares in issue


3 005 659

2 738 130


Weighted average number of shares in issue


2 856 010

2 687 683


Note 1: Year-on-year copper production increased by 17.1% outpacing copper sales due to increased product held in stock.

Note 2: In the prior financial year, PGM production included 9 057 ounces of third-party material processed and sold.

Note 3: Copper unit revenue per tonne decreased mainly due to an increased proportion of copper units sold as copper concentrate versus copper cathode. The copper units in concentrate is sold at a percentage discounted below the LME copper price which has the effect of lowering the average traded copper price.

Note 4: Certain operating costs were re-allocated between two of Jubilee's PGM operating plants and two Inyoni chrome processing plants to more accurately reflect the costs for each operation in relation to output.

The costs re-allocated amounted to US$9.9 million (FY2023: US$4.3 million). 

Note 5: The decrease in Group profit after tax is mainly attributable to:

·    An increase in deferred tax of US$5.7 million contributing to 33.4% of the decrease in profit after tax. The increase is mainly attributable to increased deferred tax of US$4.0 million on unrealised foreign exchange translation differences (due to the depreciation of the ZAR and the ZMW against the US$) and increased deferred tax of US$1.6 million on year-end sales provisions.

·    Decrease in gross profit from PGM operations of 55.5% due to a 31.4% decrease in PGM revenue;

·    Increased depreciation and amortisation of US$12.3 million (FY2023: US$10.8 million) on property, plant and equipment as well as intangibles at the period end;

·    Increased finance costs of US$8.8 million (FY2023: US$6.2 million) driven by increased metal trade finance to fund higher copper and chrome production and increased borrowings to fund the Group's expansion in Zambia; and

·    A share based payment expense of US$2.1 million (US$.6 million) (refer note 8 for details).

Note 6: Net debt represents total borrowings less cash and cash equivalents for the period under review. The increase is mainly due to increased banking facilities of US$5.4 million to fund working capital requirements to support increased chrome and copper production for the period under review as well as a US$4.8 million increase in borrowings to fund the Group's expansion in Zambia.

Operational Highlights


·    Safety performance improved with 488 consecutive days achieved without a lost time injury (LTI-free) in the current fiscal year, compared to 122 LTI-free days in FY2023), and commensurately realising a reduction in the LTI Frequency Rate (LTIFR) to zero (FY2023: 2.4).

·    Jubilee commenced production at its newly constructed Roan front-end module post the year end on 8 August 2024.

·    Roan's new frond-end capacity has been constructed adjacent to the already operating milling and flotation circuits increasing the overall capacity of Roan to a maximum design of 13 000tpa of copper.

·    Roan front-end upgrade forms part of Jubilee's overall operational capacity increase strategy which includes the Sable Refinery upgrade project currently underway, targeting to reach a combined processing capacity of 25 000tpa of copper.

·    Copper units produced for the financial year increased by 17.1% to 3 422 tonnes (FY2023: 2 923 tonnes) meeting the revised guidance for FY2024 of 3 250 - 4 000 tonnes.

·    Capital investment reached US$17.5 million (FY2023: US$37.6 million), principally focused on the Roan front-end upgrade.

·    Copper revenue decreased by 9.0% to US$18.5 million (FY2023: US$20.3 million).

·    Copper unit revenue per tonne decreased to US$6 964/t (FY2023: US$7 451/t). This mainly resulted from an increased proportion of copper units sold as copper concentrate which is priced at percentage discount below the LME copper price which has the effect of lowering the revenue per copper unit.

·    The average LME copper price increased by 5% to US$8 678/t (FY2023: US$8 289/t).

·    Average copper unit cost per tonne improved by 18.7% to US$4 294/t (FY2023: US$5 281/t).

·    Copper gross profit margin improved to 38.3% (FY2023: 29.1%) mainly driven by an increasing proportion of copper units in concentrates sales compared to copper cathode.

South Africa

·    Operations achieved 88 LTI-free days (FY2023: 177 LTI-free days), reflecting a consistent LTIFR rate of 1.62, in line with performance from the previous year.

·    Chrome concentrate produced for FY2024 increased by 20.0% year-on-year to 1 548 205 tonnes (FY2023: 1 289 891 tonnes) exceeding full-year guidance of 1 450 000tpa.

·    PGM feed grades delivered with higher chrome recoverable material being prioritised to benefit from favourable chrome market conditions.

·    PGM production for FY2024 decreased by 14.2% to 36 411oz (FY2023: 42 433oz) offset by the significant increase in chrome production given the prioritisation to improved economic merits of our chrome material.

·    Jubilee's chrome processing capacity is set to increase further with the addition of two additional chrome modules currently being completed which are targeted to be brought into operation during November 2024.

·    Capital investment reached US$22.3 million (FY2023: US$28.0 million), focused on the expansion of Jubilee's chrome operations.

·    Revenue from South African operations increased by 24.1% to US$186.9 million (FY2023: US$150.6 million).

·    Average CIF chrome price increased by 13.8% to US$296/t (FY2023: US$260/t)

·    Chrome concentrate cost per tonne increased to US$84/t (FY2023: US$67/t), driven by additional chrome material externally sourced.

·    PGM cost per ounce reached US$709 (FY2023: US$785), remaining profitable despite challenging PGM market conditions.

·    Gross profit margin from South African operations decreased to 15.5% (FY2023: 21.2%) predominately impacted by a 31.4% decline in PGM revenue.

·    The average PGM basket price decreased by 21.1% to US$1 351/oz (FY2023: US$1 712/oz).


As part of its sustainability efforts, Jubilee embraces an innovative approach that redefines traditional mining practises by reprocessing previously processed material, previously mined material and open-pit mining materials, thereby creating sustainable solutions for resource utilisation.

Jubilee consistently strives to improve operational efficiencies and challenge industry norms by being a leading metals recovery group unlocking value from overlooked resources. With a wealth of low-cost resources and an innovative low-capital modular approach significant opportunities for growth exists, from which shareholder value can be enhanced through world class processing technology and a highly experienced management team.

Jubilee operates its projects within communities that are integrated into the success of the projects through its novel corporate social investment programmes.


·    Safety Performance


The Zambian operations achieved a remarkable improvement in the LTIFR to zero, with the last LTI occurring in February 2023.


·    Environmental Performance


Scope 1 emissions for FY 2024 totalled 645 tonnes of CO2, a decrease from 885 tonnes in FY2023.

Scope 2 emissions increased to 110 tonnes compared to 103 tonnes in FY2023.


·    Electricity Usage


Zambian operations are regularly impacted by power failures and disturbances to address this challenge, a three-year renewable power purchase agreement has been signed with Lunsemfwa Hydro Power Company (LHPC), an independent hydro and solar power producer in Zambia. This agreement provides additional reliable power supply for both the Roan and Sable operations at rates competitive with current power tariffs, effective from 1 September 2024.

Electricity consumption decreased by 14.7% to 5,360 kWh per tonne of copper produced (FY2023: 6,282 kWh per tonne of copper produced).



·    Water Usage


Total water usage for FY 2024 was 1.56 million litres (1.56 ML), compared to 1.365 million litres (1.37 ML) in FY 2023.


·    Corporate social responsibility


Jubilee conducted a detailed community baseline and needs assessments in Zambia, involving data collection, surveys and focussed group discussions. Following the assessments, comprehensive infrastructure investment community upliftment programs are developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders, aiming to improve the quality of life for local residents.

Key initiatives include providing access to clean running water to alleviate water scarcity, implementing sustainable sanitation solutions through a capacity-building program for compost toilets, enhancing education and infrastructure, improving roads and installing solar pumps and water storage to facilitate better access to water and sanitation.

South Africa

·      Safety Performance


The LTIFR regressed to 1.62 (FY2023: 1.16). The increase in lost time injuries was due to one additional injury in the comparable period.

A significant focus has been placed on enhancing access control measures, which contributed to more accurate reporting of man hours worked. This improved accuracy also impacted the reported LTIFR.


·      Environmental Performance


Total emissions increased to 42.85 kg CO2e per tonne Chromite (FY2023: 40.91). This increase reflects a 4.5% rise in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the previous year.

Notably there was a 22.0% increase in feed and a 20% increase in production of chrome concentrate. This growth is associated with the deployment of 222 trucks per day for delivering both ROM material and dispatching PGM bearing concentrates, along with the relevant yellow machines used in the operations.


·    Electricity Consumption


Electricity consumption increased by 2.5% to 33.86 kWh per tonne of chrome produced (FY2023: 33.04 kWh per tonne of chrome produced).

All Jubilee's plants are fitted with diesel generators to ensure continuous operations during loadshedding periods. There was a total of 6 077 generator hours, which also contributed to an increase in Scope 1 emissions.

Generators contributed to a 71% increase in diesel consumption compared to the comparative year, however yellow machines' diesel consumption decreased by 12%.


·    Corporate social responsibility


Jubilee conducts comprehensive community baseline and needs assessments in South Africa involving data collection, surveys and focussed group discussions to identify areas where communities lack access to essential and basic water, sanitation and other facilities.

Key initiatives include social upliftment of which childhood development remains a significant social responsibility in South Africa.

Furthermore, improvement of infrastructure and facilities provides communities with access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities, schools and clinics.

Local and preferential procurement is a cornerstone of Jubilee's community development strategy that demonstrates a commitment to supporting and diversifying local economies.

Looking forward to FY2025

·    Chrome concentrate production guidance is 1.65 million tonnes (6.6% increase year-on-year), and 6E PGM production guidance is 36 000oz (similar year-on-year).

·    Copper units production guidance of between 5 850 tonnes (71.0% year-on-year production increase) and 7 500 (119.2% year-on-year production increase) tonnes.

Group financial performance analysis for the year ending 30 June 2024

Change in presentation currency

The Group has changed its presentation currency for financial results from GBP to US$. The rationale for the change is to present the Group's results in US$ to align with industry norms and to assist with comparability of financial information. The majority of the Group's revenues are also recognised in US$. This change in presentation currency constitutes a voluntary change in accounting policy under IAS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. Consequently, the change requires the restatement of comparative figures.

Management believes that reporting in US$ provides a more relevant representation of the Group's financial position, funding and treasury functions, the Group's financial performance and cash flows.

The functional currencies, which are the South African Rand (ZAR) and Zambian Kwacha (ZMW), remain unchanged as they represent the primary economic environments in which the Group operates. Foreign exchange exposures, therefore, remain unaffected by the change. However, the foreign currency translation reserve will now be presented in US$ due to the difference between the functional currencies and the Group's presentation currency.

Exchange rates and their impact on results

Jubilee's subsidiaries are incorporated in multiple jurisdictions including South Africa (ZAR), Zambia (ZMW), Mauritius (US$), the United Kingdom (£/GBP) and Australia (AUD). The Group's operating subsidiaries are in South Africa and Zambia where revenue is invoiced in US$ and recorded in ZAR and ZMW, respectively. Costs incurred in South Africa are in ZAR. Costs incurred in Zambia are in both ZMW and US$. The functional currency for South Africa is ZAR and for Zambia it is ZMW, while the Group's reporting currency is United States Dollars (US$).


Year-on-year changes in the currency rates, respectively, must be considered when comparing year-on-year results. During the period under review, spot and average exchange rates moved as illustrated below.




% change

Spot exchange rate













Average exchange rate















Copper units' revenue decreased by 8.9% to US$18.5 million (FY2023: US$20.3 million) due to:

o    The average copper unit revenue received decreased by 6.5% to US$6 964/t (FY2023: US$7 451/t). The lower average copper revenue per unit was due to an increase in copper sulphide concentrate sales year-              on-year. In the current year, copper sales from sulphide concentrates accounted for 57% of the group's             total copper sales (FY2023: 24%).

o    Copper units sold decreased by 2.7% to 2 655 tonnes (FY2023: 2 728 tonnes)

o    Copper contributed 9.0% (FY2023: 11.9%) to total revenue.

Chrome revenue increased by 54.8% to US$150.2 million (FY2023: US$97.0 million) driven by:

o    Chrome concentrate tonnes sold increasing by 23.1% to 1 569 817 tonnes in FY2024 (FY2023: 1 275 558    tonnes)

o    Chrome revenue supported by a favourable average chrome concentrate price per tonne received        increasing by 4.8% to US$305/t (FY2023: US$291/t).

o    Chrome contributed 73.1% (FY2023: 56.8%) to Group revenue.

PGM revenue decreased by 31.4% to US$36.7million (FY2023: US$53.5 million) as a result of:

o    Impacted significantly by challenging PGM pricing environment resulting in a 21.2% decrease in the        average US$ PGM basket price to US$1 349/oz (FY2023: US$1 713/oz).

o    PGM ounce production for FY2024 decreased by 14.2% to 36 411oz (FY2023: 42 433oz) offset by the        significant increase in chrome production given the prioritisation to improved economic merits of            our chrome material.

o    PGMs contributed 17.9% (FY2023: 31.3%) to Group revenue.


Cost of production         

Cost of production increased by 27.3% to US$169.4 million (FY2023: US$133.1 million). The increase in the Group's production costs was primarily driven by the sourcing of additional chrome-bearing ore to process, which enhanced the Group's chrome revenue and production profile.

Cost of production for the chrome and PGM operations in South Africa contributed 93.27% of the Group's cost of production amounting to US$158.0 million (FY2023: US$118.7 million (89.2%)).

The main categories of cost of production for chrome and PGM operations include:

Electricity costs increased by 46.7% in South Africa to US$4.4 million (FY2023: US$3.0 million) due to continued tariff increases, higher chrome production and diesel generation costs to counter the power challenges in South Africa.

Salaries and wages increased by 56.4% to US$12.2 million (FY2023: US$7.8 million) contributing 7.2% of the Group's total cost of production (FY2023: 5.9%). The increase is mainly driven by new chrome projects that came online during the period under review.

Mining and processing costs increased by 31.0% to US$141.4 million (FY2023: USS$107.9 million), mainly driven by a 31% increase in ROM and tailings costs as the chrome operations expanded into own-sourced material during the period under review. ROM and tailings costs contributed 53.15% of the Group's total cost of production (FY2023: 51.64%).

Cost of production for the Zambian operations decreased by 20.8% to US$11.4 million (FY2023: US$14.4 million) due to the sourcing and processing of high-grade copper bearing concentrates at Sable and Roan providing improved copper margins. The Zambian operations contributed 6.73% of the Group's cost of production (FY2023: 10.8%).



EBITDA decreased to US$27.7 million (FY2023: US$29.8 million) driven mainly by decreased earnings from the Group's PGM operations. The table below sets out the contribution of each operating unit to the Group's EBITDA:








Figures in US$






Profit before taxation

4 181 253

14 229 269

(6 126 729)

(3 641 433)

 8 642 360

Depreciation, amortisation and impairments

1 438 159

 1 629 900

 8 700 230

 524 807

12 293 096

Investment revenue


 (125 426)

 (763 415)

(1 161 635)

(2 050 476)

Finance costs

1 486 893

 2 112 865

 4 909 232

 324 095

 8 833 085


7 106 305

17 846 608

 6 719 318

(3 954 166)

27 718 065







Profit before taxation

(1 095 073)

5 566 282

12 799 618

(2 482 349)

14 788 478

Depreciation, amortisation and impairments

2 087 686

316 535

7 903 179

471 510

10 778 910

Investment revenue


(134 829)

(780 368)

(1 029 264)

(1 944 461)

Finance costs

1 057 100

1 211 564

3 950 282


6 218 946


2 049 713

6 959 552

23 872 711

(3 040 103)

29 841 873


Operating expenses

The Group's operating expenses increased by 26.7% to US$24.2 million (FY2023: US$19.1 million). The previous period included a previously recognised upward fair value adjustment on chrome bearing tailings in the amount of US$4.2 million.

Finance cost

Finance cost increased by 41.9% to US$8.8 million (FY2023: US$6.2 million). The increase is mainly due to increased banking facilities of US$5.4 million to fund working capital requirements to support increased chrome and copper production for the period under review as well as an increase in borrowings to fund the Group's expansion in Zambia.

Fair value adjustments - Business Combination

In 2018, Jubilee acquired 100% of Enviro Mining Limited from Kendrick Resources, thereby securing full ownership and control over Kabwe Operations Limited during June 2020. The acquisition resulted in the recognition of a fair valuation liability of US$3.5 million, contingent on the earnings payable from the Kabwe Project. Subsequent to the acquisition, the fair value liability was reassessed following recent project assessments, leading to a downward adjustment of US$3.5 million in the liability's fair value.

Capital expenditure

During the period, the Group invested cash of US$39.9 million (FY2023: US$65.9 million) in capital and intangible expenditure and other assets to expand its South African chrome operations and to continue with the upgrade and expansion of its copper processing facilities in Zambia.




Chrome and PGM



Figures in US$





Capital Expenditure

15 290 810

13 769 914


29 060 724

Intangible Expenditure

1 782 606

7 896 466

122 200

9 801 272

Business combination

250 000



250 000

Other assets

151 398

612 304


763 702


17 474 814

22 278 684

122 200

39 875 698



Chrome and PGM



Capital Expenditure

34 842 692

18 065 089


52 907 781

Intangible Expenditure

2 393 022

8 433 030

298 589

11 124 641

Other assets

372 091

1 495 895


1 867 986


37 607 805

27 994 014

298 589

65 900 408


Key investments during the year were the acquisition of the Munkoyo open-pit mining project for US$1.75 million through cash of US$250 000 and the issuance of 15.1 million shares through an asset-for-share transaction and the Company's investment in the large Waste Rock Project.

An amount of US$2.5 million advanced to secure the rights to the large Waste Rock Project. Under the large Waste Rock Project acquisition agreement - Jubilee has until 6 November 2024 to complete its due diligence and elect to either acquire the asset or the company holding the rights to the large Waste Rock Project material. Post the period end, Jubilee has requested an extension of the due diligence period to January 2025 to ensure sufficient time for the technical and commercial terms to analyse the results of the industrial trial. The advance was made as part of the overall acquisition price of US$30 million, payable quarterly over 18 months, contingent on the successful completion of a due diligence by Jubilee. According to the terms of the agreement, Jubilee will forfeit the payments made to date, should it conclude not to proceed with the large Waste Rock Project. An amount of US$4.95 million has been advanced up to the date of this release.


Cash and debt facilities

At the year end, the Group's cash and cash equivalents stood at US$19.3 million (FY2023: US$15.9 million). Net cash generated from operating activities totalled US$17.6 million (FY2023: US$49.9 million), impacted predominately by a lower change in working capital period-on-period of US$17.3 million. During the period under review the Company increased the usage of its revolving credit facilities with ABSA Bank Limited in the amount of US$23.3 million (FY2023: US$17.9 million), and refinanced these facilities post the period in July 2024. These facilities are for a twelve-month period with the option to extend for a further twelve month period from refinancing.  


Earnings per share and equity

The Group's earnings per share decreased by 63.8% to 0.21 US$ cents or 0.17 pence (FY2023: 0.58 US$ cents or 0.48 pence), partly due to the issue of 236.4 million new Jubilee ordinary shares (Shares) in January 2024 to raise funding for the Group's Zambian operations. A further 16.1 million Shares were issued pursuant to warrant and option exercises and 15.1 million Shares were issued in relation to the acquisition of an open-pit mining operation Munkoyo, in Zambia.  


Earnings attributable to owners of the parent decreased by 61.9% to US$6.0 million (FY2023: US$15.5 million). The Group's equity remained static at US$259.0 million (FY2023: US$259.2 million), predominately due to the profit after taxation off-set by a 79.9% increase in foreign exchange currency translation losses incurred on translation of the Group's foreign operations in the amount of US$26.5 million (FY2023: US$14.8 million). This is due to the weakening ZAR and ZMW functional currencies against the US$ reporting currency in the period under review.


Directorship changes


Dr Evan Kirby resigned from the Jubilee board effective 31 March 2024.


AIM listing


The financial information for the year ended 30 June 2024 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in sections 435(1) and 435(2) of the UK Companies Act 2006 (Companies Act 2006) but has been derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2023 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2024 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. Crowe UK LLP, the external auditor registered in the UK, has reported on these accounts for the year ended 30 June 2024. 


Audit Opinion


The audit report for 30 June 2024 was unqualified, did not include a reference to any matters to which auditors draw attention by way of emphasis of matter, and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. These statutory accounts have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and IFRS Interpretations Committee interpretations adopted for use by the European Union, with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.


Integrated Annual Report


The Integrated Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2024, and the Notice of Annual General Meeting are expected to be published on or about 14 October 2024. Physical copies of the Annual Report will be posted to shareholders who have elected to receive them.


3 October 2024

For further information visit, follow Jubilee on Twitter (@Jubilee_Metals) or contact:

Jubilee Metals Group PLC 

Leon Coetzer (CEO)

Tel: +27 (0) 11 465 1913 


Nominated Adviser - SPARK Advisory Partners Limited 

Andrew Emmott/James Keeshan 

Tel: +44 (0) 20 3368 3555 


PR & IR Adviser - Tavistock 

Jos Simson/ Gareth Tredway

Tel: +44 (0) 207 920 3150 


Joint Broker - RBC Capital Markets

Farid Dadashev/Jamil Miah

Tel +44 (0) 20 7653 4000


Joint Broker - Zeus Capital

Harry Ansell/Katy Mitchell  

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7220 1670/+44 (0) 113 394 6618 


JSE Sponsor - Questco Corporate Advisory Proprietary Limited 

Alison McLaren

Tel: +27 (0)11 011 9207




Group statements of financial position

at 30 June 2024


Figures in United States Dollars (US$)









Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment

 114 520 955

 112 303 429

 84 869 888

Intangible assets

 106 652 664

 101 196 677

 95 379 452

Other financial assets

 19 102 411

 17 901 240

 17 089 148


 17 015 084

 17 100 213

 5 277 967

Deferred tax

 6 013 455

 7 508 375

 15 190 450

 263 304 569

 256 009 934

 217 806 905

Current assets


Other financial assets


 428 056

 852 402

Derivative financial instruments

 552 109




 32 329 465

 45 156 976

 33 687 817

Tax assets

 1 133 583

 880 511

 1 203 339

Trade and other receivables

64 305 137

 37 579 992

 67 217 814

Contract assets

 33 013 201

 24 068 359

 22 926 344

Cash and cash equivalents

 19 322 996

 15 948 656

 19 455 073

150 656 491

 124 062 550

 145 342 789

Total assets

413 961 060

 380 072 484

 363 149 694

Equity and liabilities


Equity attributable to equity holders of parent


Share capital and share premium


 264 953 093

 246 783 193

 239 968 379


(50 850 393)

 (26 058 429)

(11 165 912)

Retained income

40 365 168

 34 410 270

 18 860 329

 254 467 868

 255 135 034

 247 662 796

Non-controlling interest

4 495 849

 4 045 695

 4 506 394

 258 963 717

 259 180 729

 252 169 190



Non-current liabilities


Other financial liabilities


 3 549 568

 3 404 995

Lease liabilities

 2 520 268

 30 570

 436 842

Deferred tax liability

 18 208 504

 17 538 777

 22 131 024


 932 978

 1 187 158

 1 128 828

 21 661 750

 22 306 073

 27 101 689

Current liabilities


Other financial liabilities

 4 751 055


 1 257

Trade and other payables

 74 791 056

 75 512 719

 70 373 166

Contract liabilities

25 761 787



Banking facilities


 23 311 917

 17 942 738

 10 288 741

Current tax liabilities

 4 057 888

 5 130 225

 3 215 651

Lease liabilities

 661 890



 133 335 593

 98 585 682

 83 878 815

Total liabilities

 154 997 343

 120 891 755

 110 980 504

Total equity and liabilities

 413 961 060

 380 072 484

 363 149 694


During the period under review, the Group changed its reporting currency to United States Dollars (US$). The comparative financial information has been restated accordingly to reflect this change from GBP to US$. For further details, please refer to note 2.


Group statements of comprehensive income

or the year ended 30 June 2024


Figures in United States Dollars (US$)








 205 404 178

 170 900 977

Cost of sales

 (169 425 111)

 (133 101 963)

Gross profit

 35 979 067

 37 799 014

Operating expenses

 (24 193 702)

 (19 113 234)

Operating profit

 11 785 365

 18 685 780

Investment revenue

 2 050 476

 1 944 461

Fair value adjustments


3 639 604

377 184

Finance costs

 (8 833 085)

 (6 218 947)

Profit before taxation

8 642 360

 14 788 478


 (2 254 456)

 828 575

Profit for the year

 6 387 904

 15 617 053

Earnings for the year attributable to:


Owners of the parent

 5 954 898

 15 549 940

Non-controlling interest

 433 006

 67 113

6 387 904

 15 617 053

Earnings per share (US$ cents)




Diluted earnings per share (US$ cents)




Basic earnings per share (pence)



Diluted basic earnings per share (pence)



Reconciliation of other comprehensive income


Profit for the year

6 387 904

 15 617 053

Other comprehensive income:


Exchange differences on translation foreign operations

 (26 485 489)

 (14 719 254)

Total comprehensive (loss)/profit

 (20 097 585)

897 799

Total comprehensive (loss)/profit attributable to:

Owners of the parent

 (20 457 177)

 1 358 498

Non-controlling interest

 359 592

 (460 699)

  (20 097 585)

 897 799

Group statements of changes in equity


for the year ended 30 June 2024





Figures in United States Dollars (US$)




Share capital and share premium




Foreign currency Translation







Merger reserve




Share- based payment reserve






Total reserves










Total attributable to equity holders of the Company





Non- controlling interest







Total equity

Balance at 30 June 2022 (Restated)

 239 968 379

 (53 791 329)

 36 826 515

 5 798 902

 (11 165 912)

 18 860 329

 247 662 796

 4 506 394

 252 169 190

Changes in equity

Profit for the year






  15 549 941 

15 549 941


15 549 941

Other comprehensive income


 (14 191 441)



 (14 191 441)


 (14 191 441)

 (460 699)

 (14 652 140)

Total comprehensive income for the year


 (14 191 441)



 (14 191 441)

 15 549 941

 1 358 500

 (460 699)

 897 801

Issue of share capital net of costs

 5 534 614






 5 534 614


 5 534 614

Share warrants exercised

 1 176 405



 (1 176 405)

 (1 176 405)





Share options exercised/lapsed

 103 795



 (103 795)

 (103 795)





Share options issued




 579 124

 579 124


 579 124


 579 124

Total changes

 6 814 814

 (14 191 441)


 (701 076)

 (14 892 517)

 15 549 941

 7 472 238

 (460 699)

 7 011 539

Balance at 30 June 2023 (Restated)

 246 783 193

 (67 982 770)

 36 826 515

 5 097 826

 (26 058 429)

 34 410 270

 255 135 034

 4 045 695

 259 180 729

Changes in equity










Profit for the year






 5 954 898

 5 954 898

433 006 

6 387 904

Other comprehensive income


 (26 412 074)



 (26 412 074)


 (26 412 074)

(73 414)

(26 485 488)

Total comprehensive income for the year


 (26 412 074)



 (26 412 074)

 5 954 898

 (20 457 176)

 359 592

 (20 097 584)

Issue of share capital net of costs

 17 703 892






 17 703 892


 17 703 892

Share warrants exercised

63 585



 (63 585)

 (63 585)





Share warrants issued




 465 041

 465 041


 465 041


 465 041

Share options exercised

   402 423



 (402 423)

 (402 423)





Share options issued




 1 621 077

 1 621 077


 1 621 077


 1 621 077

Business Combination








 90 562

 90 562

Total changes

18 169 900

 (26 412 074)


 1 620 110

   (24 791 964)

  5 954 898

 (667 166)

 450 154

 (217 012)

Balance at 30 June 2024

264 953 093

 (94 394 844)

 36 826 515

 6 717 936

(50 850 393)

 40 365 168

 254 467 868

 4 495 849

 258 963 717

•   The foreign currency translation reserve includes all differences arising from the translation of financial statements of foreign operations. These differences result from using the closing exchange rate at the end of the financial year for the statement of financial position and the average exchange rate during the financial year for statement of comprehensive income.

•   The share-based payment reserve is the value of equity-settled share-based payment transactions. This reserve accounts for the share retention incentives granted, recognised over the vesting period of the related share-based payment awards. The value within this reserve represents the cumulative expense recognised in the financial statements for share-based payments that are settled through equity issuance.

•   Non-controlling interest is the difference between the carrying amount of non-controlling interests and the consideration paid or received for transactions involving non-controlling interests, provided these transactions do not result in a loss of control over the subsidiary.

Group statements of cash flows

for the year ended 30 June 2024


Figures in United States Dollars (US$)







Cash flows from operating activities

Cash generated from operations


27 456 942

 56 325 816

Interest income

 2 050 476

 1 944 461

Finance costs

 (8 833 085)

 (6 218 947)

Taxation paid

 (3 040 154)

 (2 177 416)

Net cash from operating activities

17 634 179

 49 873 914

Cash flows from investing activities


Purchase of property, plant and equipment

  (29 060 724)

 (52 941 790)

Sale of property, plant and equipment


 34 009

Purchase of intangible assets

  (9 801 272)

 (11 124 641)

Purchase of non-current inventory


 (1 909 763)

Increase in other financial assets

(763 702)

 41 777

Business Combination


 (250 000)


Net cash from investing activities

(39 875 698)

 (65 900 408)

Cash flows from financing activities


Net proceeds on share issues

 16 213 497

 5 534 614

Proceeds from revolving credit facilities

 5 369 179

 7 653 997

Increase/(decrease) in other financial liabilities

 4 751 055

 (1 257)

Lease payments


 (490 541)

 (406 272)

Net cash from financing activities

 25 843 190

 12 781 082

Total cash movement for the year

 3 601 671

 (3 245 412)

Total cash at the beginning of the year

 15 948 657

 19 455 073

Effect of exchange rate movement on cash balances

(227 332)

 (261 005)

Total cash at end of the year

 19 322 996

 15 948 656


Notes to the Group annual financial statements

for the year ended 30 June 2024


1.    Statement of accounting policies


Jubilee Metals Group PLC is a public company listed on AIM of the LSE and Altx of the JSE, incorporated and existing under the laws of England and Wales, having its registered office at 1st Floor, 7/8 Kendrick Mews, London, SW7 3HG, United Kingdom.

The Group and Company results for the year ended 30 June 2024 have been prepared using the accounting policies applied by the Company in its 30 June 2023 annual report, which are in accordance with UK-adopted international accounting standards, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and IFRC interpretations, in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. The financial statements are presented in United States Dollars.


2.    Change in presentation currency


The Group has changed its presentation currency for financial results from GBP to US$. The rationale for the change is to present the Group's results in US$ to align with industry norm and to assist with comparability of financial information. The majority of the Group's revenues are also recognised in US$. This change in presentation currency constitutes a voluntary change in accounting policy under IAS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. Consequently, the change requires the restatement of comparative figures.


Management believes that reporting in US$ provides a more relevant representation of the Group's financial position, funding and treasury functions, financial performance and cash flows. The functional currencies, which are the South African Rand (ZAR) and Zambian Kwacha (ZMK), remain unchanged as they represent the primary economic environments in which the Group operates. Foreign exchange exposures, therefore, remain unaffected by the change. However, the foreign currency translation reserve will now be presented in US$ due to the difference between the functional currencies and the Group's presentation currency.


3.    Earnings per share


Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year. The following table reflects the income and share data used in the basic earnings per share computation:


Figures in United States Dollars (US$)




Earnings attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent (US$)

5 954 898

 15 549 940

Weighted average number of shares for basic earnings per share

 2 856 010 000

 2 687 683 403

Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares


- Share options and warrants

71 057 956

 45 560 690

Diluted weighted average number of shares for diluted earnings per share

 2 927 067 956

 2 733 244 093

Basic earnings per share (US$ cents)



Diluted basic earnings per share (US$ cents)



Basic earnings per share (pence)



Diluted basic earnings per share (pence)



There have been no other transactions involving ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares between the reporting date and the date of these financial statements. There were no share transactions post year end to the date of this report that could have impacted earnings per share had it occurred before year end.


4.      Dividend per share


No dividends were declared during the current reporting period to shareholders (FY2023: Nil).


5.      Fair value adjustments


The Group had the following fair value adjustments during the period under review:


Figures in United States Dollars (US$)









Fair value adjustments - Business combinations (Note 11)

3 549 568


Fair value adjustments - Other financial assets non-current

90 036

377 184


3 639 604

377 184


In 2018, Jubilee acquired 100% of Enviro Mining Limited from Kendrick Resources, thereby securing full ownership and control over Kabwe Operations Limited during June 2020. The acquisition resulted in the recognition of a fair valuation liability of US$3 549 568, contingent on the earnings payable from the Kabwe Project. Subsequent to the acquisition, the fair value of this liability was reassessed following recent project assessments, leading to a downward fair value adjustment of US$3 549 568 (FY2023: US$ Nil) in the liability's fair value.


6.    Share capital


Figures in United States Dollars (US$)







The share capital of the Company is divided into an unlimited number of ordinary shares of £0.01 each.

Issued share capital fully paid

Ordinary share capital (US$)

 42 272 464

 38 830 652

Share premium (US$)

  222 680 629

 207 952 541

Total issued capital (US$)

  264 953 093

 246 783 193


The Company issued the following ordinary shares during the period:



Date issued

Number of


Issue price




Opening balance at 1 July 2023

2 738 129 981


236 363 636




 5 000 000




 4 000 000




 2 000 000




 2 000 000




3 068 740




15 096 798



3 005 659 155

On 5 January 2024 the Company raised US$16.5 million to fund its copper strategy in Zambia. The Company did not issue any new shares following the reporting period under review. During the year new share transaction costs accounted for as a deduction from the share premium account amounted to US$0.94 million (FY2023: US$ Nil). The company recognised a share-based payment expense in the share premium account in an amount of US$0.28 million (FY2023: US$1.28 million) in accordance with section 610 (2) of the United Kingdom Companies Act 2006. The charge relates to share-based payments accounted for as a deduction from the share premium account.


7.    Warrants


At year-end and at the last practicable date the Company had the following warrants outstanding:


Issue Date

Warrant holder


Number of warrants

Issue price (pence)

Expiry date

Share price at issue date (pence)


Pershing Nominees

Placing fees

           4 750 010





Pershing Nominees

Placing fees

               750 000





Pershing Nominees  

Placing fees

           4 036 431





Tennant Metals Group       

Metal trade funding fees

         22 279 492




         31 815 933




Reconciliation of the number of warrants in issue




Opening balance

 12 605 181

 86 267 125

Issued during the year

 22 279 492


Expired/exercised during the year

(3 068 740)

(73 661 944)

Closing balance

31 815 933

 12 605 181

The weighted average life remaining of share warrants at the year-end was 1.17 years (FY2023: 1.12) and the weighted average exercise price 5.97 (FY2023: 9.45) pence. Expected volatility was determined by calculating the historical volatility of the Group's share price over the last year. There are no performance conditions associated with the warrants issued. Warrants have different lives and for the purposes of valuing the warrants an expected warrant life of three years has been applied.


8.    Share-based payments


Reconciliation of the number of options in issue




Opening balance

 69 650 000

 129 900 000

Exercised during the year

 (13 000 000)

 (10 750 000)

Issued during the year

 61 030 000


Expired/cancelled during the year


 (49 500 000)

Closing balance

 117 680 000

 69 650 000


Reconciliation of the share-based payment reserve:


Figures in United States Dollars (US$)






Opening balance

 5 097 826

 5 798 902

New options granted

 1 621 077

 579 124

Options lapsed/exercised

 (402 423)

 (103 795)

Share warrants issued

465 041


Share warrants exercised/lapsed

 (63 585)

 (1 176 405)

Closing balance

 6 717 936

5 097 826


9.    Cash generated from operations


Figures in United States Dollars (US$








Profit before taxation

 8 642 360

 14 788 477

Adjustments for:


Depreciation and amortisation

 12 293 096

 10 778 910

Loss on sale of fixed assets

 1 839

 (4 510)

Interest received

 (2 050 476)

 (1 944 461)

Finance costs

 8 833 085

 6 218 946

Fair value adjustments

 (3 639 604)

 (377 184)

Effect of exchange differences on translation

(970 153)

 5 853 590

Share-based payments

 2 083 646

 579 124

Other movements

(790 481)

 58 331

Changes in working capital:



 12 912 646

 (13 260 772)

Trade and other receivables

 (34 899 139)

 28 495 810

Trade and other payables

25 040 123

 5 139 555

27 456 942

 56 325 816


Net debt reconciliation

Figures in United States Dollars (US$)









Net debt comprises the following:


Revolving and general banking facilities

 (23 311 917)

(17 942 739)


Cash and cash equivalents

19 322 995

15 948 656



 (4 751 055)



Lease liabilities

 (3 182 158)

 (30 570)


Net Debt

 (11 922 135)

 (2 024 653)


Debt interest rate profile



Debt at fixed interest rates

 (4 751 055)



Debt at variable interest rates

(26 494 075)

(17 973 309)


 (31 245 130)

(17 973 309)







Liabilities from financing activities







Banking facilities



Debt as at 01 July 2022 (Restated)


 (492 557)

 (492 557)

(10 725 592)

(11 218 149)


Cash flows

- New funding




 (3 824 185)

(3 824 185)


- Repayment (Capital)


 390 717

 390 717


 390 717


- Repayment (Interest)


 37 828

 37 828

 931 327

 969 155


Realised foreign exchange differences  


 10 655

 10 655

 (3 181 783)

 (3 171 128)


Other movements


 22 787

 22 787

 (1 142 506)

 (1 119 719)


Debt as at 30 June 2023 (Restated)


 (30 570)

 (30 570)

(17 973 309)


Cash flows




- New funding

 (4 728 121)


 (4 728 121)

 (5 066 107)

(9 794 228)


- Repayment (Capital)


 634 175

 634 175


 634 175


- Repayment (Interest)

 77 615

 391 759

 469 374

 1 960 616

 2 429 990


New leases


 (3 642 129)

 (3 642 129)


 (3 642 129)


Realised foreign exchange differences

 (100 549)

 (133 048)

 (233 597)

 (1 797 925)

(2 031 522)


Other movements


 (402 345)

 (402 345)

 (465 762)

 (868 107)


Debt as at 30 June 2024

 (4 751 055)

 (3 182 158)

 (7 933 213)

 (23 311 917)

(31 245 130)



10.         Banking Facilities


Figures in United States Dollars (US$)                                                                                    FY2024                  FY2023


Revolving credit facilities - ABSA Bank Limited

21 650 754

17 942 738

Jubilee has a revolving credit facility (RCF) with ABSA Bank (South Africa) Limited in the amount of US$16.5million.

The RCF is secured as follows:

·                   PLC corporate guarantee security cession and pledge over the issued capital and assets of certain South African Jubilee subsidiaries.

·                   Parent Shareholder Pledge and Cession from Jubilee including all shareholder loan claims and related rights.

·                   General Notarial Bond registered over relevant assets of Windsor SA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Jubilee.


The RCF is available for a period of 12 months and can be extended for a further 12 months by mutual agreement. The RCF bears interest rate at the aggregate of JIBAR plus a margin of 2.8%. At the period end the RCF was fully drawn.  Interest in an amount of US$1.7 million (FY2023: US$1.2 million) was charged to profit or loss for the period under review.


At the period end, Jubilee had a revolving credit facility with ABSA Bank (Mauritius) Limited in the amount of US$5 million. The RCF is secured by a parent corporate guarantee, no pledge and subordination from Jubilee including all shareholder loan claims and related rights. The RCF is available for a period of 12 months and can be extended for a further 12 months by mutual agreement. The RCF bears interest at the daily compounded JIBAR plus a margin of 2.3%. The facility is used to fund working capital requirements for Jubilee's Zambian copper operations.  At the period end Jubilee has drawn down US$5 million. Interest in an amount of US$ 0.39 million (FY2023: US$ 0.24 million) was charged to profit or loss for the period under review. Post the period end the RCF was increased to US$7.5 million on the same terms and conditions for a further 12 months from 9 July 2024.


General Banking Facility - First Rand Bank Limited

1 661 163



On 6 June 2024, Jubilee through its wholly owned subsidiary Jubilee Treasury Management Services, entered into a general banking facility agreement (GBF) with First Rand Bank Limited. The agreement includes:

·               A demand overdraft facility of US$11 million with a 12-month tenure from the available date of 6 June 2024 and subject to terms and conditions normal for this type of facility;

·               A US$3.3 million commodity hedging facility subject to terms and conditions normal for this type of facility;

·               A US$5.0 million facility for forward exchange contracts subject to terms and conditions normal for this type of facility. 


The GBF is used to provide general banking treasury services to the Group companies to simplify banking relationships and to consolidate facilities. Interest of US$8 902 (FY2023: US$ Nil) on the demand overdraft facility was recognised in profit or loss for the period under review. The total GBF is subject to a guarantee in favour of First Rand Bank Limited by Jubilee. Interest is payable at First Rand Bank Limited's prime overdraft rate minus 45 basis points.


Total Banking Facilities

 23 311 917

 17 942 738

Financial covenants

The financial covenants listed below are in place for the following facilities:

·                    The net debt-to-equity ratio must be less than 1.8:1 - ABSA facilities (revised to 2.25:1 post the period under review)

·                    The net debt-to-equity ratio must be less than 3:1 - RMB facilities

·                    The interest cover ratio must be greater than 4 times - ABSA facilities.

The financial covenants for the reporting period were met.


11.        Business Combination


On 1 November 2023, Jubilee, through its subsidiary Sable Zinc Kabwe, entered into an agreement to acquire 95% of the issued share capital of Munkoyo Mining Limited (Munkoyo) for a total consideration of US$1.75 million. The acquisition concluded on 28 June 2024 and is classified as a business combination under IFRS 3 Business Combinations and is expected to enhance the supply of copper ore to the Sable Refinery, thereby securing feedstock for processing operations.


The total consideration for the acquisition was structured as follows:

·              US$250 000 paid on 1 November 2023.

·              On 28 June 2024, Jubilee exercised its option to finalise the acquisition by issuing 15 096 798 new Jubilee shares valued at US$1.5 million. The shares were issued at 7.81 pence per share, calculated based on the 30-day volume-weighted average price preceding the issuance date. Of the 15 096 798 shares issued, 1 509 680 shares (representing 10% of the total) are subject to a 24-month lock-in period from the date of issuance.


No goodwill has been recognised as part of this transaction, as the consideration paid was equal to the provisional fair value of the net assets acquired. The non-controlling interest (NCI) in Munkoyo has been measured at the proportionate share of the net identifiable assets at the acquisition date, amounting to US$90 562.

The transaction has been accounted for as a business combination in accordance with IFRS 3. The identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities assumed have been recognised at their provisional fair values as of the acquisition date. The fair value adjustments primarily relate to the recognition of intangible assets associated with the mining rights and the corresponding deferred tax liabilities. No significant subsequent events related to the business combination have been identified between the acquisition date and the reporting date. Management is actively working to conclude the accounting for the business combination and expects to complete the purchase price allocation within 6 months from the acquisition date, in accordance with IFRS 3 requirements.

The following table summarises the recognised amounts of assets acquired at the date of acquisition:



Figures in United States Dollars (US$)                                                                                   FY2024              FY2023

Assets acquired


Intangible asset

2 629 374


Deferred tax

  (788 812)


Carrying value of the assets acquired

1 840 562


Non-controlling interest

      (90 562)


Fair value of assets acquired

   1 750 000


Fair value of the consideration

-     Cash payments


(250 000)



-     Through the issue of the Acquisition Shares

(1 500 000)





12.        Business segments


Segment information is presented as follows:

·       Copper and cobalt - the processing of Copper and Cobalt containing materials;

·       PGM and chrome - the processing of PGM and chrome containing materials; and

·       Other - Exploration and corporate overheads

The Group's operations span over five countries, South Africa, Australia, Mauritius, Zambia and the United Kingdom. There is no difference between the accounting policies applied in the segment reporting and those applied in the Group financial statements. Madagascar does not meet the qualitative threshold under IFRS 8, consequently no separate reporting is provided.





Figures in United States Dollars (US$)

Copper and


PGM and chrome






Total Assets

 122 695 645

 216 922 207

 74 343 208

 413 961 060

Total Liabilities

 33 975 735

 106 043 041

 14 978 567

 154 997 343


 18 487 721

 186 916 457


 205 404 178

Gross Profit

 7 089 254

 28 889 813


 35 979 067

Depreciation and Amortisation

 (1 438 159)

 (10 330 130)

 (524 807)

 (12 293 096)

Operating Expenses

 (3 532 516)

 (4 323 888)

 (4 044 202)

 (11 900 606)

Operating Profit

 2 118 579

 14 235 795

 (4 569 009)

 11 785 365

Investment revenue


 888 842

 1 161 634

 2 050 476

Fair value adjustments

3 549 567


90 037

 3 639 604

Net Finance costs

 (1 486 893)

 (7 022 097)

 (324 095)

 (8 833 085)

Profit before taxation

 4 181 253

 8 102 540

 (3 641 433)

 8 642 360


 887 030

 (2 998 716)

 (142 770)

 (2 254 456)

Profit after Taxation

5 068 283

 5 103 824

(3 784 203)

 6 387 904


7 106 305

24 565 926

(3 954 166)

27 718 065

Capital expenditure

15 290 810

13 769 914


29 060 724

Intangible expenditure

1 782 606

7 896 466

122 200

9 801 272


FY2023 (Restated)



Figures in United States Dollars (US$)

Copper and


PGM and






Total Assets

127 449 866

177 832 411

74 790 209

380 072 486

Total Liabilities

42 097 686

70 809 745

7 984 325

120 891 756


20 322 090

150 578 887


170 900 977

Gross Profit

5 893 516

31 905 498


37 799 014

Depreciation and Amortisation

(2 087 686)

(8 219 714)

(471 510)

(10 778 910)

Operating Expenses

(3 868 537)

(1 048 517)

(3 417 270)

(8 334 324)

Operating Profit

(62 707)

22 637 267

(3 888 780)

18 685 780

Investment revenue


915 197

1 029 264

1 944 461

Fair value adjustments



377 184

377 184

Net Finance costs

(1 057 100)

(5 161 847)


(6 218 947)

Profit before taxation

(1 119 807)

18 390 617


14 788 478


1 365 125

(379 112)

(157 438)

828 575

Profit after taxation

245 318

18 011 505

(2 639 770)

15 617 053


2 049 713

30 832 263

(3 040 103)

29 841 873

Capital expenditure

34 876 701

18 065 089


52 941 790

Intangible expenditure

2 398 022

8 433 030

298 589

11 124 641


13.  Commitments


The Group had no material contingent liabilities in the current or prior reporting period. The Group had contracted outstanding open orders at period end of US$8.1 million. Outstanding orders in the current reporting period related primarily to the Roan front-end module construction.


The Group had the following parent guarantees in place at the period end:


·          US$37.0 million in favour of Tennant Metals Corporation for metal trade financing facilities;

·          US$22.5 million in favour of ABSA Bank Limited for revolving credit facilities (Note 10); and

·          US$11.0 million in favour of First Rand Bank Limited for general banking facilities (Note 10).


Operating lease commitments, which fall due within the next financial year, amounted to US$3.2 million (FY2023: US$0.03 million).


14.  Going concern


 The Group closely monitors and manages its liquidity risk though cash flow forecasts and assessing sensitivities run for different scenarios including, but not limited to, changes in commodity and metal prices and different production profiles from the Group's business units. The Group had US$9.1 million (FY2023: US$2.5 million) of available debt facilities and US$19.3 million (FY2023: US$15.9 million) of cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2024. Refer to note 10 for details of the Group's banking facilities. The Group meets its day‐to‐day working capital requirements through cash generated from operations and trade finance facilities.


The Group has considered the going concern forecast through to 31 December 2026, using a reasonable downside forecast assumptions on commodity and metal prices of Copper US$8 370, chrome 40%-42% of US$284/t and a PGM net basket price of US$924/oz.


The Group's forecast highlights that it will have sufficient liquidity headroom to meet its obligations, under both scenarios, in the ordinary course of business and will comply with financial covenants for the 12 months from the date of approval of the financial statements; in the reasonable downside case, this includes mitigating actions which are within management's control.


The board has a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, the Group continues to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparation of the 30 June 2024 financial statements.


15.  Events after the reporting period



15.1  Revolving Credit Facility - ABSA Bank Limited - South Africa


Post the period under review, during August 2024, the Company renewed its revolving credit facility in an amount of US$16 million with ABSA Bank Limited - South Africa.

The RCF is secured as follows:

•             PLC corporate guarantee security cession and pledge over the issued capital and assets of certain South African Jubilee subsidiaries.

•             Parent Shareholder Pledge and Cession from Jubilee including all shareholder loan claims and related rights.

•             General Notarial Bond registered over relevant assets of Winsor SA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Jubilee.


The RCF is available for a period of 12 months and can be extended for a further 12 months by mutual agreement. The RCF bears interest rate at the aggregate of JIBAR plus a margin of 2.8%. At the period end the RCF was fully drawn. Interest in an amount of US$1.7 million (FY2023: US$1.2 million) was charged to profit or loss for the period under review.



15.2 Revolving Credit Facility - ABSA Bank Limited - Mauritius


Jubilee, through its wholly owned subsidiary Braemore Holdings Mauritius (Pty) Ltd, secured a revolving credit facility with ABSA BANK (MAURITIUS) LIMITED in the amount of US$5 million. The RCF is secured by a parent corporate guarantee, no pledge and subordination from Jubilee including all shareholder loan claims and related rights. The RCF is available for a period of 12 months and can be extended for a further 12 months by mutual agreement. The RCF bears interest at the daily compounded JIBAR plus a margin of 2.3%. The facility is used to fund working capital requirements for Jubilee's Zambian copper operations. At the period end Jubilee has drawn down US$5.0 million. Interest in an amount of US$0.39 million (FY2023: US$ 0.24 million) was charged to profit or loss for the period under review. Post year-end the RCF was increased to US$7.5 million on the same terms and conditions for a further 12 months from 9 July 2024.


Annexure A


Headline Earnings


Headline earnings per share (HEPS) is calculated using the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period under review and is based on earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders, after excluding those items as required by Circular 1/2023 issued by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA). In compliance with paragraph 18.19 (c) of the JSE Listings Requirements the table below represents the Group's Headline earnings, and a reconciliation between the Group's reported earnings and headline earnings used in the calculation of headline earnings per share:


Reconciliation of headline earnings per share



           FY2023 (Restated)

Figures in United States Dollars (US$)









Earnings for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders


5 954 898


 15 549 940

Fair value adjustments

(3 639 604)

(3 639 604)

 (377 184)

 (377 184)

Headline earnings from continuing operations


2 315 294

 15 172 756

Weighted average number of shares in issue

2 856 010 000

2 687 683 403

Diluted weighted average number of shares in issue

2 927 067 955

2 733 244 093

Headline earnings per share from continuing operations (US$ cents)



Headline earnings per share from continuing operations (ZAR cents)



Diluted headline earnings per share from continuing operations (US$ cents)



Diluted headline earnings per share from continuing operations (ZAR cents)



Average conversion rate used for the period under review ZAR:US$








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