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Amicorp Fs (Uk) PLC Market & Company News

26.02.2025 14:51AMIFNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
26.02.2025 14:43AMIFNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
26.02.2025 14:39AMIFNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
21.02.2025 07:00AMIFNotification of PDMR and PCA transactionsRNS
21.02.2025 07:00AMIFShare ReorganisationRNS
20.02.2025 07:00AMIFFY24 Trading UpdateRNS
27.12.2024 07:00AMIFRelated Party Transaction with the Amicorp GroupRNS
12.09.2024 07:00AMIFBoard ChangesRNS
12.09.2024 07:00AMIFInterim ResultsRNS
26.06.2024 16:01AMIFResult of AGMRNS
19.06.2024 12:56W7L, SAL, RAIUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
31.05.2024 07:00AMIFAnnual Report and Notice of Annual General MeetingRNS
30.04.2024 21:56AEP, DVT, HAMAEARNINGS: Anglo-Eastern Plantations lifts dividend; profit fallsAlliance
30.04.2024 10:45AMIFFinal ResultsRNS
28.03.2024 13:46JSE, SPX, RTOEXECUTIVE CHANGES: Spectris adds former Spirax CEO Anderson to boardAlliance
28.03.2024 07:00AMIFAppointment of Chief Operating OfficerReach
22.02.2024 17:36OMI, FARN, AMIFEARNINGS AND TRADING: Astra closes Gracell buy, Amicorp "on track"Alliance
22.02.2024 07:00AMIFFY23 Trading UpdateRNS
08.02.2024 12:00AMIFNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
08.02.2024 11:57AMIFNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
08.02.2024 11:54AMIFShare ReorganisationRNS
22.11.2023 14:28AMIFAmicorp expands into fund services with Amicorp Luxembourg demergerAlliance
22.11.2023 07:00AMIFLuxembourg LicenceRNS
25.10.2023 07:00AMIFAppointment of BrokerRNS
27.09.2023 15:43ROQ, NARF, AMIFEARNINGS: Biome loss widens; Amicorp focused on growth post-IPOAlliance
27.09.2023 07:00AMIFMaiden Interim ResultsRNS
20.09.2023 15:50ZIN, XSG, SCEUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
12.09.2023 07:00AMIFNotice of maiden Interim ResultsRNS
08.06.2023 15:15AMIFCAB Payments announces plan to list on London Main MarketAlliance
08.06.2023 11:59AMIFAmicorp FS (UK) starts trading in London with USD120 million valueAlliance
08.06.2023 07:00AMIFFirst Day of DealingsRNS
Showing 1 to 31 of 31