£2.79£0.04 (0.0139%)06 Mar 2025
Last Price | £2.79 | Day Change | £0.04 (0.0139%) |
Price Date | 06 Mar 2025 | Morningstar Rating | |
Shares Class | Inc | Yield | 1.26% |
Last Ex-Dividend Date | 2020-01-01 | Dividend Frequency | - |
Sector | Europe Excluding UK | Fund Size | 0.00 |
Launch Date | 2020-01-01 | Standard Initial Charge | 0.00% |
Ongoing cost | 0.85% | Annual Management Charge | 0.00% |
ISIN | GB00B881HQ54 |
Fund Objective
The Sub-Fund aims to achieve capital growth over the long term (5 years or more). The Sub-Fund is actively managed and invests at least 75% of its assets in a concentrated portfolio of equities (company shares issued by continental European companies including ordinary shares, preference shares and other equity-related securities that meet the Investment Manager’s sustainability criteria, where environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) considerations are an integral part of the criteria. Continental European companies are defined as those that are either domiciled, incorporated or which have significant business in continental Europe (excluding the UK). The Sub-Fund may invest up to 25% of its assets in companies domiciled, incorporated or that have significant business outside of continental Europe, which may include the UK.
Fund Managers
BNY Mellon Fund Managers Limited
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Market Overview
UK 350 Risers and Fallers
Company | Price | % Chg |
Schroders PLC | 428.20 | 12.62 |
Itv PLC | 76.35 | 9.70 |
Rhi Magnesita N.V. | 3,800.00 | 9.67 |
Qinetiq Group PLC | 530.00 | 7.37 |
Victrex PLC | 1,012.00 | 6.98 |
Admiral Group PLC | 3,046.00 | 5.00 |
Company | Price | % Chg |
Melrose Industries PLC | 556.40 | -18.18 |
Spire Healthcare Group PLC | 188.60 | -15.99 |
Harbour Energy PLC | 189.40 | -11.50 |
Rentokil Initial PLC | 346.20 | -10.77 |
Hunting PLC | 286.50 | -6.68 |
Ithaca Energy PLC | 126.00 | -6.67 |
Risers/fallers data from previous trading day. Today's data available from 8:15am.