108.00p0.00p (0.0000%)13 Mar 2025
Last Price | 108.00p | Day Change | 0.00p (0.0000%) |
Price Date | 13 Mar 2025 | Morningstar Rating | |
Shares Class | Acc | Yield | 3.77% |
Last Ex-Dividend Date | 2020-01-01 | Dividend Frequency | - |
Sector | Mixed Investment 0-35% Shares | Fund Size | 0.00 |
Launch Date | 2020-01-01 | Standard Initial Charge | 0.00% |
Ongoing cost | 1.34% | Annual Management Charge | 0.00% |
ISIN | GB00BD93Z160 |
Fund Objective
The Fund seeks to provide capital growth and income over the long term (a period of at least 5 years).The Fund is classified as ‘Defensive’ or risk profile 1 in the range (which includes Funds with risk profiles from 1 to 5). This means its overall exposure to equity securities (shares of companies and other equity related investments) will not be more than 30% of its assets. The Fund invests at least 70% of its assets in other funds (“Second Schemes”). These can be passively managed (funds that reflect the performance of an index) or actively managed (funds where the manager uses its expertise to select investments) and can include exchange traded funds (funds listed and traded on a stock exchange). They may include funds managed by the ACD and Barclays Group (and any associates).
Fund Managers
Barclays Asset Management Limited
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Market Overview
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Molten Ventures PLC | 274.00 | 3.01 |
Company | Price | % Chg |
Bodycote PLC | 566.00 | -11.15 |
Ithaca Energy PLC | 128.40 | -3.60 |
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Burberry Group PLC | 984.60 | -1.54 |
Bridgepoint Group PLC | 332.40 | -1.42 |
Trainline PLC | 268.80 | -1.32 |