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Greencoat UK Wind PLC Shares News & Articles

From an employee share scheme at Rolls Royce to the Dogs of the FTSE – how Paul approaches the financial markets

Paul's very first taste of investing came when his employer, aerospace and defence company Rolls Royce (RR.), introduced an employee share scheme which gave him what seemed to be a low-risk way of getting exposure to its shares.It seemed low risk, explains Paul, because the scheme allowed employees to save a monthly or four weekly amount for five years and at the end of the period the savings and

Nvidia, Shell and Rolls Royce among the most bought stocks before the tax year end

City of London most bought second month in a rowNvidia tops stock buys againRenewables trust UK Greencoat Wind sparks interestInvestors across the AJ Bell platform have been piling into artificial intelligence (AI) 'darling' Nvidia (NVDA:NASDAQ) and oil giant Shell (SHEL) before the end of the tax year.FTSE 100 aero-engine maker Rolls Royce (RR.) also makes appearance in the top five of most bough

Invest in renewables winner UK Greencoat Wind for a handsome 5.4% dividend yield

The transition to cleaner energy is a long-term trend which will involve significant investment in areas like renewables. UK Greencoat Wind (UKW) is a good way to play this transition while offering a stream of income from dividends which are rising in line with inflation.The trust generates strong cash flow from its portfolio of onshore and offshore wind farms, reinforced more recently by strong

The quick and easy way to build a diversified portfolio using cheap tracker funds

One of the most compelling attributes of exchange-traded funds, also known as ETFs, is they allow investors to create a diversified investment portfolio from scratch rapidly, easily and inexpensively.If you bought a product tracking the MSCI World index you could arguably do this at the click of a single button - and by doing so you would gain exposure to more than 1,500 stocks. But that index is
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