Shares Investor Evening


  • Idox


    Idox plc, through its Public Sector Division and Engineering Information Management Division, is a supplier of specialist document management collaboration solutions and services to the UK local government and increasingly, to highly regulated asset intensive industries around the world in the wider corporate sector.

  • North River Resources

    North River Resources

    North River Resources plc is headquartered in London with subsidiaries in Namibia and joint venture interests in Mozambique.

    North River has an extensive exploration landholding in Namibia ranging from newly issued exclusive prospecting licences (EPLs) to previously producing properties with identified JORC Compliant resources.

    The Companys flagship asset is the EPL covering the historic Namib Lead Zinc Mine, which has demonstrated its potential to be developed into a profitable and medium life mine.

  • Vast Resources

    Vast Resources

    Vast Resources (VAST) - Vast Resources plc is an AIM listed mining and resource development company focussed on the rapid advancement of high quality brownfield projects and recommencing production at previously producing mines in Romania.

    Vast Resources currently own and operates the Manaila Polymetallic Mine in Romania, which was commissioned in 2015. The Companys portfolio also includes the Baita Plai Polymetallic Mine in Romania, where work is currently underway towards obtaining the relevant permissions to start developing and ultimately commissioning the mine.

    The Company also has interests in a number of projects in Southern Africa including a 25 per cent. interest in the producing Pickstone-Peerless Gold Mine in Zimbabwe.