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Lloyds Banking Group PLC Shares News & Articles

From an employee share scheme at Rolls Royce to the Dogs of the FTSE – how Paul approaches the financial markets

Paul's very first taste of investing came when his employer, aerospace and defence company Rolls Royce (RR.), introduced an employee share scheme which gave him what seemed to be a low-risk way of getting exposure to its shares.It seemed low risk, explains Paul, because the scheme allowed employees to save a monthly or four weekly amount for five years and at the end of the period the savings...

Artemis Alpha and Aurora are the latest investment trusts with the urge to merge

Record year for trust mergersCombination to create £353 million vehicleKartik Kumar to join PhoenixArtemis Alpha Trust (ATS) has agreed to be taken over by UK All Companies sector rival Aurora Investment Trust (ARR) as the record year for investment trust mergers continues.Sub-scale, underperforming funds are combining with larger rivals to remedy wide discounts to NAV (net asset value) and...
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