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Virgin Wines UK PLC Market & Company News

19.03.2025 13:50PHAR, VTY, LUCEUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
05.03.2025 07:00VINODirectorate Change and Notice of ResultsRNS
24.02.2025 10:50VINOResult of General MeetingRNS
20.02.2025 16:52VINOTransfer of Treasury Shares & Total Voting RightsRNS
20.02.2025 16:46VINODirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
17.02.2025 13:43VINO, ASPL, GHHUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
29.01.2025 12:22VINOIN BRIEF: Virgin Wines promises new growth and capital allocation planAlliance
29.01.2025 07:00VINOTrading UpdateRNS
29.01.2025 07:00VINOAppointment Nominated Adviser and Sole BrokerRNS
28.01.2025 07:00VINONotice of GM and Rule 9 WaiverRNS
23.12.2024 13:38VINOResult of AGMRNS
16.12.2024 12:48AQX, ATG, SBSIUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
29.11.2024 07:00VINONotice of AGM and Annual Report & AccountsRNS
22.10.2024 16:08VINOVirgin Wines toasts successful year despite tough consumer backdropAlliance
22.10.2024 07:00VINOAudited Annual ReportRNS
15.10.2024 13:54PDL, SOS, NANOUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
08.10.2024 07:00VINONotice of Annual ResultsRNS
04.10.2024 10:40OCDO, VINOOcado sells wines from Virgin Wines UK amid strategic partnershipAlliance
04.10.2024 07:00VINOStrategic Partnership with Ocado.comReach
16.09.2024 07:00VINOTransfer of Treasury Shares & Total Voting RightsRNS
25.07.2024 07:00VINOFY24 Trading UpdateRNS
01.07.2024 07:00VINONominated Adviser and BrokerRNS
26.06.2024 07:00VINOAIM Rule 17 UpdateRNS
11.06.2024 07:00VINOTransaction in Own SharesRNS
07.06.2024 07:00VINOTransaction in Own SharesRNS
06.06.2024 07:00VINOTransaction in Own SharesRNS
30.05.2024 07:00VINOTransaction in Own Shares, TVR & Launch of BuybackRNS
20.05.2024 16:03VINOBlock Admission Six Monthly ReturnRNS
02.05.2024 14:27VINOChange of AuditorRNS
02.05.2024 14:26VINOGrant of Options - Director/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
25.03.2024 11:50VINOVirgin Wines sees shares rise on half-year profit jumpAlliance
25.03.2024 07:00VINOUnaudited Interim ResultsRNS
18.03.2024 16:09VINO, ORIT, OHTUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
01.03.2024 07:00VINOTotal Voting RightsRNS
28.02.2024 07:00VINONotice of Results and Investor PresentationRNS
19.02.2024 16:11VINODirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
22.01.2024 10:41VINOVirgin Wines achieves both revenue and earnings growth in first halfAlliance
22.01.2024 07:00VINOTrading UpdateRNS
06.12.2023 14:19VINOResult of AGMRNS
29.11.2023 15:46VINO, VOF, GATCUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
16.11.2023 07:00VINOBlock Admission Application to AIMRNS
10.11.2023 07:00VINONotice of AGM and Annual Report & AccountsRNS
07.11.2023 07:00VINONotice of Investor PresentationReach
25.10.2023 14:38VINOVirgin Wines optimistic despite swing to annual loss amid revenue fallAlliance
25.10.2023 14:37VINOVirgin Wines optimistic despite swing to annual loss amid revenue fallAlliance
25.10.2023 07:00VINOAudited Annual ResultsRNS
18.10.2023 15:44VINO, RWS, RKTUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
17.10.2023 07:00VINONotice of Investor PresentationReach
16.10.2023 07:00VINONotice of Annual ResultsRNS
12.09.2023 15:14VINOHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
29.08.2023 12:26JAR, CRH, VINODIRECTOR DEALINGS: CRH CEO sells EUR3 million in shares, non-exec buysAlliance
29.08.2023 07:00VINODirector DealingRNS
25.07.2023 15:46XPP, WEIR, VINOUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
17.07.2023 10:42VINOIN BRIEF: Virgin Wines UK says annual results down but as expectedAlliance
17.07.2023 07:00VINOTrading UpdateRNS
06.07.2023 11:14VINO, SMWHIN BRIEF: Virgin Wines signs strategic partnership with WH Smith Alliance
06.07.2023 07:00VINOStrategic Partnership with WH Smith TravelReach
04.05.2023 19:37HSD, POLN, VINOTRADING UPDATES: Virgin Wines warns sales will be below City forecastsAlliance
04.05.2023 07:00VINOTrading StatementRNS
14.03.2023 11:38VINOVirgin Wines says "one-off" glitches cause interim profit to plungeAlliance
14.03.2023 11:07VINO, ITM, BLUAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Blue Star jumps; Virgin Wines profit slumpsAlliance
14.03.2023 07:00VINOInterim ResultsRNS
07.03.2023 15:44VINO, TCAP, SBREUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
03.03.2023 07:00VINONotice of Investor PresentationReach
01.03.2023 07:00VINONotice of Interim ResultsRNS
25.01.2023 07:00VINODirector DealingRNS
16.01.2023 07:00VINODirector DealingRNS
12.01.2023 12:00VINOVirgin Wines shares drop as postal strikes and foul weather hit salesAlliance
12.01.2023 11:23DIS, VINO, PMPAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: No Christmas sales pop for Distil, Virgin WinesAlliance
12.01.2023 07:00VINOTrading UpdateRNS
06.01.2023 09:23VINOHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
07.12.2022 12:24VINOGrant of Options - Director/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
01.12.2022 15:57VINOResult of AGMRNS
25.11.2022 16:41VINOPDMR NotificationRNS
24.11.2022 15:44VINO, VAST, TRTUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
Showing 1 to 75 of 116