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Duke Capital Limited Market & Company News

07.01.2025 11:31NXR, DUKEUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
30.12.2024 10:32DUKEDuke Capital expects quarterly revenue growth amid market uncertaintyAlliance
30.12.2024 07:00DUKETrading and Operational UpdateRNS
17.12.2024 12:50DUKEInterim Dividend and Dividend DeclarationRNS
16.12.2024 20:12DUKEIN BRIEF: Duke Capital profit and sales plunge, holds dividendAlliance
16.12.2024 07:00DUKEInterim Results for the six months ended 30 Sep 24RNS
04.12.2024 09:40DUKEDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
03.12.2024 11:34DUKEResult of General Meeting and Issue of EquityRNS
26.11.2024 14:21SOI, RDT, PRSRUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
22.11.2024 16:41DUKEDuke Capital exceeds target with GBP23.5 million in equity raiseAlliance
22.11.2024 15:38DUKEResult of Retail Offer and Broker OptionRNS
20.11.2024 10:30DUKEHardman & Co Q&A on Duke Capital (DUKE): Equity raise and third-party capital updateEQS
15.11.2024 10:24DUKEIN BRIEF: Duke Capital exceeds target with GBP17 million equity raiseAlliance
15.11.2024 07:00DUKEResult of PlacingRNS
14.11.2024 17:02DUKERetail Offer to raise up to £3.0 millionRNS
14.11.2024 17:01DUKEIssue of EquityRNS
07.10.2024 13:48DUKEUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
30.09.2024 07:00DUKETrading and Operational UpdateRNS
19.09.2024 07:00DUKEInterim Dividend and Dividend DeclarationRNS
03.09.2024 07:00DUKEFollow-On Investment into United Glass GroupRNS
28.08.2024 21:58PAT, ORCP, CYKTRADING UPDATES: Henry Boot unit completion; Eco seals farmoutAlliance
28.08.2024 07:00DUKESuccessful Sale of Portfolio Company AssetReach
01.08.2024 15:16DUKEDirector/PDMR DealingsRNS
01.08.2024 11:40DUKEResult of Annual General MeetingRNS
25.07.2024 15:12KEN, TIR, SEQIUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
24.07.2024 11:47DUKEQ&A on Duke Capital (DUKE): Record cashflows in FY’24EQS
22.07.2024 07:00DUKEFollow-On Investment into Step Investments LimitedRNS
15.07.2024 07:00DUKEAnnual Report & Notice of Annual General MeetingRNS
12.07.2024 12:42DUKEHardman & Co Research on Duke Capital (DUKE): FY’24 results: record cashflowsEQS
05.07.2024 14:31TPT, SUS, RGLUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
03.07.2024 11:55KDNC, DKE, ARCMEARNINGS: Team in "stable" second half start; Duke Capital profit downAlliance
27.06.2024 07:00DUKEFinal Results for the year ended 31 March 2024RNS
20.06.2024 11:50DUKEInterim Dividend and Dividend DeclarationRNS
03.06.2024 07:00DUKENotice of ResultsRNS
17.05.2024 11:45DUKEHardman & Co Q&A on Duke Capital (DUKE) | Generating investor returns by uniquely meeting customer needsEQS
03.05.2024 16:48W7L, ARB, POLNTRADING UPDATES: Fletcher King sees materially higher full-year salesAlliance
03.05.2024 07:00DUKEFollow-On Investment into Existing Capital PartnerRNS
29.04.2024 14:45DUKEHardman & Co Research Initiation of Coverage on Duke Capital (DUKE): Meeting customer needs, giving investors returnsEQS
05.04.2024 13:52TSTL, LPA, LANDUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
03.04.2024 15:15CTL, HGEN, DUKETRADING UPDATES: Sutton Harbour refutes Plymouth City Council claimsAlliance
03.04.2024 07:00DUKEFollow-On Investment into Existing Capital PartnerRNS
02.04.2024 19:02KBT, EQT, DUKETRADING UPDATES: Roadside shares suspended; Adnams looks for fundsAlliance
02.04.2024 07:00DUKENew Capital Partner - Integrum CareRNS
28.03.2024 14:14BLU, DUKE, HUMTRADING UPDATES: Duke expects revenue rise; SIMEC gets EL deal paymentAlliance
28.03.2024 07:00DUKETrading and Operational UpdateRNS
21.03.2024 07:00DUKEInterim Dividend and Dividend DeclarationRNS
07.03.2024 13:57DUKEDuke Capital exits investment in street light firm FabrikatAlliance
07.03.2024 07:00DUKESuccessful Exit of Investment in FabrikatRNS
06.03.2024 21:27DUKEIN BRIEF: Duke Capital sells investment in Swiss business, FairmedAlliance
06.03.2024 07:00DUKESuccessful Exit of InvestmentRNS
04.03.2024 13:19DNA3, MIRI, TTGTRADING UPDATES: Mirriad Advertising and EnSilica win dealsAlliance
04.03.2024 07:00DUKEIncreased Equity Stake in United Glass GroupRNS
21.02.2024 17:00DUKEIN BRIEF: Duke Capital name change confirmed, to take effect on AIMAlliance
21.02.2024 11:57DUKEName Change EffectiveRNS
20.02.2024 13:18DUKEIN BRIEF: Duke Royalty confirms name change to Duke CapitalAlliance
20.02.2024 12:08DUKEResult of General Meeting & Change of NameRNS
13.02.2024 14:34DUKE, DWHT, CARRUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
05.02.2024 07:00DUKEProposed Change of Name, Website and MessagingRNS
29.12.2023 11:39DUKEIN BRIEF: Duke Royalty expects higher quarterly recurring cash revenueAlliance
29.12.2023 07:00DUKETrading Update and Follow-on InvestmentRNS
19.12.2023 07:00DUKEInterim Dividend and Dividend DeclarationRNS
29.11.2023 07:00DUKEUpdate re. Change of Name of Nominated AdviserRNS
23.11.2023 08:48DUKECORRECT: Duke Royalty half-year total income falls 34%; payout steadyAlliance
22.11.2023 14:15OPTI, ALL, DUKEEARNINGS AND TRADING: Victorian Plumbing profit up; Duke revenue dipsAlliance
22.11.2023 07:00DUKEFinancial Year 2024 Interim ResultsRNS
21.09.2023 07:00DUKEInterim Dividend and Dividend DeclarationRNS
13.09.2023 14:39DUKEIN BRIEF: Duke Royalty recurring cash revenue up 17% in first quarterAlliance
13.09.2023 07:00DUKETrading UpdateRNS
31.07.2023 17:31DUKE, TEKTRADING UPDATES: MGC Pharmaceuticals granted psilocybin import permitAlliance
31.07.2023 07:00DUKENew Royalty AgreementRNS
28.07.2023 07:00DUKEDirector/PDMR DealingsRNS
20.07.2023 20:06GABI, LIT, DUKETRADING UPDATES: Chapel Down sales pop; Serabi output risesAlliance
20.07.2023 07:00DUKEFollow-On Investment into Existing Royalty PartnerRNS
04.07.2023 13:50DUKEIN BRIEF: Duke Royalty annual total income rises but profit fallsAlliance
04.07.2023 07:00DUKEFinal Results for the year ended 31 March 2023RNS
Showing 1 to 75 of 205