CentralNic Group
CentralNic Group (CNIC) is a leading UK-headquartered global internet solutions company that operates in two highly attractive markets: high-growth digital advertising (Online Marketing segment) and domain name management solutions (Online Presence segment). The companys Online Marketing segment creates privacy-safe and AI-generated online consumer journeys that convert general interest online media users into confident high conviction consumers through advertorial and review websites. CentralNic is now over 200 times the size it was when it IPO-ed less than a decade ago. It has grown its profits every year and has been called "a cash generation machine."
Henderson European Focus Trust
The Henderson European Focus Trust seeks to maximise total return (a combination of income and capital growth) from a portfolio of stocks listed in Europe. The portfolio can hold companies of any size but has a strong bias towards large cap.
Kavango Resources
Kavango Resources (KAV) is an exploration group targeting the discovery of mineral deposits in Botswana. The companys operating segment include Exploration and Corporate. Its projects include Kalahari Suture Zone; Ditau and Kalahari Copper Belt.