175.84p0.17p (0.0010%)014 Jan 2025
Last Price175.84pDay Change0.17p (0.0010%)
Price Date14 Jan 2025Morningstar Rating0
Shares ClassAccYield2.44%
Last Ex-Dividend Date2020-01-01Dividend Frequency-
SectorSpecialistFund Size0.00
Launch Date2020-01-01Standard Initial Charge0.00%
Ongoing cost1.72%Annual Management Charge0.00%

Fund Objective

The Fund aims to provide capital growth over at least 5 years, while protecting the Fund’s share price from dropping below 80% of its all time high. The Fund invests in a broad range of assets around the world. These assets may include the shares of companies, bonds (or similar debt-based assets), property, commodities, cash and alternative assets (such as infrastructure funds and private equity funds). Investments may be held directly in the asset itself (excluding commodities or property) or indirectly (e.g. using derivatives (financial contracts whose value is linked to the price of an underlying asset), exchange traded products and/or funds).

Fund Managers

Ninety One Fund Managers UK Limited