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HSBC Holdings PLC Shares News & Articles

Discover the FTSE 350 firms which delivered the biggest dividend increases in 2024

Dividends are a key component of successful investing whether taken as an income to support retirement or reinvested to compound future total returns.With interest rates set to fall as inflation is gradually brought back under control dividend yields will become more competitive as a source of income compared with income from cash and bonds.In this article we scour the FTSE 350 for the companies w

From an employee share scheme at Rolls Royce to the Dogs of the FTSE – how Paul approaches the financial markets

Paul's very first taste of investing came when his employer, aerospace and defence company Rolls Royce (RR.), introduced an employee share scheme which gave him what seemed to be a low-risk way of getting exposure to its shares.It seemed low risk, explains Paul, because the scheme allowed employees to save a monthly or four weekly amount for five years and at the end of the period the savings and

Begbies Traynor third quarter trading update in line, announces new debt facility

Shares gain 3% in morning tradingNew debt facility of £25 million replaces previous with HSBCOn track to meet full year 2024 expectationsShares in Begbies Traynor (BEG:AIM) gained over 3% to 113p as the insolvency specialist said trading for the third quarter ending 31 January 2024 was ?in line? with the outlook stated at the time of their half year results in December 2023.The current range of a

Six great funds for your ISA: These consistent names have delivered time after time

The end of the tax year is fast approaching and with it the opportunity to maximise your £20,000 ISA allowance for the year.In this article we have identified six names from a list of some of the most consistent funds and fund managers in the UK which could be a good fit for your tax wrapper. While we have aimed for a balance across different investment styles and asset classes this is not intend
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