Trump vs. Clinton: Trading the US Presidential Election

Trump vs. Clinton: Trading the US Presidential Election

Wednesday 19 October 2016


The 2016 US Presidential Election promises to be one of the most closely watched contests in history and could have a huge impact on the global economy.


Now is the time to understand what trading opportunities the US election offers.


Come to the event to discover what the impact of the election might be on different markets and sectors and how you can profit.



Evening timings

Registration and coffee
The US election and the macro geopolitical environment: Key insights
Daniel Coatsworth, Stock Market Analyst - AJ Bell (AJB)
Welcome from ETX Capital
Andrew Edwards, CEO - ETX Capital
How the US election will impact sectors, currencies & commodities and the opportunities it will create
David Papier, Head of Retention - ETX Capital
Panel Q&A: Your chance to ask questions to the speakers
Daniel Coatsworth, Stock Market Analyst - AJ Bell (AJB)
Andrew Edwards, CEO - ETX Capital
David Papier, Head of Retention - ETX Capital
Drinks reception and canapés


Novotel Tower Bridge, London EC3N 2NR

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