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Personal Assets Trust PLC Market & Company News

07:00PNLCharlotte Yonge to become Co-Manager of PATRNS
21.03.2025 17:15PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
20.03.2025 16:36PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
17.03.2025 16:38PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
14.03.2025 16:58PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
13.03.2025 16:27PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
10.03.2025 17:03PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
06.03.2025 16:50PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
03.03.2025 16:49PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
03.03.2025 09:23PNLTotal Voting RightsRNS
27.02.2025 14:14VSL, ENRG, UEMUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
25.02.2025 16:24PNLHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
25.02.2025 09:36PNLDividend DeclarationRNS
24.02.2025 17:04PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
03.02.2025 09:53PNLTotal Voting RightsRNS
31.01.2025 16:48PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
29.01.2025 17:06PNLDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
24.01.2025 16:35PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
21.01.2025 16:34PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
17.01.2025 13:37RCN, PNL, PPETUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
15.01.2025 13:08PNLDirectorate ChangeRNS
10.01.2025 16:51PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
09.01.2025 16:35PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
08.01.2025 16:47PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
07.01.2025 16:39PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
02.01.2025 17:03PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
02.01.2025 15:05PNLReplacement Total Voting RightsRNS
02.01.2025 11:23PNLTotal Assets ValueRNS
30.12.2024 17:02PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
17.12.2024 16:37PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
04.12.2024 11:45PNLPersonal Assets Trust net asset value rises amid gold boostAlliance
04.12.2024 07:05PNLDividend DeclarationRNS
04.12.2024 07:00PNLHalf-year ReportRNS
02.12.2024 09:47PNLTotal Voting RightsRNS
26.11.2024 14:21VCT, VNET, SSPGUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
22.11.2024 16:40PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
20.11.2024 16:54PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
15.11.2024 16:54PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
15.11.2024 16:00PNLQuotedData's Weekly News & InterviewReach
14.11.2024 16:46PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
08.11.2024 16:26PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
05.11.2024 16:33PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
01.11.2024 09:15PNLTotal Voting RightsRNS
30.10.2024 17:15PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
23.10.2024 17:17PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
21.10.2024 17:12PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
21.10.2024 12:29PNLDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
18.10.2024 17:19PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
17.10.2024 16:55PNLDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
17.10.2024 16:55PNLDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
17.10.2024 16:34PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
16.10.2024 16:49PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
15.10.2024 17:01PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
14.10.2024 17:09PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
11.10.2024 16:47PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
10.10.2024 16:40PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
09.10.2024 13:32PNLDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
08.10.2024 17:03PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
07.10.2024 17:02PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
03.10.2024 16:39PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
01.10.2024 17:22PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
01.10.2024 09:37PNLTotal Voting RightsRNS
30.09.2024 17:09PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
27.09.2024 17:46PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
27.09.2024 16:11WHR, UPR, WCWUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
25.09.2024 16:50PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
24.09.2024 16:41PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
23.09.2024 16:56PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
20.09.2024 17:11PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
19.09.2024 16:29PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
17.09.2024 16:49PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
16.09.2024 16:41PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
12.09.2024 16:58PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
11.09.2024 17:03PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
10.09.2024 16:49PNLTransaction in Own SharesRNS
Showing 1 to 75 of 1,041