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Billington Holdings PLC Market & Company News

29.01.2025 11:07BILNHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
27.01.2025 17:35BILNHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
22.01.2025 07:00BILNIssue of Equity to Employee Share Ownership TrustRNS
11.12.2024 12:06BILNBillington shares jump as it expects ISG fallout to be restrictedAlliance
11.12.2024 10:44VRS, BILN, SOUAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Billington expects profit to top forecastsAlliance
10.10.2024 09:04BILNHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
17.09.2024 07:00BILNInterim Results for the six months to 30 June 2024RNS
10.09.2024 14:34TRU, W7L, SPRUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
12.08.2024 07:00BILNNotice of Results & Investor PresentationRNS
19.07.2024 10:36BILNHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
18.07.2024 11:29BILNHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
17.07.2024 22:01BILNIN BRIEF: Gutenga sells GBP9 million in Billington shares Alliance
17.07.2024 07:00BILNDirector/PCA DealingsRNS
25.06.2024 14:33HSS, BILN, BNZLUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
04.06.2024 15:15BILNResult of AGMRNS
30.05.2024 13:01LGEN, WIX, BOYUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
03.05.2024 09:47BILNAwards under Company’s Long Term Incentive PlanRNS
22.04.2024 09:13BILNDirector DealingsRNS
18.04.2024 12:13BILNAwards under the Company's Deferred Bonus PlanRNS
16.04.2024 14:47BILNBillington Holdings anticipates continued strong performance in 2024Alliance
16.04.2024 09:53BILNBillington reports strong performance in 2023 doubling profitAlliance
16.04.2024 07:00BILNResults for the year ended 31 December 2023RNS
09.04.2024 16:16PDL, RWA, OXIGUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
03.04.2024 07:00BILNNotice of Results & Investor PresentationRNS
22.03.2024 10:54BILNBillington shares jump on six new contract wins worth GBP90 millionAlliance
22.03.2024 07:00BILN£90 million of Contracts AwardedRNS
14.11.2023 14:19GUS, BILN, TGPTRADING UPDATES: Billington on track to beat 2023 expectationsAlliance
14.11.2023 07:00BILNTrading UpdateRNS
19.09.2023 07:00BILNInterim Results for the six months to 30 June 2023RNS
12.09.2023 15:44XAR, WATR, TRSTUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
12.09.2023 14:25FRP, ATN, NTBRTRADING UPDATES: FRP Advisory buys Wilson Field for GBP4.8 millionAlliance
12.09.2023 07:00BILNBillington Structures Carbon Neutral CertificationReach
01.09.2023 07:00BILNAppointment of Non-Executive DirectorRNS
22.08.2023 12:42BILNNotice of Results & Investor PresentationRNS
06.06.2023 14:55BILNResult of AGMRNS
06.06.2023 14:07ARB, GSCU, TPFGTRADING UPDATES: Ethernity secures components to fulfil ordersAlliance
06.06.2023 07:00BILNAGM StatementRNS
01.06.2023 17:53GENL, BILN, VOFDIRECTOR DEALINGS: Diversified Energy CEO buys shares worth GBP62,523Alliance
01.06.2023 15:15BILNDirector/PCA DealingsRNS
01.06.2023 15:11BILNHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
30.05.2023 15:45TAST, MAST, BILNUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
05.05.2023 07:00BILNPublication of Annual Report and Notice of AGMRNS
21.04.2023 10:35BILNDirector DealingsRNS
21.04.2023 10:28BILNAwards under the Company's Deferred Bonus PlanRNS
18.04.2023 09:52BILNBillington profit multiplies; declares largest ever dividendAlliance
18.04.2023 07:00BILNResults for the year ended 31 December 2022RNS
11.04.2023 15:46XSG, THG, TPFGUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
09.03.2023 12:55BILNBillington anticipates 2023 profit to be ahead of market expectations Alliance
09.03.2023 10:17JIM, IQE, BILNAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Atlantic Lithium restored, refutes claimsAlliance
09.03.2023 07:00BILNTrading Update and Notice of ResultsRNS
27.02.2023 12:30BILNHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
14.02.2023 13:00BILNDirector DisclosuresRNS
14.12.2022 10:57MIRI, CHRT, BILNAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Billington profit to beat 2022 and 2023 forecastAlliance
14.12.2022 10:46BILNBillington shares surge as to be "significantly" ahead of expectationsAlliance
14.12.2022 07:00BILNFull Year Trading UpdateRNS
27.09.2022 13:22BILNBillington Holdings continues on path of recovery in first halfAlliance
27.09.2022 07:00BILNInterim Results & Investor PresentationRNS
20.09.2022 15:52TRT, TBLD, SSPGUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
14.09.2022 07:00BILNNotice of Results & Investor PresentationRNS
11.08.2022 07:00BILNChange of AdviserRNS
01.08.2022 07:00BILNLong Term Incentive PlanRNS
30.06.2022 13:15BILNDirector/PDMR DealingsRNS
31.05.2022 20:01INSG, WSBN, POWTRADING UPDATES: Cloudbreak signs royalty agreement; TomCo drillsAlliance
31.05.2022 15:01BILNResult of AGMRNS
31.05.2022 07:00BILNAGM StatementRNS
26.04.2022 18:03AXL, GMR, PRTCTRADING UPDATES: Billington faces headwinds; Immotion plans spin-offAlliance
26.04.2022 07:00BILNResults for the year ended 31 December 2021RNS
19.04.2022 16:02RWS, PRTC, NOGUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
19.04.2022 07:00BILNInvestor PresentationReach
13.04.2022 21:56ORIT, DFCH, BILNTRADING UPDATES: Steppe's cement sales up; Atalaya output fallsAlliance
13.04.2022 07:00BILNNotice of Results and Trading UpdatesRNS
11.03.2022 11:59BILNIN BRIEF: Billington forms specialist painting subsidiary Alliance
11.03.2022 07:00BILNFormation of Specialist Painting SubsidiaryReach
14.02.2022 15:37BILNHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
15.11.2021 07:00BILNFull Year Trading UpdateRNS
Showing 1 to 75 of 80