Source - LSE Regulatory
RNS Number : 5854C
Fondul Proprietatea S.A.
02 September 2024

To:          Bucharest Stock Exchange

                Financial Supervisory Authority

               London Stock Exchange


Current report according to Article 234 para. (1) letter b) of the Financial Supervisory Authority Regulation no. 5/2018 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations, as well as the provisions of Article 99 letter a) of the Code of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, Title II, Issuers and Financial Instruments.

Important events to be reported:

Supplemented convening notice of the Extraordinary and Ordinary General Meetings of Shareholders of Fondul Proprietatea S.A. to be held on 27 September 2024

Franklin Templeton International Services S.À R.L., in its capacity of alternative investment fund manager and sole director of Fondul Proprietatea S.A. ("Fondul Proprietatea" / the "Company"), hereby, publishes the Convening notice of Fondul Proprietatea's Extraordinary ("EGM") and Ordinary ("OGM") General Meetings of Shareholders to be held on 27 September 2024, supplemented by adding new items on the EGM and OGM agenda, as requested by the shareholder MINISTRY OF FINANCE, which holds more than 5% of Fondul Proprietatea's share capital, as the request was described in the Company's current report of 29 August 2024.


Franklin Templeton International Services S.À R.L, in its capacity of alternative investment fund manager and sole director of FONDUL PROPRIETATEA S.A.



Permanent Representative

Report date:

2 September 2024


Name of the issuing entity:

Fondul Proprietatea S.A.


Registered office:

76-80 Buzesti Street

7th floor, district 1,

Bucharest, 011017


Phone/fax number:

Tel.: + 40 21 200 96 00

Fax: +40 31 630 00 48






Sole Registration Code with the Trade Register Office:



Order number in the Trade Register:



Subscribed and paid-up share capital:

RON 1,849,342,164.28



Number of shares in issue and paid-up:



Regulated market on which the issued securities are traded:

Shares on Bucharest Stock Exchange

GDRs on London Stock Exchange










Franklin Templeton International Services S.à r.l., a société à responsabilité limitée qualifying as an alternative investment fund manager under article 5 of the Luxembourg law of 12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund managers, authorized by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier under no. A00000154/21 November 2013, whose registered office is located at 8a, rue Albert Borschette, L-1246 Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg register of commerce and companies under number B36.979, registered with the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority under number PJM07.1AFIASMDLUX0037/10 March 2016 (the "Fund Manager" / "Sole Director"), in its capacity as the alternative investment fund manager and sole director of FONDUL PROPRIETATEA S.A., a joint-stock company incorporated under the laws of Romania, qualifying as an alternative investment fund closed-end type, addressed to retail investors, with its headquarters in Bucharest, 76-80 Buzeşti Street, 7th floor, 1st District, Romania, registered with the Trade Registry under no. J40/21901/2005, Sole Registration Code 18253260, with a subscribed and paid-up share capital of RON 1,849,342,164.28 (the "Company"/ "Fondul Proprietatea"/ "FP"),




§ The convening notice for the 27 September 2024 Extraordinary and Ordinary General Shareholders Meetings of Fondul Proprietatea published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part IV, no. 3884 of 14 August 2024, and in Adevărul newspaper no. 9193 of 14 August 2024;


§ The request dated 29 August 2024 of the shareholder Ministry of Finance, which holds more than 5% of the share capital of Fondul Proprietatea, to supplement the agenda of the Extraordinary and Ordinary General Shareholders Meetings of Fondul Proprietatea by introducing new items;


§ The provisions of Article 117^1, paragraph (1) of Companies' Law no. 31/1990, Article 105 paragraph (3) of Issuers' Law, Article 189 of Regulation no. 5/2018 and the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (5) of the Company's Constitutive Act,


The agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Fondul Proprietatea convened for 27 September 2024, 11:00 AM (Romanian time), at "INTERCONTINENTAL ATHÉNÉE PALACE BUCHAREST" Hotel, Le Diplomate Salon, 1-3 Episcopiei Street, 1st District, Bucharest, 010292, Romania (the "EGM") is supplemented with a new item no. 3 and renumbered, and the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Fondul Proprietatea convened for 27 September 2024, 12:00 PM (Romanian time), at "INTERCONTINENTAL ATHÉNÉE PALACE BUCHAREST" Hotel, Le Diplomate Salon, 1-3 Episcopiei Street, 1st District, Bucharest, 010292, Romania (the "OGM") is supplemented with a new item no. 10 and renumbered.


Only the persons registered as shareholders of the Company on 6 September 2024 (the "Reference Date") in the shareholders registry kept by Depozitarul Central S.A. have the right to participate and vote at the EGM and OGM.




I.       The supplemented agenda of the EGM will have the following content:


1.      The approval of the amendment of Article 19 par. (3) of the Constitutive Act of Fondul Proprietatea, which shall be read as follows:


"(3) The mandate of the AIFM shall not exceed 4 years, with the possibility of re-election. The AIFM will call an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held at least 6 months before the expiry of the mandate of AIFM and will ensure that the agenda of the ordinary general shareholders meeting will include points granting the options to (i) approve the renewal of the AIFM's mandate, (ii) appoint a new AIFM in accordance with the legal provisions in force, with the shareholders being granted the opportunity to propose candidates for such position; the agenda will also include provisions for the authorization of the negotiation and execution of the relevant investment management agreement and fulfilment of all relevant formalities for the authorization and legal completion of such appointment."


2.      The approval of the amendment of Article 20 of the Constitutive Act of Fondul Proprietatea, which shall be read as follows:


"The Alternative Investment Fund Manager shall appoint a natural person as its permanent representative. The Alternative Investment Fund Manager shall also appoint a natural person as the replacement for the permanent representative, to perform the duties of the permanent representative in case of inability to carry out his/her activities. The Alternative Investment Fund Manager can change the permanent representative and/or the replacement in accordance with the applicable law. All changes will be registered with the Trade Registry."


3.      "Starting with the date when this Resolution of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders is published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part IV, the empowerment given by the Resolution of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders no. 1/13.02.2024 on the approval of the authorization of the sole director to buy-back shares of Fondul Proprietatea, global depositary receipts or titles of interest corresponding to shares of Fondul Proprietatea, via trading on the regular market on which the shares, the global depositary receipts or titles of interest corresponding to the shares of Fondul Proprietatea are listed or public tender offers, in compliance with the applicable law, for a maximum number of 1,000,000,000 shares, shall be amended as follows:


During the time frame remained until the end of the mandated granted to Franklin Templeton International Services S.a r.l., respectively 31 March 2025, the sole director shall not be entitled to buy-back shares of Fondul Proprietatea, global depositary receipts or titles of interest corresponding to shares of Fondul Proprietatea."


(Item added on the agenda at the request of the shareholder Ministry of Finance)


4.      The approval of:


(a)     The date of 10 October 2024 as the Ex - Date, in accordance with Article 176 paragraph (1), computed with the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (2) letter (l) of Regulation no. 5/2018;


The date of 11 October 2024 as the Registration Date, in accordance with Article 176 paragraph (1) of Regulation no. 5/2018, computed with the provisions of Article 87 paragraph (1) of Issuers' Law.


As they are not applicable to this EGM, the shareholders do not decide on the other aspects provided by Article 176 paragraph (1) of Regulation no. 5/2018 such as the payment date and the date of the guaranteed participation.


(b)     The empowerment, with authority to sub-delegate, of Johan Meyer to sign the shareholders' resolutions and the amended, renumbered and restated form of the Constitutive Act, if the case may be, as well as any other documents in connection therewith, and to carry out all procedures and formalities set out by law for the purpose of implementing the shareholders' resolution, including formalities for publication and registration thereof with the Trade Registry or with any other public institution.





II.      The supplemented agenda of the OGM will have the following content:


1.      The approval of 2024 revised budget of Fondul Proprietatea, in accordance with the supporting materials.


2.      The appointment for a period of three (3) years of two (2) members of the Board of Nominees of Fondul Proprietatea following (i) the expiration of the mandate of Mr. Nicholas Paris on 6 April 2024 and (ii) the resignation of Mr. Martin Bernstein from the position as member of the Board of Nominees, which became effective on 12 July 2024.


The mandate of each new member in the Board of Nominees shall start on the date the respective candidate appointed by the OGM accepts such appointment.


(secret vote)


3.      The appointment of Ernst & Young Assurance Services SRL, with its headquarters in Bucharest, 15 -17 Ion Mihalache Blvd., Tower Center Building, 22nd Floor, 1st District, 011171, Romania, registered with the Trade Registry under no. J40/5964/1999, Sole Registration Number 11909783, as the financial auditor of Fondul Proprietatea, setting the duration of the financial audit agreement for the period starting with 1 September 2025 to 31 August 2026, and revocation and deregistration from the Trade Registry of Deloitte Audit SRL; and setting the scope of work of the financial audit agreement: audit of the financial statements of Fondul Proprietatea for the financial year ended 31 December 2025, to be prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union, and setting the level of its remuneration for the financial audit services described above at a maximum level (without VAT) of EUR 115,235/year.


(secret vote)


4.      The approval of the following selection criteria, as prepared and proposed by the Board of Nominees on the basis of the advice received by the Board of Nominees from Numis Securities Limited, member of Deutsche Bank Group, and based on which the Board of Nominees shall select the alternative investment fund manager ("AIFM") of Fondul Proprietatea:


a. Established investment management entity operating to global standards in asset management, client servicing, compliance, financial reporting, investor relations, and risk management, and with experience and expertise in mandates invested in Romania and/or similar markets.

b. Proposal for Fondul Proprietatea's investment mandate which should predominantly be focused on continued investment in domestic entities, including state-owned enterprises, and which may involve further direct or indirect investment in unquoted entities.

c. Regulatory authorisation necessary to implement Fondul Proprietatea's investment mandate, specifically an AIFM authorised as an alternative investment fund manager by the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority or an EU-authorised AIFM with a credible basis for seeking a passport to operate in Romania.

d. Internal resources necessary to implement Fondul Proprietatea's investment mandate including operational capacity in Romania (or credible basis for establishing a Romanian office) (or credible proposal to put resources in place which may involve an outsourcing model).

e. Remuneration structure aligned with interests of shareholders as a whole in the long-term delivery of Fondul Proprietatea's investment mandate.


5.      The appointment, following selection by the Board of Nominees, of Numis Securities Limited, member of Deutsche Bank Group, with its head-office at 45 Gresham Street, London, United Kingdom ("Deutsche Numis"), as selection advisor assisting Fondul Proprietatea through the members of the Board of Nominees. Deutsche Numis shall provide services related to the selection of the potential AIFM, assisting the members of the Board of Nominees in drafting the request for proposals to be sent to potential candidates, selection and analysis of the offers received, project management of the selection process and assistance during negotiation of the new terms of the management agreement to be negotiated with the selected candidate(s).


6.      The approval of a maximum advisory budget of RON 3,8 million, including all applicable taxes and out-of-pocket expenses, to be used by the members of the Board of Nominees, for the payment of the services to be provided by Deutsche Numis pursuant to any appointment in accordance with a resolution adopted by the OGM following a favourable vote on item 5 of this OGM agenda, as well as for any other services related to the selection of an AIFM, including financial advisory services and legal services required for this purpose.


7.      The approval of the authorisation of the Chairperson of the Board of Nominees (with authority to be substituted by another member of the Board of Nominees), with the signature of such person being binding upon and mandatory for the Fund, to take the following actions and to act in the name of and on behalf of the Fund (the "Authorisation"):


a.   to select and appoint any advisors (without prejudice to any appointment pursuant to an OGM resolution approving point 5 on this OGM agenda) to assist Fondul Proprietatea and the Board of Nominees in relation to the AIFM selection process which has been commenced by the Board of Nominees following the OGSM Resolution no. 9 of 25 September 2023 (the "Selection Process");

b.   to negotiate and agree, as the case may be, in the name and on behalf of Fondul Proprietatea, any documents (as well as any amendments thereto) regarding the Selection Process; and

c.     to sign, execute and deliver all agreements with advisors, written instruments and all other documents, which are necessary, desirable and/or appropriate in order to fulfil the Authorisation granted hereby."


8.      The approval of (i) the extension of the mandate of Franklin Templeton International Services S.à r.l., a société à responsabilité limitée, whose registered office is located at 8A rue Albert Borschette, L1246 Luxembourg and registered with the Luxembourg Register of Commerce and Companies under number B 36.979, as the sole director of Fondul Proprietatea that acts also as the alternative investment fund manager of Fondul Proprietatea, for a period of one (1) year starting with 1 April 2025 and until 31 March 2026, inclusive and (ii) the corresponding extension of the terms of the management agreement executed between Fondul Proprietatea and Franklin Templeton International Services S.à r.l. on 29 March 2024, as approved by the OGSM Resolution no. 2 of 26 March 2024 (the "Management Agreement") until 31 March 2026, inclusive (with the corresponding amendments to the provisions linked to the duration of the Management Agreement), in accordance with the addendum to the Management Agreement in the form set out in the supporting documentation (the "Addendum"), with all the other provisions of the Management Agreement remaining unchanged. The extended mandate and the corresponding Addendum will enter into force only to the extent that by 31 March 2025 (a) the OGSM does not appoint a new AIFM (who shall also act as sole director), pursuant to the AIFM selection process which has been commenced by the Board of Nominees following the OGSM Resolution no. 9 of 25 September 2023 (the "Appointment") and (b) such appointment does not enter into force by the aforementioned date (i.e. 31 March 2025).


Mrs. Ilinca von Derenthall, the Chairperson of the Board of Nominees is empowered (with authority to

be substituted by another member of the Board of Nominees) to execute the Addendum and to perform/sign any related necessary, useful and/or opportune legal acts and deeds for and on behalf of Fondul Proprietatea.


(secret vote)


9.      The approval of the appointment of a new sole director of Fondul Proprietatea that will act as alternative investment fund manager for a mandate of two (2) years starting with 1 April 2025 (provided that all the legal requirements related to the appointment of the new sole director of Fondul Proprietatea that will act as alternative investment fund manager are finalized by 31 March 2025, inclusive) and until 31 March 2027, inclusive, according to legal provisions in force, subject to point 8 of this OGM agenda not being approved by the OGM. The approval of this item on the OGM agenda leads to the revocation of the OGSM Resolution no. 9 of 25 September 2023 and of the OGSM Resolutions approving the selection criteria, the appointment of Deutsche Numis, the budget, and Authorisation for the selection of a new fund manager, as outlined under items 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this OGM agenda.


The Board of Nominees is hereby empowered (i) to negotiate the draft of the management agreement which shall be subject to the approval by the ordinary general meeting of shareholders; and (ii) to implement all relevant formalities for authorizing and finalizing the appointment as per this item.


(secret vote)


10.    "Alternative to item 8 of the OGMS convening notice -


Approval of the (i) extension of the empowerment of Franklin Templeton International Services S.a r.l., a limited liability company with the registered office in rue Albert Borschette no. 8A, L-1246 Luxembourg, registered with the Register of Trade and Companies of Luxembourg under number B 36.979, as sole director of Fondul Proprietatea, acting as manager of alternative investment fund of Fondul Proprietatea, for a period of one (1) year from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026, inclusively and (ii) corresponding extension of the terms of the management agreement concluded between Fondul Proprietatea and Franklin Templeton International Services S.a r.l. on 29 March 2024, as approved by the Resolution of the OGMS no. 2 of 26 March 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the "Management Agreement") until 31 March 2026, inclusively (with the corresponding amendments of the provisions on the term of the Management Agreement), according to the Addendum to the Management Agreement in the form provided in the supporting documents (hereinafter the "Addendum"), all the other provisions of the Management Agreement remaining unchanged. The extended mandate and the corresponding Addendum shall enter into effect only to the extent that, by 31 March 2025 (a) the OGMS does not appoint a new Manager of the AIF (also acting as sole director) according to the AIFM selection process initiated by the Board of Nominees following the Resolution of the OGMS no. 9 of 25 September 2023 (the "Appointment") and (b) such appointment shall not produce effects until the above-mentioned date (i.e. 31 March 2025).


The extension of the mandate of Franklin Templeton International Services S.a r.l. for the management of Fondul Proprietatea is granted strictly subject to the compliance with the obligations below related to the management strategy, for the period 31 March - 31 March 2026, which will be fulfilled and carried out by the sole director:

a.   preservation of the current portfolio of Fondul Proprietatea, with the sale of the company's portfolio holdings being prohibited; any offers received for the sale of some of Fondul Proprietatea holdings will be analysed by the Board of Nominees and will be subject to the approval of the OGMS;


b.   prohibition of share buy-backs and the retention/use of cash held by the company exclusively for the management of the current portfolio and/or for investments, which will be approved in advance by the Board of Nominees.


Mrs. Ilinca von Derenthall, Chairperson of the Board of Nominees, is empowered (with the possibility of being replaced by another member of the Board of Nominees) to sign the Addendum and to fulfil/sign any and all necessary, useful and/or appropriate legal acts and deeds for and on behalf of Fondul Proprietatea. (secret vote)


This item is approved on condition of non-approval by the OGMS of item 8 on the agenda of the OGMS."


(Item added on the agenda at the request of the shareholder Ministry of Finance)


11.    The approval of:


(a)     The date of 10 October 2024 as the Ex - Date, in accordance with Article 176 paragraph (1), computed with the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (2) letter (l) of Regulation no. 5/2018;


The date of 11 October 2024 as the Registration Date, in accordance with Article 176 paragraph (1) of Regulation no. 5/2018, computed with the provisions of Article 87 paragraph (1) of Issuers' Law.


As they are not applicable to this OGM, the shareholders do not decide on the other aspects provided by Article 176 paragraph (1) of Regulation no. 5/2018 such as the payment date and the date of the guaranteed participation.


(b)     The empowerment, with authority to sub-delegate, of Johan Meyer to sign the shareholders' resolutions, as well as any other documents in connection therewith, and to carry out all procedures and formalities set out by law for the purpose of implementing the shareholders' resolution, including formalities for publication and registration thereof with the Trade Registry or with any other public institution.









Information with respect to the OGM agenda


With respect to item 2 on the OGM agenda, the proposals of the shareholders for the two mandates may be submitted by 30 August 2024, 5:00 PM (Romanian time), to the Company's headquarters in Bucharest, 76-80 Buzești Street, 7th floor, 1st district, postal code 011017 or by e-mail at


Each candidate for the Board of Nominees must submit the copy of the ID, the resume which details the professional activity, the fiscal record and the criminal record, or solemn statement, if the candidate is not a Romanian citizen, the questionnaire regarding the independence of the candidate, filled in and signed by the candidate, a letter of intent setting out the reasons supporting the candidacy and the consent form and information note for the collection and processing of personal data in the recruitment process, filled in and signed by the candidate, whose templates are available in the GSM informative materials on the Company's webpage.


The list including information with regard to the name, the locality of residence, the professional qualification, the capacity as shareholder, fiscal record and criminal record, the independence questionnaire, the CV and the letter of intent will be published on the webpage of the Company and shall be updated daily on the basis of the proposals received.


All candidates for the two (2) vacant positions in the Board of Nominees will be put for being voted on the same list, with the first two (2) candidates who obtain the highest number of votes in favor, but no less than 50% + 1 of the casted votes of all shareholders attending or being represented in this OGM (the statutory majority for adopting a decision), being elected to the Board of Nominees. Each shareholder may vote "FOR" for up to two (2) candidates, as there are two (2) members to be appointed to the Board of Nominees.


With respect to item 8 on the OGM agenda, the list containing the data regarding Franklin Templeton International Services S.à r.l. (including the name, headquarters, license, the evidence of registration with Trade Registry, the proof of registration with the public register of FSA) is published on the webpage of the Company and is available at its headquarters for the shareholders' information.


With respect to item 9 on the OGM agenda, shareholders can propose candidates until 30 August 2024, 5:00 PM (Romanian time), proposals that should be filed at the headquarters of the Company, in Bucharest, 76-80 Buzeşti Street, 7th floor, 1st District, zip code 011017, Romania, or by e-mail having incorporated an extended electronic signature in accordance with Law no. 455/2001 regarding electronic signature, at The proposals, together with professional qualification and the evidence related to the licenses that allow the candidate to manage Fondul Proprietatea, will be published on the webpage of the Company and will be updated on daily basis.


With respect to item 9 on the OGM agenda, please note that this item will be put to vote during the OGM and the votes cast by correspondence or via eVote platform shall be validated only if item 8 of this OGM agenda is not approved by the OGM.




The right to include new items on the agenda. The right to present drafts of resolutions for the items included on the agenda or for the items proposed for inclusion on the agenda


In accordance with the provisions of Article 117^1, paragraph (1) of Companies' Law no. 31/1990, Article 105 paragraph (3) of Issuers' Law, Article 189 of Regulation no. 5/2018 and the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (5) of the Constitutive Act, one or several shareholders representing individually or jointly at least 5% of the Company's share capital may request the Sole Director the introduction of additional items on the agenda of the EGM/OGM and/or the presentation of draft resolutions for the items included or proposed to be included on the agenda of the EGM/OGM.






These requests must comply, cumulatively, with the following requirements:


a)   in the case of natural person shareholders, they must be accompanied by copies of the shareholders' identity documents (the identity documents presented by the shareholders must allow their identification in the Company's registry of shareholders kept by Depozitarul Central SA), and in the case of legal entity shareholders, they must be accompanied by:

§ the original or a true copy of the up-to-date findings certificate issued by the Trade Registry (in Romanian "certificat constatator") or any other document, in original or true copy, issued by a competent authority of the state where the shareholder is duly incorporated, all being no older than twelve (12) months as of the date of the EGM/OGM convening notice publication in the Official Gazette of Romania, allowing for the identification thereof in the Company's shareholders registry kept by Depozitarul Central SA;

§ the capacity of shareholder's legal representative shall be taken from the Shareholders' Registry issued by Depozitarul Central SA; however, if the shareholder did not inform in a timely manner Depozitarul Central SA of its legal representative (so that the shareholders' registry at the Reference Date reflect that), then the findings certificate/similar documents mentioned above must comprise the capacity of legal representative of the shareholder;

§ the documents attesting the legal representative capacity drafted in a foreign language other than English shall be accompanied by their translation into Romanian or English performed by a certified translator. The Company shall not request that the documents attesting the shareholder's legal representative capacity be notarised or apostilled.

b)   they must be accompanied by a justification and/or a draft resolution proposed for passing, and

c)   they must be sent in original, signed, to and registered at the Company's headquarters in Bucharest, 76-80 Buzești Street, 7th floor, 1st district, postal code 011017, Romania by any type of courier service with proof of delivery or by e-mail at with incorporated extended electronic signature as per Law no. 455/2001 on the electronic signature, republished ("Law no. 455/2001") by 30 August 2024, 5:00 PM (Romanian time).


In order to identify and prove the shareholder capacity of a person making proposals to supplement the agenda (or addressing questions according to Article 117^2 paragraph (3) of Companies' Law and with Article 198 of Regulation no. 5/2018), the Company may request such person to provide a statement indicating the shareholder capacity and the number of shares held.


Information materials and questions related to the agenda


Each shareholder, irrespective of how many shares he/she/it owns in the Company's share capital, has the right to ask questions regarding the issues on the agenda of the general meeting. The questions shall be sent to the Company's headquarters in Bucharest, 76-80 Buzeşti Street, 7th floor, 1st District, postal code 011017 or to, so that they are received by the Company by 25 September 2024, 11:00 AM (Romanian time), for the purpose of good process and preparation of the general meetings. Shareholders who did not submit the questions by 25 September 2024, 11:00 AM (Romanian time) can address the questions during the general meetings. The Company shall answer the questions asked by the shareholders during the meetings; the questions may be answered as well on the Q&A section of the website of the Company:


The identification requirements mentioned above in the section on supplementing the agenda are also applicable to a natural person shareholder and/or the legal representative of a legal entity addressing questions regarding the items on the agenda of the EGM/OGM.


Commencing with the date of publication of this convening notice in the Official Gazette of Romania, the general procedure for organizing general shareholders meetings (including the procedure for voting through a representative with a special/general power of attorney, the procedure which allows voting by correspondence or electronic voting via the eVote platform, the procedure regarding secret vote, if applicable), the templates of special and general power of attorneys to be used for voting by representative by special/general power of attorney, and the templates to be used for voting by correspondence shall be available on working days at the Company's headquarters in Bucharest, 76-80 Buzeşti St., 7th floor, 1st District, postal code 011017, Romania, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Romanian time), as well as on the official website of the Company:


Commencing with one (1) month before the day of the meetings, all other information materials regarding the items included on the agenda of the EGM/OGM, including the draft resolutions proposed to be passed within the meeting, shall be available at the same coordinates above-mentioned.


Commencing 3 September 2024, the templates of special power of attorney/ballot papers filed in with the names of the proposed Board of Nominees candidates and with the name/s of the proposed new Fondul Proprietatea sole director candidate/s, to be used for voting by representative by special power of attorney/voting by correspondence shall be available at the same coordinates above-mentioned.



The shareholders of the Company may receive, upon request, copies of the documents related to the issues on the agenda of the EGM/OGM.



The attendance and voting to the General Meetings


Global Depositary Receipts Holders


In accordance with Regulation no. 4/2013, the persons holding Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) (issued based on the shares issued by FP) at the Reference Date can vote within EGM/OGM through the means of the Issuer of the GDRs (i.e. The Bank of New York Mellon - Issuer of the GDRs) which will have the quality of shareholder within the meaning and for the application of the provisions of Regulation no. 5/2018 and Issuers' Law.


The Issuer of the GDRs is fully responsible for the correct, complete and on time information of the GDR holders, with the observance of the provisions comprised in the GDR issuance documents, with respect to the documents and supporting materials correspondent to the EGM/OGM made available by FP.


The Issuer of the GDRs will vote in the EGM/OGM in accordance and within the limits of the instructions of the GDR holders (having this quality at the Reference Date), as well as with the observance of the provisions comprised in the GDR issuance documents.


For computing the quorum of EGM/OGM, it will be taken into account only those supporting shares for which the Issuer of the GDRs cast a vote (including "abstention" votes) in accordance with the instructions of the GDR holders above-mentioned. The Issuer of the GDRs will inform FP about the percentage of the voting rights corresponding to the supporting shares for which it will cast votes until 25 September 2024, 11:00 AM (Romanian time) for documents regarding the EGM and 25 September 2024, 12:00 PM (Romanian time) for documents regarding the OGM.


The GDR holders will send to the entity where he/she/it has opened with the GDR account his/her/its voting instructions with respect to the agenda items of EGM/OGM, so that this information may be send to the Issuer of the GDRs. The above-mentioned documents may be sent by e-mail with incorporated extended electronic signature in accordance with Law no. 455/2001, at


The Issuer of the GDRs is fully responsible for taking all necessary measures so that the entity keeping record of the GDR holders, intermediaries involved in custodian services for the GDR holders and/or any entities involved in the evidence of the GDR holders, to report the voting instructions of the GDR holders with respect to the items of the EGM/OGM.





The shareholders registered in the shareholders registry on the Reference Date may attend the EGM/OGM and vote as follows.

a)   within the EGM/OGM - direct vote;

b)   by correspondence; or

c)   by electronic voting, via the eVote platform.


Voting within the EGM/OGM


Direct vote


Shareholders may exercise the direct (personal) vote after proving their identity:

a)      in the case of natural persons who are sole shareholders - by presenting the identity card; identity cards submitted by shareholders must allow for their identification on the Company's shareholders registry as at the Reference Date issued by Depozitarul Central SA;

b)      in the case of natural persons who are collective shareholders - by observing the provisions described by the Procedure regarding the organization and holding of General Meetings of Shareholders available on the Company's website (Special conditions regarding collective natural person shareholders);

c)      in the case of legal entity shareholders, by presenting:

§ an original or a true copy of the up-to-date findings certificate issued by the Trade Registry (in Romanian "certificat constatator") or any other document, in original or true copy, issued by the competent authority of the state where the shareholder is duly incorporated, all being no older than twelve (12) months as from the date when the general meeting convening notice was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, allowing for identification thereof on the Company's shareholders registry on the Reference Date issued by Depozitarul Central SA;

§ the capacity of shareholder's legal representative shall be taken from the Shareholders' Registry issued by Depozitarul Central SA at the Reference Date; however, if the shareholder did not inform in a timely manner Depozitarul Central SA of its legal representative (so that the shareholders' registry at the Reference Date reflect that), then the findings certificate/similar documents mentioned above must comprise the capacity of legal representative;

§ for the shareholder Ministry of Finance, the capacity of legal representative shall be proven by the appointment decree issued by the President of Romania;

§ the identity card or passport of the legal representative (identity document or identity card for Romanian citizens or passport for foreign citizens).

For all above-mentioned cases, documents presented in a foreign language (except for identity cards valid on the territory of Romania, in Latin characters) will be accompanied by their translation into Romanian or English, save for documents attesting the legal representative's capacity drafted in a foreign language other than English which shall be accompanied by their translation into Romanian or English performed by a certified translator. The Company shall not request that the documents attesting the shareholder's legal representative capacity be notarised or apostilled. The above-mentioned documents may be sent by e-mail with incorporated extended electronic signature in accordance with Law no. 455/2001, at


The Fund Manager kindly asks shareholders to follow the Company's website and the Bucharest Stock Exchange website as it will announce any updates on this matter by means of current reports.


Power of attorney


Shareholders may delegate other persons, except for the Fund Manager or its employees, Board of Nominees members, to represent them and vote in EGM/OGM based on a special or a general power of attorney described below as follows. For more details, please refer to the Procedure regarding the organization and holding of General Meetings of Shareholders available on the Company's website.


In case a shareholder is represented by a credit institution rendering custodian services, the latter may vote in the general shareholders' meeting based on and within the limits of the voting instructions received by electronic means, without being necessary that a special or general power of attorney to be drafted, provided that the said custodian credit institution submits to the Company a self-liability statement, signed by the bank's legal representative(s), stating (i) the name of the shareholder, written clearly, for which the credit institution votes in the EGM/OGM, and (ii) the fact that the credit institution renders custodian services for that respective shareholder. The said statement will have to be submitted in original with the Company, signed, and, if the case, stamped, or by e-mail with incorporated extended electronic signature in accordance with Law no. 455/2001, at until 25 September 2024, 11:00 AM (Romanian time) for documents regarding the EGM and 25 September 2024, 12:00 PM (Romanian time) for documents regarding the OGM.


Vote by representative holding a special power of attorney


A special power of attorney may be given for a single shareholders' meeting, as this EGM/OGM, and shall contain specific voting instructions for this particular meeting with a clear indication of the voting option for each item on the agenda of the general meeting. The representation of shareholders in the EGM/OGM may be conducted by representatives by duly filling in and signing the template for the special power of attorney. The representation may be conducted both by other shareholders and by third parties. Shareholders lacking exercise capacity or with limited exercise capacity may provide other persons with a special power of attorney.


The special power of attorney shall be sent either (i) in original, to the Company's headquarters in Bucharest, 76-80 Buzeşti Street, 7th floor, 1st District, postal code 011017, Romania, or (ii) by e-mail with extended electronic signature incorporated in accordance with Law no. 455/2001, at:, so that it is received by the Company by 25 September 2024, 11:00 AM (Romanian time) for documents regarding the EGM and 25 September 2024, 12:00 PM (Romanian time) for documents regarding the OGM.


Documents accompanying the special power of attorney:

a)   for natural person shareholders - copy of the shareholder's identity card, allowing for identification thereof on the Company's shareholders registry on the Reference Date issued by Depozitarul Central SA and a copy of the identity card of the representative (identity document or identity card for Romanian citizens or passport for foreign citizens);

b)   in case of collective natural person shareholders, by observing the provisions described by the Procedure regarding the organization and holding of General Meetings of Shareholders available on the Company's website (Special conditions regarding collective natural person shareholders);

c)   for legal entity shareholders:



§ original or true copy of the up-to-date findings certificate issued by the Trade Registry (in Romanian "certificat constatator") or any other document, in original or true copy, issued by a competent authority of the state where the shareholder is duly incorporated, all being no older than twelve (12) months as from the date when the general meeting convening notice was published in the Official Gazette of Romania and allowing identification thereof on the Company's shareholders registry on the Reference Date issued by Depozitarul Central SA;

§ the capacity of shareholder's legal representative shall be taken from the Shareholders' Registry issued by Depozitarul Central SA at the Reference Date; however, if the shareholder did not inform in a timely manner Depozitarul Central SA of its legal representative (so that the shareholders' registry at the Reference Date reflect that), then the findings certificate/similar documents mentioned above must comprise the capacity of legal representative;

§ for the shareholder Ministry of Finance, the capacity of legal representative shall be proven by the appointment decree issued by the President of Romania; and

§ copy of the identity card of the representative (the person especially delegated) (identity document or identity card for Romanian citizens or passport for foreign citizens).


Documents drafted in a foreign language (except for identity cards valid on the territory of Romania, in Latin characters) will be accompanied by their translation into Romanian or English, save for the documents attesting the legal representative capacity drafted in a foreign language other than English which shall be accompanied by their translation into Romanian or English performed by a certified translator. The Company shall not request that the documents attesting the shareholder's legal representative capacity be legalized or apostilled. The above-mentioned documents may be sent by e-mail with incorporated extended electronic signature in accordance with Law no. 455/2001, at


A special power of attorney template:

a)   shall be made available to the shareholders by the Company at the same coordinates and under the same conditions as the information materials;

b)   shall be updated by the Company if new items are added to the EGM/OGM agenda and shall be published on the Company's website in its updated form;

c)   filed in with the names of the proposed Board of Nominees candidates and with the name/s of the proposed new Fondul Proprietatea sole director candidate/s shall be made available to the shareholders by the Company starting with 30 August 2024 at the same coordinates and under the same conditions as the information materials;

d)   shall be filled in by the shareholder in three counterparts: one for the shareholder, one for the representative, and one for the Company.


If during the general meeting of shareholders certain items which were not included on the published convening notice are being discussed, in accordance with the legal provisions, the representative may vote on these items according to the interest of the represented shareholder.


Generally, a shareholder may mandate only one proxy to represent him/her/it at the EGM/OGM. However, the special power of attorney may nominate other person(s) as substitutes empowered to represent the shareholder at the EGM/OGM in case the said main proxy would be in impossibility to exercise his/her mandate. The special power of attorney must provide the order under which the said substitutes vote in case the proxy does not attend the EGM/OGM.


Vote by representative holding a general power of attorney


In opposition with the special one, the general power of attorney allows the proxy to vote on behalf of the shareholder in any aspect on the agenda of one or more companies identified in the power of attorney, individually or by general reference to a certain category of issuers, including disposal acts. The shareholder may grant a valid proxy for a period which shall not exceed three (3) years, unless the parties have expressly provided for a longer period.


For the mandate's validity, the proxy must be either an intermediary (in accordance with Article 2 para. (1) item (19) of Issuer's Law) or an attorney at law for whom the shareholder is a client.


Also, the proxy should not be in a conflict of interest situation, such as:

a)   It is a majority shareholder of FP, or of another entity, controlled by that respective shareholder;

b)   It is a member of an administration, management or supervisory body of FP, of a majority shareholder or of another entity, controlled by that respective shareholder;

c)   Is an employee or auditor of FP or of a majority shareholder or of another entity, controlled by that respective shareholder;

d)   Is a spouse or relative (up to, and including, fourth degree filiation) of one of the individuals mentioned above.


The proxy cannot be replaced by another person unless this right was expressly conferred to him/her by the shareholder in a power of attorney. If the proxy is a legal entity, then the latter may carry out the general mandate through any of member of its administration/management body or of one of its employees. These provisions do not affect the right of the shareholder to designated by a power of attorney one or more alternate proxies, according to the regulations described above regarding special proxies. 


In view of the EGM/OGM, and before their first use, the general power of attorneys are to be sent to the Company's headquarters in Bucharest, 76-80 Buzeşti Street, 7th floor, 1st District, postal code 011017 so that it is received by the Company by 25 September 2024, 11:00 AM (Romanian time) for documents regarding the EGM and 25 September 2024, 12:00 PM (Romanian time) for documents regarding the OGM, in copy, certified as being the same with the original by the proxy or by e-mail with incorporated extended electronic signature as per Law no. 455/2001, to The said copies are retained by FP, and a mention of this is inserted in the minutes of the general shareholders' meeting.



Documents accompanying the general power of attorney:


a)   proof that the proxy is an intermediary in accordance with Article 2 para. (1) item (19) of Issuer's Law or an attorney at law, and that the shareholder is the proxy's client;

b)   for natural person shareholders - copy of the shareholder's identity card, allowing for identification thereof on the Company's shareholders registry issued by Depozitarul Central SA and a copy of the identity card of the representative (identity document or identity card for Romanian citizens or passport for foreign citizens);

c)   in case of collective natural person shareholders, by observing the provisions described by the Procedure regarding the organization and holding of General Meetings of Shareholders available on the Company's website (Special conditions regarding collective natural person shareholders);

d)   for legal entity shareholders:

§ original or true copy of the up-to-date findings certificate issued by the Trade Registry (in Romanian "certificat constatator") or any other document, in original or true copy, issued by a competent authority of the state where the shareholder is duly incorporated, all being no older than twelve (12) months as from the date when the general meeting convening notice was published in the Official Gazette of Romania and allowing identification thereof on the Company's shareholders registry  issued by Depozitarul Central SA;

§ the capacity of shareholder's legal representative shall be taken from the Shareholders' Registry issued by Depozitarul Central SA; however, if the shareholder did not inform timely Depozitarul Central SA of its legal representative (so that the shareholders' registry at the reference date reflect that), then the findings certificate/similar documents mentioned above must comprise the capacity of legal representative;

§ for the shareholder Ministry of Finance the capacity of legal representative shall be proven by the appointment decree issued by the President of Romania; and

§ copy of the identity card of the representative (the proxy) (identity document or identity card for Romanian citizens or passport for foreign citizens).


Documents drafted in a foreign language (except for identity cards valid on the territory of Romania, in Latin characters) will be accompanied by their translation into Romanian or English, save for the documents attesting the legal representative capacity drafted in a foreign language other than English which shall be accompanied by their translation into Romanian or English performed by a certified translator. FP shall not request that the documents attesting the shareholder's legal representative capacity be legalized or apostilled. The above-mentioned documents may be sent by e-mail with incorporated extended electronic signature in accordance with Law no. 455/2001, at


The Company accepts a general a general power of attorney given by a shareholder, as a client, to an intermediary or to a lawyer, without requiring additional documents relating to that shareholder, if the general power of attorney is signed by that shareholder and is accompanied by an own responsibility statement given by the legal representative of the intermediary or by the lawyer who has received the general power of attorney, indicating that:

a)   the shareholder is a client of the proxy;

b)   the general power of attorney is signed by that respective shareholder (ink signed or through an extended electronic signature, as the case may be).


The said statement must be submitted in original at FP's headquarters or by e-mail with incorporated extended electronic signature in accordance with Law no. 455/2001, at (in the same time with the general power of attorney and at the same coordinates as indicated in this convening notice) signed by the intermediary/attorney at law (without other criteria being necessary as pertaining with its form). 


A template of the general power of attorney for EGM/OGM shall be made available to the shareholders by the Company at the same coordinates and under the same conditions as the information materials. The Company does not impose the use of the said forms.


Vote by correspondence


The vote of the shareholders at the EGM/OGM can also be expressed by correspondence, by duly filling in and signing the forms for the vote by correspondence.


The ballots by correspondence will be sent either (i) in original, personally, by representative or by any form of courier service with proof of delivery, to the Company's headquarters in Bucharest, 76-80 Buzeşti St., 7th floor, 1st District, postal code 011017, Romania or (ii) by e-mail with the extended electronic signature incorporated in accordance with Law no. 455/2001, at, so that they are received by the Company by 25 September 2024, 11:00 AM (Romanian time) for documents regarding the EGM and 25 September 2024, 12:00 PM (Romanian time) for documents regarding the OGM.


Documents accompanying ballot papers:


a)   for natural person shareholders - copy of identity card, allowing for identification thereof in the Company's shareholders registry on the Reference Date issued by Depozitarul Central SA and, if such be the case, a copy of the identity card of the legal representative (in the case of natural persons lacking exercise capacity or with limited exercise capacity) (identity document or identity card for Romanian citizens or passport for foreign citizens) along with the proof of legal representative capacity;


b)   in case of collective natural person shareholders by observing the provisions described by the Procedure regarding the organization and holding of General Meetings of Shareholders available on the Company's website (Special conditions regarding collective natural person shareholders);


c)   for legal entity shareholders:

§ original or true copy of the up-to-date findings certificate issued by the Trade Registry (in Romanian "certificat constatator") or any other document, in original or true copy, issued by a competent authority of the state where the shareholder is duly incorporated, all being no older than twelve (12) months as from the date of the general meeting convening notice was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, allowing for the identification thereof in the Company's shareholders registry on the Reference Date issued by Depozitarul Central SA;

§ the capacity of shareholder's legal representative shall be taken from the Shareholders' Registry issued by Depozitarul Central SA at the Reference Date; however, if the shareholder did not inform in a timely manner Depozitarul Central SA of its legal representative (so that the shareholders' registry at the Reference Date reflect that), then the findings certificate/similar documents mentioned above must comprise the capacity of legal representative;

§ for the shareholder Ministry of Finance, the capacity of legal representative shall be proven by the appointment decree issued by the President of Romania.


Documents in a foreign language (except for identity cards valid on the territory of Romania, in Latin characters) will be accompanied by their translation into Romanian or English, save for the documents attesting the legal representative drafted in a language other than English which shall be accompanied by their translation into Romanian or English performed by a certified translator. FP shall not request that the documents attesting the shareholder's legal representative capacity be legalized or apostilled. The above-mentioned documents may be sent by e-mail with incorporated extended electronic signature in accordance with Law no. 455/2001, at


A ballot template for voting by correspondence:

a)   shall be made available to the shareholders by the Company at the same coordinates and under the same conditions as the information materials and the forms for the special powers of attorney;

b)   shall be updated by the Company if new items are added to the EGM/OGM agenda and shall be published on the Company's website in its updated form;

c)   filed in with the names of the proposed Board of Nominees candidates and with the name/s of the proposed new Fondul Proprietatea sole director candidate/s shall be made available to the shareholders by the Company starting with 30 August 2024 at the same coordinates and under the same conditions as the information materials.


If a shareholder voted by sending a ballot paper by correspondence, but then attends the EGM/OGM either personally or through a proxy (provided a special/general power of attorney has been submitted under the conditions above-mentioned), the correspondence vote shall be annulled and only the direct or the vote expressed through the proxy shall be taken into consideration.


If the person representing the shareholder at the general shareholders' meeting is other than the person who expressed the correspondence vote, then for its validity, the proxy must present at the general meeting a written revocation of the correspondence vote, signed by the shareholder or by the representative who expressed the correspondence vote. This will not be applicable if the shareholder or its legal representative is present at the general meeting.


Voting by correspondence may be expressed by a representative only if he/she:

a) has received from the shareholder that he/she represents a special/general power of attorney; or

b) the representative is a credit institution providing custody services.


The general procedure for the organisation of general meetings (which shall be available at the same coordinates and in the same conditions as the information materials) details the procedure allowing both the vote by representative with special/general power of attorney, vote through a custodian bank and the vote by correspondence, and the shareholders must comply with the said procedure. Special/General powers of attorney and ballots for voting by correspondence must be signed by all the natural person collective shareholders or their legal representatives (in the case of natural persons lacking exercise capacity or with limited exercise capacity), who shall assume both their capacity (proven by means of evidentiary documents attached to the special/general power of attorney/ballot) and the signature authenticity.


The checking and validation of the special/general powers of attorney submitted, as well as the centralization, checking, validation, and records of the votes by correspondence shall be performed by a commission established within the Company, whose members shall safely keep these documents, as well as the confidentiality of the votes thus expressed. Powers of attorney and voting ballots shall also be checked by the EGM/OGM secretary. In the event that the agenda is supplemented, and the shareholders fail to send the updated special powers of attorney and/or ballots for voting by correspondence, the special powers of attorney and ballots sent prior to the supplementation of the agenda shall be considered only with reference to the items therein which are also found on the supplemented agenda. All discussions held during the EGM/OGM are audio recorded. If participants want to obtain a copy of the recordings, these will be available at the FP registered office, in exchange for a fee (the cost will not exceed the value of expenses incurred by FP in relation to transferring the audio recording to material support), within thirty (30) days after the EGM/OGM date. Additional information may be obtained from the Department for Shareholders' Relations at the telephone number + 40 21 200 96 28 (or through reception at + 40 21 200 96 00; fax: +40 316 300 048; e-mail: and on the Company's website:


After the EGM/OGM, the shareholder or a third party appointed by the shareholder may obtain from the Company, at least upon request, a confirmation of recording and counting of votes by the Company. The request of such confirmation may be asked for within one (1) month as of the voting date. In this case, the Company will send the shareholder an electronic confirmation of recording and counting of votes, according to the provisions of article 97 para. (3) of Issuers' Law and of article 7 para. (2) of CE Regulation 1212/2018, in the format set out in Table 7 of Annex to the CE Regulation 1212/2018.


Electronic voting via the eVote platform


The shareholders registered at the Reference Date on the list of the Company's shareholders issued by Depozitarul Central SA may vote by electronic means via the eVote platform, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 197 of Regulation no. 5/2018.


Electronic voting may be used exclusively before the EGM/OGM, at least 24 hours before the EGM/OGM, namely until 26 September 2024, 11:00 AM (Romanian time) for EGM and 26 September 2024, 12:00 PM (Romanian time) for OGM, by accessing, using any available devices (e.g. computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.) connected to internet.


In order to comply with the above-mentioned deadline, shareholders should consider that before exercising their voting rights via the eVote platform, they have to complete the enrolment process described below and their voting account has to be validated by the Company. While shareholders who are natural persons have to complete the enrolment process only once and update their information whenever necessary, shareholders that are legal persons / entities without legal personality have to complete it with respect to each GSM. In case the voting account is not validated as to enable a shareholder to exercise its voting right at least 24 hours before the EGM/OGM, shareholders may vote using one of the voting methods provided by Art. 105 para (19) of Issuers' Law (i.e., within the EGM/OGM, directly or by representative, or by correspondence).


The enrolment can be done using the following methods:

§ directly via the eVote platform; or

§ via the Investors Enrolment online platform of Depozitarul Central SA (available only for shareholders that are natural persons, Romanian residents).


For identification and access on the platform for electronic voting before the EGM/OGM, shareholders will provide the following information:


A. For shareholders who are natural persons:

i. name and surname;

ii. personal identification number;

iii.   e-mail address;

iv.  copy of the identity document (e.g. identity card, passport or residence permit); the electronic copy of the relevant identity document will be uploaded in the dedicated online field, in one of the following extensions: .jpg, .pdf, .png;

v.   phone number (optional); or

vi.  they can connect directly using the access credentials generated following identification through the Investor Enrolment platform developed by Depozitarul Central SA:, available only for Romanian residents.


B. For shareholders that are legal persons / entities without legal personality:

i.    the name of the legal person;

ii.    unique registration code (CUI) / legal entity identifier (LEI);

iii.   the name and surname of the legal representative;

iv.  the personal identification number of the legal representative;

v.   e-mail address;

vi.  copy of the identity document of the legal representative (e.g., identity card, passport or residence permit); the electronic copy of the relevant identity document will be uploaded in the dedicated online field, in one of the following extensions: .jpg, .pdf, .png;

vii.  the capacity of shareholder's legal representative shall be taken from the Shareholders' Registry issued by Depozitarul Central SA at the Reference Date; however, if the shareholder has not informed on time Depozitarul Central SA about its legal representative or this information is not updated in the shareholders' register of FP, then the capacity of legal representative shall be attested based on an up to date excerpt issued by the Trade Registry or based on any other document issued by a competent authority from the country where the shareholder is registered, in original or certified copy, no older than twelve (12) months as from the date when the general meeting convening notice was published in the Official Gazette of Romania; the electronic copies of the relevant documents will be uploaded in the dedicated online field, in one of the following extensions: .jpg, .pdf, .png;

viii. for the shareholder Ministry of Finance, the capacity of legal representative shall be proven by the appointment decree issued by the President of Romania

ix.  phone number (optional).


Electronic voting via the eVote platform may not be exercised via representative (proxy), neither based on a general nor a special power of attorney.


The platform contains voting options for each and all items on the agenda. Electronic voting is exercised by ticking a voting option "for" or "against" or to mention "abstention", followed by pressing the "register vote" button. Votes marked in the platform without pressing the "register vote" button will not be taken into account.


During the period when electronic voting via the eVote platform is available, the electronic voting bulletin can be filled in and rectified by the shareholder as many times as it deems appropriate. Only the last expressed option existing in the web application will be taken into consideration. After the expiry of the period designated for electronic voting, as indicated in the convening notice and/or subsequent announcements, such method cannot be used anymore.


The platform for electronic voting will allow the subsequent verification of the way in which the vote was exercised in the EGM/OGM and, at the same time, ensure possibility that every shareholder participating to the EGM/OGM can verify its vote.





Franklin Templeton International Services S.à r.l.



By:    ___________

         Johan Meyer,

Permanent Representative


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