Quick Stats

Last Price 256.34p Day Change 3.05p (0.0119%)
Price Date 26 Jul 2024 Morningstar Rating 3
Shares Class Inc Yield 2.59 %
Last Ex-Dividend Date 01 January 2020 Dividend Frequency -
Sector Europe Excluding UK Fund Size 0.00
Launch Date 01/01/2020 Standard Initial Charge 0.00%
Ongoing cost 0.89% Annual Management Charge 0.00%

Fund Objective

The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve capital growth, net of fees, over 5 year rolling periods by investing in equities of European (excluding the UK) companies in special situations (which may also provide an element of income). The Fund aims to achieve the investment objective by investing 80% or more in European listed equities ((ordinary or preference shares) of which up to 5% may be in UK companies (defined as companies incorporated or domiciled in the UK) and which are in special situations).

Fund Managers

Lansdowne Partners (UK) LLP