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Churchill China PLC Market & Company News

03.02.2025 10:25CHHChurchill China confident in future despite tricky trading backdropAlliance
03.02.2025 07:00CHHFull Year Trading UpdateRNS
17.01.2025 17:50CHHNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
05.12.2024 15:08CHHDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
20.11.2024 11:51CHHChurchill China shares fall as laments material impact from UK budgetAlliance
20.11.2024 07:00CHHTrading UpdateRNS
17.10.2024 18:03CHHDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
14.10.2024 13:51CHHNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
11.10.2024 15:13CHHPDMR/Substantial Shareholding DealingRNS
04.10.2024 15:56SFR, TRI, RBNUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
05.09.2024 16:37TRI, UPR, TTGUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
05.09.2024 16:19CHHChurchill China reliant on end of year sales to meet targetsAlliance
05.09.2024 07:00CHHInterim ResultsRNS
29.08.2024 16:13WPS, VTY, SAFEUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
06.08.2024 16:21CHHNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
24.07.2024 07:00CHHHalf Year Trading Update and Notice of ResultsRNS
10.06.2024 15:56INCH, PEY, CHHUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
05.06.2024 16:32EEE, FIN, RTCEARNINGS AND TRADING: STV sees advertising upturn; Angle loss narrowsAlliance
05.06.2024 14:35CHHResult of AGMRNS
05.06.2024 07:00CHHAGM StatementRNS
29.05.2024 16:02NOG, LLAI, GMSUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
24.05.2024 17:30CHHGrant of Options under LTIPRNS
10.05.2024 16:45CHHNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
10.05.2024 10:30CHHPosting of Annual Report and Notice of AGMRNS
09.05.2024 15:51EGY, ULVR, TSCOUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
30.04.2024 17:57CHHDirector DealingRNS
30.04.2024 17:53CHHDirector DealingRNS
16.04.2024 09:46CHHDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
10.04.2024 09:36CHHChurchill China overcomes challenging year by improving efficienciesAlliance
10.04.2024 07:00CHHFinal ResultsRNS
03.04.2024 12:58TSCO, MSLH, FUMUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
27.03.2024 09:30CHHNotification of Final ResultsRNS
30.01.2024 16:41CHHNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
30.01.2024 12:18CHHNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
17.01.2024 11:30CHHIN BRIEF: Churchill China shares slump as warns weak demand to remainAlliance
17.01.2024 07:00CHHFull Year Trading UpdateRNS
16.01.2024 15:00CHHAppointment of Non-Executive DirectorRNS
27.11.2023 15:54CHHNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
25.09.2023 10:18CHHNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
14.09.2023 11:08CHH, PMP, GLEEARNINGS: MJ Gleeson cuts dividend, Portmeirion holds, Churchill hikesAlliance
14.09.2023 07:00CHHInterim ResultsRNS
07.09.2023 15:46UPR, TRN, THGUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
17.07.2023 15:49AMOI, CMRS, THALTRADING UPDATES: Beacon sees delays; Churchill China trades in lineAlliance
17.07.2023 07:00CHHHalf Year Trading Update and Results NotificationRNS
22.06.2023 18:20CHHGrant of Options under LTIPRNS
21.06.2023 10:32CHH, NICLIN BRIEF: Nichols scores Churchill China veteran as interim CFOAlliance
14.06.2023 14:06CHHDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
13.06.2023 15:32CHHDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
08.06.2023 20:20CHHIN BRIEF: Churchill China sees some opposition to non-exec re-electionAlliance
08.06.2023 17:11CHHResult of AGMRNS
08.06.2023 14:37CHH, HSP, CAMTRADING UPDATES: Camellia expects annual revenue to top prior yearAlliance
08.06.2023 07:00CHHAGM StatementRNS
01.06.2023 15:52EGY, RENX, PALMUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
19.05.2023 16:03CHHNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
12.05.2023 07:00CHHPosting of Annual Report and Notice of AGMRNS
21.04.2023 09:28CHHNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
13.04.2023 16:43CHHChurchill China hikes dividend 76% as revenue and profit jumpAlliance
13.04.2023 07:00CHHDirectorate and Company Secretary UpdateRNS
13.04.2023 07:00CHHFinal Results 2022RNS
06.04.2023 15:42XPP, TSCO, PZCUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
04.04.2023 07:00CHHNotification of Final ResultsRNS
15.02.2023 07:00CHHAppointment of Independent Non-Executive DirectorRNS
10.01.2023 11:58CHHCORRECT: Churchill China upbeat as sees 2022 profit Alliance
10.01.2023 11:53CHHChuchill China upbeat as sees 2022 profit at upper end of expectationsAlliance
10.01.2023 07:00CHHFull Year Trading UpdateRNS
20.12.2022 14:32SCE, CHH, AEETTRADING UPDATES: Agronomics NAV up; Churchill China hires new CFO Alliance
20.12.2022 07:00CHHCFO AppointmentRNS
13.12.2022 20:38WSBN, RRR, BLOETRADING UPDATES: Savannah Energy ends deal; Plaza signs addendumAlliance
13.12.2022 07:00CHHFinance Director and Company Secretary SuccessionRNS
14.11.2022 07:00CHHHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
11.10.2022 09:55CHHAppointment of Non-Executive DirectorRNS
16.09.2022 14:35CHHDividend Payment Date UpdateRNS
13.09.2022 13:24CHHIN BRIEF: Churchill China ups interim payout by 57% on profit surgeAlliance
13.09.2022 07:00CHHInterim ResultsRNS
06.09.2022 15:53TRST, TPFG, PDLUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
Showing 1 to 75 of 120