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Rockhopper Exploration PLC Market & Company News

17.02.2025 13:14RKH, UOGHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
27.01.2025 07:00UOG, RKHFull and Final Settlement with United Oil and GasRNS
07.01.2025 15:40RKHBlocklisting Interim UpdateRNS
25.11.2024 14:28RKHRockhopper signals progress on Falkland Islands petroleum ventureAlliance
25.11.2024 10:00RKHSea Lion Operator’s UpdateRNS
18.10.2024 12:18RKHRockhopper Exploration agrees extension in Falkland IslandsAlliance
18.10.2024 07:00RKHExtension of Falkland Islands’ LicencesRNS
14.10.2024 16:25RKHHoldings in CompanyRNS
14.10.2024 07:00RKHItaly UpdateRNS
26.09.2024 19:33HSD, ENET, FLOEARNINGS: Hansard Global profit down; Flowtech cuts outlookAlliance
26.09.2024 07:00RKHHalf-year ReportRNS
05.07.2024 14:07RKHBlocklisting Interim UpdateRNS
25.06.2024 15:00RKHResult of AGMRNS
21.06.2024 10:53RKHRockhopper Exploration receives first tranche of Ombrina Mare paymentAlliance
21.06.2024 07:00RKHArbitration Award - Receipt of FundsRNS
18.06.2024 15:27XSG, VEIL, VTUUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
17.06.2024 17:38RKHIN BRIEF: Rockhopper updates on Ombrina Mare arbitration awardAlliance
17.06.2024 07:00RKHMonetisation of Arbitration Award UpdateRNS
03.06.2024 07:00RKHPosting of Annual Report & Notice of AGMRNS
24.05.2024 14:45RKH, MPAC, KRMTRADING UPDATES: Samarkand optimistic as eyes adjusted loss reductionAlliance
22.05.2024 07:00RKHFinal ResultsRNS
08.02.2024 14:38RKHBlocklisting Interim UpdateRNS
22.01.2024 14:00RKHIN BRIEF: Rockhopper notes Navitas update on the Sea Lion assetAlliance
22.01.2024 07:00RKHSea Lion and Corporate UpdateRNS
10.01.2024 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
08.01.2024 15:15RKHHoldings in CompanyRNS
05.01.2024 07:00RKHBlocklisting Interim UpdateRNS
02.01.2024 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
20.12.2023 12:16RKHIN BRIEF: Rockhopper shares leap up on new monetisation dealAlliance
20.12.2023 10:15RKHExercise of WarrantsRNS
20.12.2023 07:57RKHMonetisation of Arbitration Award - ReplacementRNS
20.12.2023 07:00RKHMonetisation of Ombrina Mare Arbitration AwardRNS
01.12.2023 15:14RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
01.11.2023 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
02.10.2023 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
28.09.2023 15:08CUSN, ATOM, SALTRADING UPDATES: Rockhopper loss widens; Synectics inks new contractAlliance
28.09.2023 07:00RKHHalf-year ResultsRNS
01.09.2023 14:59RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
16.08.2023 08:42CNE, RKHRockhopper names ex-Cairn Energy CEO as non-executive chairAlliance
16.08.2023 07:00RKHBoard ChangesRNS
09.08.2023 14:45RKHBlocklisting Interim UpdateRNS
01.08.2023 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
13.07.2023 13:54RKHIN BRIEF: Rockhopper makes progress in Italy disputeAlliance
13.07.2023 07:00RKHUpdate on ArbitrationRNS
03.07.2023 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
29.06.2023 14:01RKHResult of AGMRNS
22.06.2023 15:44VRCI, TXP, TBLDUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
06.06.2023 07:00RKHPosting of Annual Report and Notice of AGMRNS
01.06.2023 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
30.05.2023 14:31RKHRockhopper Exploration revenue falls annually amid lower gas pricesAlliance
30.05.2023 07:00RKHFinal ResultsRNS
02.05.2023 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
25.04.2023 08:36RKHUpdate on ArbitrationRNS
11.04.2023 17:20RKHDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
03.04.2023 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
23.03.2023 20:32RKH, HEMO, FPPTRADING UPDATES: Fragrant Prosperity to buy Hi 55, Oscillate talks endAlliance
23.03.2023 14:49RKHSea Lion & Other Corporate UpdatesRNS
14.03.2023 11:40RKHHoldings in CompanyRNS
01.03.2023 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
08.02.2023 11:00RKHBlocklisting Interim UpdateRNS
01.02.2023 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
06.01.2023 12:05RKHBlocklisting Interim UpdateRNS
03.01.2023 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
02.12.2022 20:39SRES, TOM, TOOPTRADING UPDATES: Sunrise secures funds; Bango launches e-distributionAlliance
01.12.2022 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
30.11.2022 07:00RKHExtension of South Falkland Basin LicencesRNS
01.11.2022 07:00RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
31.10.2022 19:58FARN, BLU, ALBATRADING UPDATES: 4Global wins deal; James Cropper profit warningAlliance
31.10.2022 11:23RKH, 4GBL, SAGAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: TP riss on takeover deal; Rockhopper vows fightAlliance
31.10.2022 07:00RKHRequest by Italy for Annulment of ICSID AwardRNS
03.10.2022 12:15RKHTotal Voting RightsRNS
29.09.2022 16:14RKH, HSS, SYMEEARNINGS SUMMARY: HSS Hire reinstates interim dividend, revenue upAlliance
29.09.2022 07:00RKHHalf-year ResultsRNS
23.09.2022 21:02HBR, RKH, FCHTRADING UPDATES: Neometals swings to loss; Funding Circle strikes dealAlliance
23.09.2022 07:00RKHSea Lion UpdateRNS
Showing 1 to 75 of 160