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Bluebird Mining Ventures LTD Market & Company News

17.02.2025 07:00BMVCompany UpdateRNS
23.01.2025 07:00BMVDirector DealingRNS
22.01.2025 07:00BMVDirector DealingRNS
15.01.2025 10:30BMVKochang Mine Update: Board of Audit and InspectionRNS
24.10.2024 07:00BMVResearch ReportRNS
14.10.2024 17:56BMVBluebird Mining Ventures raises GBP62,000 from placingAlliance
14.10.2024 12:00BMVIssue of EquityRNS
03.10.2024 12:00BMVFunding Update and Investor Meet 07 OctRNS
30.09.2024 07:00BMVHalf Yearly Report to 30 June 2024RNS
30.09.2024 07:00BMVFundingRNS
23.09.2024 07:00BMVKochang Mine UpdateRNS
02.09.2024 07:00BMVChange of name to Bluebird Mining Ventures LtdRNS
06.08.2024 07:00BMVResult of AGMRNS
26.07.2024 13:46BMVUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
23.07.2024 07:00BMVPresentation via Investor Meet CompanyRNS
18.07.2024 07:00BMVKochang Project Farm-out AgreementRNS
10.07.2024 19:30BMVIN BRIEF: Bluebird Merchant Ventures rejigs board, to change nameAlliance
10.07.2024 07:00BMVNotice of AGMRNS
10.07.2024 07:00BMVBoard RestructuringRNS
27.06.2024 07:00BMVNew Corporate Presentation on Company WebsiteRNS
19.06.2024 07:00BMVPresentation via Investor Meet CompanyRNS
12.06.2024 14:26BMVBluebird Merchant Ventures shares rise amid talks to advance projectAlliance
12.06.2024 07:00BMVSouth Korea UpdateRNS
29.05.2024 19:26GMET, GLR, CORAEARNINGS AND TRADING: Directa Plus wins Rome deal; Corre raises fundsAlliance
29.05.2024 07:00BMVGubong UpdateRNS
28.05.2024 20:32GAL, ORCP, BMVTRADING UPDATES: NetScientific backs Wanda; Inspirit Energy wins dealAlliance
28.05.2024 07:00BMVEIA Work Underway at the Batangas Gold ProjectRNS
20.05.2024 09:30BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
15.05.2024 14:464GBL, BMV, SVMLEARNINGS AND TRADING: i3 swings to quarterly loss; 4Global revenue upAlliance
15.05.2024 07:00BMVFeasibility Commences at Batangas Gold ProjectRNS
10.05.2024 14:30BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
10.05.2024 14:30BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
08.05.2024 21:42BMV, KEFI, COROTRADING UPDATES: Home REIT cuts borrowings, Genflow shares restoredAlliance
07.05.2024 07:00BMVUS$5 Million Farm-Out Agreement for Gubong ProjectRNS
30.04.2024 07:00BMVFinal ResultsRNS
02.04.2024 15:19ORCA, CIZ, ANICTRADING UPDATES: MaxCyte inks deal with Be Bio; Orcadian firms farmoutAlliance
02.04.2024 07:00BMVJV model approach for South Korean gold mineRNS
04.03.2024 14:13SOLG, BMV, URUEARNINGS AND TRADING: Macau NAV falls; SolGold inks Cascabel dealAlliance
04.03.2024 07:00BMVEnvironmental Impact Study at Batangas to CommenceRNS
27.02.2024 07:00BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
26.02.2024 07:00BMVResult of AGMRNS
16.02.2024 15:15CHG, BMV, BRESUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
01.02.2024 07:00BMVNotice of AGMRNS
15.01.2024 07:00BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
10.01.2024 07:00BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
05.01.2024 07:00BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
22.12.2023 07:00BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
08.12.2023 07:00BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
16.11.2023 07:00BMVProject Interview: Confidence Levels IncreasingReach
27.09.2023 16:06AMGO, ORR, BMVTRADING UPDATES: ECR Minerals submits exploration licence in AustraliaAlliance
27.09.2023 07:00BMVHigh Grade Lobo Gold Prospect To Be DrilledRNS
04.09.2023 07:00BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
29.08.2023 12:52BMVIN BRIEF: Bluebird Merchant shares rise as interim loss narrowsAlliance
29.08.2023 07:00BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
29.08.2023 07:00BMVInterim ResultsRNS
23.08.2023 10:33BMVCatalyse Capital to buy Southern Gold's shareholding in BluebirdAlliance
23.08.2023 07:00BMVShare Purchase Agreement Removes Market OverhangRNS
10.08.2023 07:00BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
10.07.2023 14:10BMVBluebird Merchant commits to bringing two mines into productionAlliance
10.07.2023 07:00BMVSouth Korean UpdateRNS
15.06.2023 13:53BMVIN BRIEF: Bluebird Merchant wins approval for Batangas project planAlliance
15.06.2023 07:00BMVReceives Approval to Advance Batangas Gold ProjectRNS
10.05.2023 07:00BMVFurther re New Corporate PresentationRNS
09.05.2023 07:00BMVNew Corporate PresentationRNS
02.05.2023 07:00BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
26.04.2023 17:58AEWU, RBGP, BMVEARNINGS SUMMARY: Bluebird swings to loss, RBG profit rises stronglyAlliance
26.04.2023 07:00BMVFinal ResultsRNS
18.04.2023 07:00BMVTR-1 NotificationRNS
17.04.2023 19:43NBDD, ZEN, BVCTRADING UPDATES: BATM reports Edgility progress, Rambler starts sale Alliance
17.04.2023 07:00BMVSouth Korean UpdateRNS
20.03.2023 14:16BMVBluebird Merchant receives full GBP1.2 million placing proceedsAlliance
20.03.2023 09:57COPL, BMV, DIASMALL-CAP WINNERS & LOSERS: Canadian Overseas Petroleum gets fundingAlliance
20.03.2023 07:00BMVFunds Received and Admission of Shares to TradingRNS
06.03.2023 11:50BMVBluebird Merchant raises GBP1.2 million for South Korean gold minesAlliance
06.03.2023 10:00BMVRaises £1.215m To Fund South Korean Gold ProjectsRNS
Showing 1 to 75 of 168