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S & U PLC Market & Company News

21.01.2025 11:09XPP, GSF, SUSSMALL-CAP WINNERS & LOSERS: Gore Street celebrates Big Rock milestoneAlliance
21.01.2025 09:04SUS, LLOY, BARCPRESS: Chancellor could act to protect car finance lenders - FTAlliance
11.12.2024 16:19CBG, SUSS&U says UK motor finance scandal and Budget weighing on sectorAlliance
04.12.2024 13:27SUS, OPT, CHRTUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
15.11.2024 12:32W7L, TSCO, SWEFUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
29.10.2024 14:00SUSUpdate on Advantage Finance LimitedRNS
24.10.2024 14:21STVG, GATC, DSMUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
23.10.2024 15:35SUSDirector/PDMR and PCA ShareholdingRNS
23.10.2024 14:00SUSDirector/PDMR and PCA ShareholdingRNS
14.10.2024 11:57SUSS&U says FCA lifts Advantage Finance collection process restrictionsAlliance
14.10.2024 07:00SUSUpdate on Advantage Finance LimitedRNS
08.10.2024 12:02SUSS&U interim profit dives as impairment charge increasesAlliance
08.10.2024 07:00SUSInterim Results for the 6 months to 31 July 2024RNS
04.10.2024 07:00SUSNotice of Investor PresentationRNS
19.09.2024 14:00SUSTrading UpdateRNS
14.08.2024 09:37SYNT, SUS, FLTRLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Investec raises Domino's Pizza to 'buy' Alliance
12.08.2024 09:48SUS, RNKSMALL-CAP WINNERS & LOSERS: Rank Group jumps whilst Vp takes hitAlliance
12.08.2024 09:45SUSS&U sees second half rebound at Advantage after FCA probe takes tollAlliance
12.08.2024 07:00SUSTrading Update and Notice of ResultsRNS
09.08.2024 13:57SUSUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
05.07.2024 14:31TPT, SUS, RGLUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
13.06.2024 16:15WSP, TST, VNETUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
06.06.2024 13:07SUSResult of AGMRNS
06.06.2024 11:07SUSS&U profit falls in first quarter amid higher impairment provisioningAlliance
06.06.2024 10:55SUS, SREISMALL-CAP WINNERS & LOSERS: S&U sets gloomy outlook for motor businessAlliance
06.06.2024 07:00SUSAGM Statement and Trading UpdateRNS
30.05.2024 16:37SUS, SFOR, TANDUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
03.05.2024 17:49SUSDirector/PDMR and PCA ShareholdingRNS
03.05.2024 14:00SUSAnnual Report and AccountsRNS
01.05.2024 16:19SUSDirector/PDMR and PCA ShareholdingRNS
09.04.2024 12:32SUSS&U trims payout as annual profit declines despite revenue climbAlliance
09.04.2024 07:00SUSPreliminary Unaudited FY Results to 31 Jan 24RNS
02.04.2024 13:21ULTP, SUS, JTCUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
25.03.2024 07:00SUSResults Presentations for Analysts and InvestorsRNS
01.03.2024 15:49SSE, SUS, RESIUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
13.02.2024 14:33BIPS, SMIF, SUSUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
09.02.2024 09:28KIE, SUSSMALL-CAP WINNERS & LOSERS: S&U shares hit due to several headwindsAlliance
09.02.2024 09:03SUSS&U says 2023 far from "a vintage year" due to several headwindsAlliance
02.02.2024 16:07REAT, VCT, SUSUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
11.01.2024 14:00SUSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
12.12.2023 18:02SUSS&U sees weak economy plus rising regulation inevitably hurting profitAlliance
12.12.2023 09:56SUS, OTB, HEADSMALL-CAP WINNERS & LOSERS: Headlam and S&U hurt by trading cautionAlliance
12.12.2023 07:00SUSTrading Statement to 11 December 2023RNS
17.11.2023 15:49W7L, TSCO, TMIUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
31.10.2023 14:29SUSDirector/PDMR and PCA ShareholdingRNS
26.10.2023 15:47WTB, BBOX, WRKSUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
05.10.2023 07:00SUSDirectorate ChangeRNS
03.10.2023 11:34SUSS&U interim profit rises slightly, cautiously optimistic for futureAlliance
03.10.2023 07:00SUSInterim Results for the 6 months to 31 July 2023RNS
26.09.2023 15:51MEX, SUS, IHCUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
04.09.2023 07:00SUSNotice of Results and Investor PresentationRNS
10.08.2023 13:19SUSS&U criticizes economic policies in the UK as stifling to growthAlliance
10.08.2023 07:00SUSTrading Update and Notice of ResultsRNS
03.08.2023 15:44ZOO, WPM, WOSGUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
25.07.2023 11:34SUSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
20.07.2023 16:16WPM, VID, SPXUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
17.07.2023 15:34SUSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
30.06.2023 15:53WPP, WTB, WHRUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
08.06.2023 15:50XPP, WHR, ULVRUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
26.05.2023 16:38SUSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
25.05.2023 16:58SUS, PAT, LPATRADING UPDATES: BSF hails OTCQB entry; Momentum Multi to wind-upAlliance
25.05.2023 12:43SUSResult of AGMRNS
25.05.2023 07:00SUSAGM Statement and Trading UpdateRNS
18.05.2023 15:03ZIN, VANQ, TBCGUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
18.05.2023 15:03YNGA, WKP, VANQUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
25.04.2023 15:10MRO, DWL, GFRDDIRECTOR DEALINGS: Dowlais team buy GBP2.2 million worth after debutAlliance
25.04.2023 14:00SUSAnnual Report and AccountsRNS
25.04.2023 11:48SUSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
20.04.2023 07:00SUSMello Investor PresentationReach
06.04.2023 16:08SUSAnnouncement of Annual Report and AccountsRNS
28.03.2023 16:35SUSPrice Monitoring ExtensionRNS
28.03.2023 13:30SUS, RLE, NANOTRADING UPDATES: Empresaria profit up; Animalcare's Covid boost ebbsAlliance
28.03.2023 07:00SUSPreliminary ResultsRNS
23.03.2023 16:35SUSPrice Monitoring ExtensionRNS
21.03.2023 15:49XAR, SYNT, SCTUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
Showing 1 to 75 of 150