Shares Investor Webinar

Shares Investor Webinar

Tuesday 5 September 2023

CentralNic Group and FP Foresight Sustainable Real Estate Securities Fund

Shares Spotlight webinars feature presentations from directors of companies explaining their investment propositions followed by an opportunity for you to ask questions. This is your chance to hear first-hand from the directors of companies and how they are going to generate shareholder value.

Registering and joining us for webinar is very simple; simply register your details and follow the link you will receive in your confirmation email at the scheduled time of the webinar.

The following companies will be presenting:

CentralNic Group (CNIC) is a leading UK-headquartered global internet solutions company that operates in two highly attractive markets: high-growth digital advertising (Online Marketing segment) and domain name management solutions (Online Presence segment). The company's Online Marketing segment creates privacy-safe and AI-generated online consumer journeys that convert general interest online media users into confident high conviction consumers through advertorial and review websites. CentralNic is now over 200 times the size it was when it IPO-ed less than a decade ago. It has grown its profits every year and has been called "a cash generation machine."

FP Foresight Sustainable Real Estate Securities Fund ("REF") is a sustainability-led alternative assets and SME investment manager, managing £12.0 billion for some of the world’s largest institutional investors, private and high net-worth individuals. The Foresight Capital Management ("FCM") team was established in 2017 to facilitate retail and institutional investors accessing real assets and sustainable investment opportunities through actively managed open-ended funds (OEICs) investing in listed securities. In this session they will provide further detail on their OEIC products and management approach.


Click on the REGISTER tab now to secure your place!

Who Should Attend

The evening exposes investors to companies across various sectors. Perfect for existing investors as well as those looking for new investment opportunities.

The webinar will not require your participation in the form of audio or video, however you will have the opportunity to ask questions of  the presenters via an online chat window during the presentation.

Evening timings

Chris Williams, Spotlight Manager - Shares
FP Foresight Sustainable Real Estate Securities Fund
Mark Brennan, Partner - FP Foresight Sustainable Real Estate Securities Fund (REF)
CentralNic Group
Michael Riedl, CEO - CentralNic Group (CNIC)
Billy Green, CFO - Team Internet (TIG)
End of webinar

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