Shares Investor Evening (London)

Shares Investor Evening (London)

Thursday 15 March 2018
Investment Trusts for your ISA and SIPP
As we approach the end of the financial year and start to look at the year ahead, now is a perfect time to better understand your tax efficient investing opportunities for your ISA or SIPP.
Come to the free Shares and AJ Bell investor evening in London on 15 March 2018 and learn about making the most of tax efficient investing, ways to select investment trusts and listen to individual fund managers talk about their funds & how they select stocks.

Daniel Coatsworth - Shares Editor
Daniel will be hosting the evening and explaining how he approaches investment trust selection.

Tom Selby - AJ Bell Senior Analyst
Tom will be looking at the latest rules, uses and developments of ISAs and SIPPs and will explain how to take best use of the tax efficient advantages they offer.

Brunner Investment Trust (BUT)
With a track record of 45 years of dividend growth the Brunner Investment Trust invests in companies throughout the world, seeking opportunities for growth and reliable dividends.

Henderson EuroTrust (HNE)
Europe is seen by many market commentators as a region that offers some compelling investment opportunities that have been overlooked by many investors. The Henderson EuroTrust, now in its 26th year, aims to deliver a superior total return from a portfolio of high quality European (excluding the UK) investments.

Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust PLC (EWI)
A very strong performer in 2016 and again in 2017 with a total return of over 45% for the year. The Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust has a global portfolio of entrepreneurial companies that it believes offer long-term growth potential.

Standard Life Private Equity Trust (SLPE)
Private companies and private equity funds can be difficult for many investors to get exposure to. The Standard Life Private Equity Trust provides investors access to this asset class by investing in a selection of leading private equity funds with an underlying portfolio of around 350 private companies.

Attend the event on 15 March 2018 and you will be entered into a prize draw to win a Fortnum & Mason Wayfarer Hamper worth £150 which will be presented on the night (Terms and Conditions apply


Who Should Attend

The evening is a perfect for investors that are looking for new investment ideas, for those who want to better understand the benefits of investing via ISAs and SIPPs and is a great networking opportunity to meet fellow investors and to share ideas. 

Evening timings

Registration and coffee
How to pick an investment trust
Daniel Coatsworth, Stock Market Analyst - AJ Bell (AJB)
Pension and ISA savings tips for the new tax year
Tom Selby, Head of Retirement Policy - AJ Bell (AJB)
Finding Global Growth and Income
Lucy Macdonald, Fund Manager & Chief Investment Officer of Global Equities - Brunner Investment Trust (44GL)
Europe: A source for reliable growth and income
Tim Stevenson, Director of Pan-European Equities - Henderson EuroTrust (HNE)
Growth Companies Shaping Our Tomorrow
Luke Ward, Deputy Fund Manager - Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust (EWI)
Private equity: generating value though active management
Roger Pim, Manager - Aberdeen Standard Investments (ASI)
Panel discussion
Daniel Coatsworth, Stock Market Analyst - AJ Bell (AJB)
Roger Pim, Manager - Aberdeen Standard Investments (ASI)
Lucy Macdonald, Fund Manager & Chief Investment Officer of Global Equities - Brunner Investment Trust (44GL)
Luke Ward, Deputy Fund Manager - Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust (EWI)
Tim Stevenson, Director of Pan-European Equities - Henderson EuroTrust (HNE)
Drinks reception and canapés


etc.venues St Paul's

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