237.10p1.00p (0.0042%)414 Jan 2025
Last Price237.10pDay Change1.00p (0.0042%)
Price Date14 Jan 2025Morningstar Rating4
Shares ClassIncYield0.14%
Last Ex-Dividend Date2020-01-01Dividend Frequency-
SectorNorth American Smaller CompaniesFund Size0.00
Launch Date2020-01-01Standard Initial Charge0.00%
Ongoing cost0.82%Annual Management Charge0.00%

Fund Objective

The Fund aims to achieve long term capital growth, with some income, over the long term (at least 5 years). The Fund invests primarily in equities at least 80% in shares of smaller and medium sized US companies. A US company is one from any economic sector that may be listed, quoted or traded in the US or elsewhere but which is incorporated, domiciled or conducts a significant portion of its business in the US. The Fund may be invested in any industry sector. Smaller and medium sized companies are defined by the investment manager for the Fund as companies with a market capitalisation of less than US$10 billion at the time of purchase.

Fund Managers

Columbia Threadneedle Fund Management Limited