6.30p+0.00 (+0.00%)17 Feb 2025, 09:10
Oxford Technology 2 Venture Capital Trust PLC Market & Company News
20.08.2024 13:44 | OXH, AREC | Holding(s) in Company | RNS |
14.06.2024 19:47 | AREC, OXH, BSV | EARNINGS AND TRADING: Sound Energy sells part of Moroccan assets | Alliance |
16.04.2024 21:57 | GMET, DOM, DPP | EARNINGS AND TRADING: J Smart boosts revenue, Tertiary starts drilling | Alliance |
22.09.2023 13:05 | SCLP, AREC, OXH | IN BRIEF: Oxford Technology 2 VCT asset value hurt by AIM share falls | Alliance |
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Market Overview
UK 350 Risers and Fallers
Company | Price | % Chg |
Oxford Nanopore Technologies PLC | 100.30 | 7.97 |
Metro Bank Holdings PLC | 88.10 | 4.14 |
Hunting PLC | 295.00 | 2.97 |
Taylor Wimpey PLC | 113.54 | 3.03 |
Greggs PLC | 1,806.98 | 2.55 |
Barratt Redrow PLC | 427.80 | 2.94 |
Company | Price | % Chg |
Just Group PLC | 149.69 | -8.28 |
Melrose Industries PLC | 517.40 | -7.01 |
Burberry Group PLC | 994.20 | -7.08 |
Spire Healthcare Group PLC | 177.40 | -5.94 |
Schroders PLC | 406.80 | -5.00 |
Anglo American PLC | 2,348.50 | -4.63 |