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Panthera Resources PLC Market & Company News

20.03.2025 10:37PATWarrant ExerciseRNS
07.03.2025 17:35PATNotification of Major HoldingRNS
06.03.2025 16:45PATUpdate on Issue of Equity FundraisingRNS
28.02.2025 17:32PATNotification of Major HoldingRNS
25.02.2025 13:42PATIN BRIEF: Panthera Resources raises GBP2.8 million to help India claimAlliance
25.02.2025 07:47PATResult of Placing and SubscriptionRNS
24.02.2025 17:04PATIssue of EquityRNS
21.02.2025 17:00PATWarrant ExerciseRNS
04.02.2025 07:00PATMaiden JORC Resource Estimate for Kalaka ProjectRNS
03.02.2025 07:00PATConversion Notice and Issue of EquityRNS
31.01.2025 16:45PATTotal Voting RightsRNS
29.01.2025 07:00PATArbitration UpdateRNS
10.01.2025 14:34PATPanthera Resources updates on arbitration against Indian governmentAlliance
10.01.2025 10:03PATConversion NoticeRNS
10.01.2025 07:31PATArbitration UpdateRNS
31.12.2024 13:30PATTotal Voting RightsRNS
24.12.2024 12:36PATIssue of Equity in Lieu of FeesRNS
20.12.2024 12:35PAT, INDI, OPGEARNINGS: One Health profit grows; Mobile Streams loss narrowsAlliance
20.12.2024 07:00PATHalf-year ReportRNS
16.12.2024 07:00PATInitial Arbitration Tribunal HearingRNS
26.11.2024 07:01PATAppointment of Chair to the Arbitral TribunalRNS
26.11.2024 07:00PATAppointment of Joint BrokerRNS
20.11.2024 15:26PATResult of AGMRNS
12.11.2024 12:36PATWest African Business and Financing UpdateRNS
08.11.2024 15:16PATPanthera Resources unveils high-potential gold finds in West AfricaAlliance
08.11.2024 09:55PATWest African Drilling ResultsRNS
27.09.2024 12:25PATAppointment of ArbitratorsRNS
27.09.2024 07:00PATAnnual Financial ReportRNS
26.09.2024 07:00PATWest Africa UpdateRNS
28.08.2024 21:58PAT, ORCP, CYKTRADING UPDATES: Henry Boot unit completion; Eco seals farmoutAlliance
27.08.2024 07:41PATCompletion of Drilling at KalakaRNS
29.07.2024 18:04PATCEO Incentive PackageRNS
26.07.2024 18:59PAT, JSE, GSCUEARNINGS AND TRADING: Man Group profit rises; Petershill AUM increasesAlliance
26.07.2024 13:53PATNotice of ArbitrationRNS
17.07.2024 18:53CYAN, EGT, VRSTRADING UPDATES: NIOX revenue up; Panthera begins Bido drillingAlliance
17.07.2024 12:58PATEquity Issue UpdateRNS
17.07.2024 07:00PATBido DrillingRNS
09.07.2024 11:49PATIN BRIEF: Panthera Resources begins Kalaka project drillingAlliance
09.07.2024 10:49PAT, KDNC, SMLAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Strategic Minerals up as quarterly revenue jumpsAlliance
09.07.2024 07:00PATKalaka Drilling CommencesRNS
05.07.2024 16:35PATEquity Issue UpdateRNS
27.06.2024 15:34PATEquity Financing UpdateRNS
26.06.2024 19:25AVCT, THX, SVMLTRADING UPDATES: Sovereign Metals signs deal with Palladium GroupAlliance
26.06.2024 07:00PATBhukia AuctionRNS
17.06.2024 16:16PATIN BRIEF: Panthera raises GBP1.0 million via placing and subscriptionAlliance
17.06.2024 07:00PATEquity FinancingRNS
17.06.2024 07:00PATIssue of Equity for JV RestructureRNS
13.06.2024 14:33PATPanthera Resources makes "important step" at Kalaka gold project Alliance
13.06.2024 10:15PATKalaka Metallurgical Test ResultsRNS
06.06.2024 10:13PATRestructure of Kalaka and Bassala Joint VenturesRNS
17.05.2024 21:11ZEN, UJO, TEAMTRADING UPDATES: Panthera achieves majority stake in Kalaka projectAlliance
07.05.2024 07:00PATKalaka Ownership RestructureRNS
10.04.2024 13:36FMET, BTC, AURATRADING UPDATES: Fulcrum acquires Ontario gold tailings projectAlliance
02.04.2024 13:24PATIN BRIEF: Panthera Resources issues notice of dispute in IndiaAlliance
02.04.2024 07:09PATTotal Voting RightsRNS
02.04.2024 07:09PATUpdate On Dispute With IndiaRNS
04.03.2024 07:00PATShares in LieuRNS
09.02.2024 10:31PATIN BRIEF: Panthera says Moydow to buy Wuo Land 2 exploration licenceAlliance
02.01.2024 11:48LIT, PATPanthera subsidiary notifies Indian government over Bhukia disputeAlliance
02.01.2024 07:00PATIssue of Notice of Dispute with IndiaRNS
29.12.2023 13:00PATTotal Voting RightsRNS
29.12.2023 10:53PATPanthera interim loss narrows on lower costs; to focus on India claimAlliance
29.12.2023 07:00PATHalf-year ReportRNS
18.12.2023 19:40PATIN BRIEF: Panthera Resources raises GBP150,000 via subscriptionAlliance
18.12.2023 07:38PATEquity Financing UpdateRNS
06.12.2023 12:17PATPanthera raises GBP745,000 for activity in India and west AfricaAlliance
06.12.2023 10:22PATEquity FinancingRNS
29.11.2023 10:30PATResult of MeetingRNS
22.11.2023 15:53VAST, TRT, THRUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
09.11.2023 13:47UOG, SAR, CNCEARNINGS AND TRADING: MetalNRG hails Gold Ridge findingsAlliance
09.11.2023 07:00PATBhukia UpdateRNS
31.10.2023 07:00PATNotice of AGMRNS
09.10.2023 11:54PATIN BRIEF: Panthera assay finds "significant mineralisation" at KalakaAlliance
09.10.2023 07:00PATKalaka Project Drilling Assay ResultsRNS
02.10.2023 21:43PATIN BRIEF: Panthera Resources reports widened annual lossAlliance
Showing 1 to 75 of 249