A small British company has moved a step closer to being given the green light to challenge Viagra for supremacy of the impotency market.

Guildford-based micro-cap Futura Medical (FUM:AIM) is poised to sell a gel into the $5 billion erectile dysfunction market after trials proved that MED2002 is safe and that it works.

Management also point to it working faster than the pills currently dominating the market.

The gel worked within 10 minutes on 82% of the 232 men tested, potentially making it the world’s fastest acting impotency treatment.

This is clearly a result of the treatment being applied directly to the problem area and not having to wait for a pill to dissolve in the bloodstream. The gel also appeals to those unable to take oral treatments such as Viagra on health grounds.

Futura’s value more than doubled to £61.9 million on the news, after shares jumped 120% to 62.5p. This is another example of what can happen in the healthcare market if a developer gets a treatment to market.

Web - Futura - 7 September 2016

A detailed breakdown of the trial results are expected in 13 September’s half year results.

Futura, which specialises in delivering treatments through the skin, has also invented an erection maintaining condom as well as having several pain relief gels under development.

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Issue Date: 07 Sep 2016