Shares Investor Evening - Edinburgh - LIVE EVENT

Anexo Group, Reabold Resources, Team Internet and Time To Act

Come and join Shares and AJ Bell Media at their Edinburgh Investor Evening on Tuesday 27 February 2024 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, located in the heart of the historic Royal Mile.

Our Edinburgh Live evening event provides an opportunity for Board Directors to make presentations and talk about their companys business plans to existing & potential new investors.

During the event and afterwards over drinks and food, attendees will have the chance to get to know the companies better by talking one on one with the company directors.

Companies presenting:

Anexo Group (ANX) is a specialist integrated credit hire and legal services group focused on providing replacement vehicles and associated legal services to impecunious customers who have been involved in a non-fault accident. These individuals typically do not have the financial means or access to a replacement vehicle which allows the Group to charge credit hire rather than spot hire or GTA rates, recovering these charges from the at-fault insurer at no upfront cost to the individual.

Reabold Resources (LSE- RBD) is an investment company in the natural resources sector. The principal activity of the company is an investment in pre-cash flow upstream oil and gas projects, primarily as significant minority interests in unlisted oil and gas companies or majority interests in unlisted oil and gas companies with non-operating positions on licenses.

Team Internet Group plc (AIM: TIG), (formerly CentralNic) is a leading global internet solutions company headquartered in London. The company operates in two highly attractive markets: high-growth digital advertising (Online Marketing segment) and domain name management solutions (Online Presence segment). Team Internet has been recognized as one of the top-50 tech industry companies in the FT 1000 list and has also been included in the FTSE AIM UK 50 and AIM 100 indices.

Time To ACT plc is a development business focusing on Advancing Clean Technologies. We own, operate, improve and scale up cleantech and renewable supply chain businesses with promising profiles but embedded challenges that we can help to overcome.

Who Should Attend

The evening exposes investors to companies across various sectors. Perfect for existing investors as well as those looking for new investment opportunities.

Evening timings


Registration and coffee



Nick Dashwood Brown, Head of Investor Relations - Anexo Group (ANX)

Stephen Williams, Co Chief Executive - Reabold Resources (RBD)

Billy Green, CFO - Team Internet (TIG)

Chris Heminway, Executive Chairman - Time To ACT plc

Martin Surzyn, IR Manager - Team Internet (TIG)


Drinks reception and canapés




Sponsored by

AJ Bell

Featured Companies

Anexo Group
Reabold Resources
Team Internet
Time To ACT plc