Source - LSE Regulatory
RNS Number : 7853X
SDX Energy PLC
28 April 2023



28 April 2023

SDX ENERGY PLC ("SDX", the "Company" or the "Group")



SDX Energy Plc (AIM: SDX), reports its audited financial and operating results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2022. All monetary values are expressed in United States dollars net to the Company unless otherwise stated.


The Annual Report & Accounts of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2022 is now available on the Company's website and on Sedar.


Full year 2022 key results:


·      Net Production, 3,723 boe/d (507 bbls/d and 19.3mmscf/d), marginally ahead of mid-point full year guidance of 3,480 - 3,795 boe/d.

·      EBITDAX of US$24.6 million and operating cash flow (before capex) of US$16.9 million.

·      Out of 14 wells completed across SDX's portfolio in the year to date, twelve were put on production during 2022.

·      Capex US$27.6 million compared to revised full year guidance of US$26.5 - 28.0 million.

·      Net Cash of US$4.9 million as at 31 December 2022.

·      As at 31 December 2022, the Company's working interest share of audited 2P reserves was 4.9 MMboe.


Jay Bhattacherjee, Interim Executive Chairman of SDX, commented:


"2022 was a busy year for the Company operationally and corporately. During the summer of 2022 the shareholders rejected a takeover attempt and the Company welcomed new shareholders to support the Company's growth. Additionally, during the period there was significant personnel change at both a Board and Executive Management level and I joined the company as the non-Executive Chairman at the end of October and assumed the role as Interim Executive Chairman in December. SDX enters 2023 with a renewed focus on delivering long term sustainable returns to shareholders by pursuing opportunities both within and outside our current portfolio across the wider energy space.

In Egypt, the planned three well drilling campaign was completed during the year, as well as a necessary workover programme on several existing wells. While our Egyptian assets continue to produce, at present Egypt is a challenging operating environment for energy companies with sharp devaluation in the value of the currency, which has impacted the dollar value of the cash we hold there, and severe limitations on our ability to transfer funds out of the country due to capital controls. These are both outside our control. Historically our producing Egyptian assets have funded the Company's growth initiatives and we are having to find other solutions, and minimising the risk associated with this has been a key focus in recent months. This is a dynamic situation and we will provide further updates in due course.

In Morocco, SDX drilled two new wells which were put into production during the year and the Company is currently maximising recovery from our existing wells to maintain customer supply.  It is our intention to have an expanded drilling programme later in 2023 to continue to meet existing demand and to produce to meet any increase or additional customer demand.  Morocco remains a core piece of the portfolio and as the country's only gas producer, we maintain an opportunity to grow into a market that is hungry for every molecule of gas we can produce.

While the Company faces a number of challenges, the changes made in 2022 and the ongoing modifications we make as part of our strategic review are positioning SDX with a foundation from which to grow. We are revaluating our standing in the wider energy sector and will consider all reasonable avenues, including transition fuels and alternative energies, to deliver long term sustainable returns to shareholders. The Company has great strengths, and I'm confident that we can rise to and overcome the challenges faced and return to growth, and I thank all shareholders and colleagues for their support during 2022."

Twelve months to 31 December 2022 Operations Highlights


·    Entitlement production for the twelve months ended 31 December 2022 of 3,723 boe/d was marginally ahead of 2022 mid-point guidance of 3,638 boe/d, driven by strong performances in Morocco and at South Disouq, with West Gharib's production lower than expected due to drilling delays and higher water and sand production from some wells drilled on the flanks of the Meseda field.


·      In South Disouq, the planned three-well drilling campaign has been successfully completed. The SD-5X and SD-12_East discoveries have been brought online ahead of schedule, delivering production and revenues. The MA-1X gas discovery well has been evaluated post year-end and the Company will progress with developing the area after it has finalised the area's commercialisation strategy.


·      In West Gharib, eight wells have been successfully completed and are on production. One exploration well was a dry-hole and is waiting on a workover to convert it to a water-injector for the Rabul Field. Eighteen well workovers across the concession were completed during 2022.


·      In Morocco, both wells (SAK-1 and KSR-20) in the two-well drilling campaign discovered gas and have been tied into the Company infrastructure and were contributing to production at the end of 2022. During the year, several workovers were performed to access behind-pipe reserves.


·      As at 31 December 2022, the Company's working interest share of audited 2P reserves was 4.9 MMboe. The Company's 2P reserves and 2C resources estimates have been audited in accordance with the COGE Handbook & PRMS by Gaffney, Cline & Associates, an independent qualified reserves evaluator and auditor.


·      The Company's operated assets recorded a carbon intensity of 3.6kg CO2e/boe


Twelve months to 31 December 2022 Corporate Highlights

·      During the year a number of Board changes were announced. The Board is now led by Jay Bhattacherjee as Executive Chairmen, with his fellow directors being Tim Linacre and Krzysztof Zielicki.


·      New shareholders were introduced to the register and have provided a clear mandate to the Board for growth.





Twelve months to 31 December 2022 Financial Highlights


Twelve months ended 31 December

US$ million except per unit amounts



Net revenues






Net realised average oil service fees - US$/barrel



Net realised average Morocco gas price - US$/Mcf



Net realised South Disouq gas price - US$/Mcf



Netback - US$/boe



EBITDAX(1) (2)   



Exploration & evaluation expense(3)   



Impairment expense



Depletion, depreciation, and amortisation



Total comprehensive loss attributable to SDX shareholders



Capital expenditure



Net cash generated from operating activities



Cash and cash equivalents




(1)         Refer to the "Non-IFRS Measures" section of this release below for details of Netback and EBITDAX.

(2)         EBITDAX for twelve months ended 31 December 2022 and 2021 includes US$4.8 million and US$5.3 million respectively of non-cash revenue relating to the grossing up of Egyptian corporate tax on the South Disouq PSC which is paid by the Egyptian State on behalf of the Company.

(3)         For the twelve months ended 31 December 2022 and 2021 US$23.9 million and US$12.3 million respectively of non-cash Exploration & Evaluation ("E&E") write offs in total are included within this line item.


·      Netback for the year was US$33.2 million, 25% lower than during 2021. Netback contribution from South Disouq was US$15.2 million (YTD'21: US$16.5 million) due to lower gas and condensate production owing to natural decline being partly offset by higher realised price for condensate and lower opex. West Gharib Netback increased by US$1.5 million compared to 2021 due to the increase in the realised oil service fee, partly offset by lower production. Morocco Netback was US$11.1 million, which was lower compared to 2021 due to lower production as a result of the non-renewal of a customer contract, coupled with lower realised pricing due to the weakening of the Moroccan Dirham against the US Dollar.


·      EBITDAX for the year of US$24.6 million was 39% lower year-on-year due to lower Netback, as described above. 


·      The 2022 depletion, depreciation and amortisation ("DD&A") charge of US$19.3 million was lower than the US$32.6 million in the prior year due to lower production in Morocco and a lower depreciable asset base in South Disouq, following the accelerated depreciation of the SD-12X borehole costs in 2021 and impairment recognised at year-end 2021. 


·      E&E expenditure and non-cash write offs totalled US$25.6 million, predominantly related to the non-cash impairment charge relating to four exploration wells in Morocco (US$21.5 million) and the write off seismic costs at South Disouq (US$1.3 million).


·      A non-cash PP&E impairment of US$4.8 million was recognised for the Gharb Basin (Morocco) Cash Generating Unit ("CGU") as at 31 December 2022, following a downward revision in the anticipated recoverable reserves from the producing wells.


·      2022 operating cash flow (before capex) of US$16.9 million, was 41% lower compared to prior year (US$28.7 million), mainly due to lower EBITDAX as explained above.


·      Capex of US$27.6 million, reflects:


o   US$7.1 million for the three-well drilling campaign at South Disouq split between: US$1.8 million for the drilling, completion, testing and tie in of the SD-5X well, US$2.6 million for the drilling, completion and tie in of the SD-12_East well and US$2.8 million for the drilling, completion, and testing of the MA-1X well. In addition, US$0.9 million has been spent on several workovers and US$0.7 million on other exploration costs;

o   US$15.4 million in Morocco covering; pre-drilling and standby expenditure for the recommencement of the Morocco drilling campaign, the drilling and completion costs for SAK-1 and KSR-20, additional expenditure on the KSR-19 well and on various workovers and infrastructure works; and

o   US$3.5 million of West Gharib drilling costs across the eight wells drilled.


·      Liquidity: The Company's net cash position as at 30 September 2022 was US$4.9 million, with cash balances of US$10.6 million offset by US$5.7 million drawn debt (incl. interest) from the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development ("EBRD") credit facility. Given the ongoing liquidity needs for corporate G&A and to develop the Moroccan assets, the Company is exploring options to maintain and strengthen its liquidity.


·      The Directors have reviewed the cash flow projections prepared by management for the period ending 31 December 2024 and believe that a material uncertainty exists that may cast significant doubt over the ability of the Group to continue as a going concern. As a result of various geopolitical factors, US dollar transfers by the Central Bank of Egypt have been restricted and the Company is currently unable to expatriate any funds currently in Egypt and there can be no guarantee of timing on when funds will become available.  These factors have also impacted the Egyptian pound which has been devalued several times since March 2022 and is currently trading at less than half of its value compared with the USD since that date.  Whilst the company's receivables are not impacted by this devaluation, the company's cash balance in country is fully exposed to any additional currency fluctuations. In addition, the Board believes it has options to raise external capital, the Board however cannot guarantee on the final quantum and timings of any proposed financing. The Board would also note that there are no guarantees that current discussions with the EBRD will be favourably concluded and that arrangement with creditors will remain negotiable. Notwithstanding the material uncertainty identified, the Directors have concluded that the Group will have sufficient resources to continue as a going concern for the period of assessment, that is for a period of not less than 12 months from the date of approval of the consolidated financial statements.  Accordingly, the consolidated financial statements have been prepared in a going concern basis and do not reflect any adjustments that would be necessary if this basis were inappropriate.




Detailed Operations Update


Twelve months to 31 December 2022 Production


·      Average entitlement production as at 31 December 2022 of 3,723 boe/d,


Gross production

SDX entitlement production


Guidance - 12 months ended 31 December 2022


Actual - 12 months ended 31 December 2022


Guidance - 12 months ended 31 December 2022


Actual 12 months ended 31 December 2022


Actual 12 months ended 31 December



Core assets

South Disouq - WI 36.9% &67.0%(1)

38 - 40 MMscfe/d

38.5 MMscfe/d

2,500 - 2,700(2)



West Gharib - WI 50%

2,000 - 2,450 bbl/d

2,033 bbl/d

380 - 470



Morocco - WI 75%

4.8 - 5.0 MMscf/d

4.9 MMscf/d

600 - 625




3,480 - 3,795



(1)         After completion of the South Disouq disposal with effect from 1 February 2022.

(2)         Net of minority interest. Gross of minority interest, production guidance is expected to be 3,500 - 3,700 boe/d.

(3)         31 December 2022 South Disouq entitlement production is shown at pre-disposal working interest of 55%/100%.


South Disouq: During 2022, the existing wells continued to exhibit natural decline and expected sand and water production, albeit this was partly offset by contribution from the two wells (SD-5X and SD-12_East) that came into production during 2022. Production guidance for 2022 reflects the disposal of 33% of SDX's interest in the asset, 2-3% CPF and compressor downtime due to planned maintenance, the successful drilling of SD-12_East and SD-5X and several well workovers. At the year-end, the MA-1X gas discovery well was still in the process of being evaluated to determine a commercialisation strategy.


West Gharib: The existing well stock at the asset continued to produce steadily, albeit exhibiting natural decline as expected, partly offset by contribution from the recently drilled eight wells, all of which were on production during 2022, and successful well workovers. Some of the new wells that were drilled on the flanks of the Meseda field have exhibited higher water and sand production than previously expected. The goal of the development campaign is to fully exploit the volumes in the West Gharib fields.


Morocco: 2022 production guidance was lower than 2021 production as the Company evaluates its ability to deliver to new and existing consumers based on its current reserves base and pricing environment. 2022 saw strong demand from the customer portfolio.


2022 Drilling and Operations


Morocco drilling campaign update (SDX 75% working interest)


The Company concentrated on maximising recovery from its existing well stock, utilising its two compressors.

The 2022 drilling campaign commenced with the spudding of the SAK-1 well on 6 August 2022. The SAK-1 well reached TD of 1,196m MD on 24 August 2022 and encountered a gas sand at the primary target interval at 1,107m MD finding 3.7m of net pay with an average porosity of 31%. A secondary gas sand was found at 1,079.6m MD, with a net pay thickness of 1.1m and an average porosity of 28%. The well was subsequently tied into the Company's infrastructure and was contributing to production at the year-end. The second well in the campaign, KSR-20, spud 12 September 2022 and reached TD of 1,410m MD post period-end on 1 October 2022, finding the primary target gas sands at 1,265m MD. The well was brought on production during the last quarter of 2022.

In addition to the drilling campaign, workovers were performed to access behind-pipe reserves in a number of wells.


South Disouq Egypt exploration drilling campaign update (SDX 55%/100% working interest pre-farm out, SDX 36.9%/67% working interest post-farm out)


One appraisal well, SD-12_East, and two exploration wells, SD-5X (Warda) and MA-1X (Mohsen), have been drilled during 2022.

The SD-5X well discovered gas in the basal Kafr El Sheikh sand, with EUR similar to the pre-drill expectation. SD-5X was tied-in and started production 13 May 2022 and is currently producing at around 10 MMscf/d of dry gas and c.100 bbl/d of condensate.

The second well in the campaign, SD-12_East (Ibn Yunus North development lease) was successfully drilled and brought onto production on 1 July 2022 and is currently producing at around 7 MMscf/d, with no condensate.

The third and final well of the 2022 South Disouq drilling campaign, MA-1X on the Mohsen prospect in the Exploration Extension Area, is a gas discovery in the primary Kafr El Sheikh Fm reservoir target finding 56.3ft of high-quality net gas pay. A well-test was conducted on MA-1X and has post year-end been evaluated. The Company will progress with developing the area after it has finalised the area's commercialisation strategy.

Following the disposal transaction, all three wells have been drilled with partner participation. In addition to the drilling activity, several well workovers will be undertaken to maximise recovery from the fields.


West Gharib Egypt exploration drilling campaign update (SDX 50% working interest)


Much of the activity in the West Gharib concession during 2022 was centred around the aforementioned infill drilling campaign.

During 2022, eight infill wells and one exploration well (Rabul Deep-1) were drilled. The Rabul Deep-1 well was a dry-hole but is waiting on workover to convert it to a water-injector for the Rabul Field.

Eighteen well workovers across the concession were completed during 2022.

2022 ESG metrics


·      The Company's operated assets recorded a carbon intensity of 3.6kg CO2e/boe in 2022.

·      Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions at operated assets were 9,600 tons of CO2e. Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions in Morocco were 93,900 tons of CO2e, which is approximately 47,600 tons of CO2e less than using alternative heavy fuel oil.

·      2022 was an incident and injury-free year for South Disouq, with the last Lost Time Injury ("LTI") being in October 2020. There were no LTIs in our Morocco operations during 2022. A Health and Safety Management system was rolled out by the Morocco asset team, including safety training of all field and office-based personnel.

·      No produced water was discharged into the environment in Morocco (100% contained and evaporated) or at South Disouq (100% recycled).

·      There were no hydrocarbon spills at operated assets.

·      Continuing our engagement with local communities who are affected by our operations, in 2022 SDX was delighted to provide three hospitals near our South Disouq operation with a ventilator each to support the medical needs of the local population in Gharbia State. In Morocco, SDX supported the Dar Lekbira organisation, an NGO with no political or religious affiliation that aims to help children in distress in Kenitra and the surrounding region (within SDX's operating footprint) with winter clothing, school supplies and non-perishable food items.

·      The Company continues to adopt high standards of Governance through its adherence to the QCA Code on Corporate Governance.


Twelve months to 31 December 2022 Financial Update


·      Netback was US$33.2 million, 25% lower than the Netback of US$44.1 million for the twelve months to 31 December 2021, driven by:

Net revenue decrease of US$10.1 million due to:

US$9.8 million lower revenue in Morocco compared to 2021 due to the non-renewal of an expired customer contract and lower realised pricing due to adverse FX movement;

US$2.0 million lower South Disouq revenue compared to 2021, due to lower production partly offset by improved condensate pricing; and

US$1.7 million higher revenue at West Gharib compared to 2021 due to higher realised service fees, partly offset by lower production.

Operating costs increased by US$0.8 million from the prior year due to significant one-off costs incurred for handling production and drilling water produced at one of the worked over wells in Morocco.


·      EBITDAX was US$24.6 million, (down 39%) compared with US$40.0 million for the twelve months to 31 December 2021, mainly as a result of the decrease in Netback described above. 


The main components of SDX's comprehensive loss (before minority interest) of US$35.1 million for the twelve months ended 31 December 2022 are:

US$33.2 million Netback;

US$25.1 million of E&E expense, of which:

§ US$21.5 million represents non-cash write off of exploration expenditure incurred in Morocco relating to the KSR-19, KSR-20, SAK-1 and BMK-1 wells, representing the total of their book value exceeding their recoverable amount; 

§ a US$1.3 million non-cash write off of seismic cost incurred in South Disouq as the result of the relinquishment of the Young area;

§ a US$0.6 million bonus payment to the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company ("EGAS") as a result of the indirect assignment of part of the South Disouq concession;

§ a write off of US$0.5 million for an unsuccessful exploration well drilled in the Rabul area in West Gharib; and

§  other expenditure of US$1.7 million mainly for non-trade receivable write off (US$0.7 million), new business evaluation activities (US$0.6 million) and a provision for obsolete drilling inventory in Morocco (US$0.4 million).

US$19.3 million of DD&A expense;

US$4.8 million of impairment of the Gharb Basin (Morocco) CGU;

US$5.2 million of ongoing G&A expense;

US$3.7 million of transaction costs;

US$4.6 million of FX loss mainly due to the devaluation of the Egyptian Pound during the first nine months of the year; and

US$5.8 million of corporate tax.








Twelve months ended

31 December


$000s except per unit amounts






Net Revenues



Operating costs



Netback (1)






Total comprehensive loss (SDX shareholders)



Net loss per share - basic



Cash, end of period



Capital expenditures



Total assets



Shareholders' equity



Common shares outstanding (000's)




West Gharib production service fee (bbl/d)



South Disouq gas sales (boe/d)



Morocco gas sales (boe/d)



Other products sales (boe/d)



Total sales volumes (boe/d)



Realised West Gharib service fee (US$/bbl)



Realised South Disouq gas price (US$/Mcf)



Realised Morocco gas price (US$/Mcf)



Royalties ($/boe)



Operating costs ($/boe)



Netback ($/boe) (1)




(1)  Refer to the "Non-IFRS Measures" section of this release below for details of Netback and EBITDAX.



Consolidated Balance Sheet


As at 31 December 2022

As at 31 December 2021


Cash and cash equivalents



Trade and other receivables






Current assets






Property, plant and equipment



Exploration and evaluation assets



Right-of-use assets



Non-current assets



Total assets




Trade and other payables



Decommissioning liability



Current income taxes






Lease liability



Current liabilities



Decommissioning liability



Deferred income taxes



Lease liability



Non-current liabilities



Total liabilities




Share capital



Share premium



Share-based payment reserve



Accumulated other comprehensive loss



Merger reserve



Retained earnings



Non-controlling interest



Total equity



Equity and liabilities



Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income


Year ended 31 December




Revenue, net of royalties



Direct operating expense



Gross profit



Exploration and evaluation expense



Depletion, depreciation and amortisation



Impairment expense



Stock-based compensation



Share of profit from joint venture



General and administrative expenses

- Ongoing general and administrative expenses



- Transaction costs




Operating (loss)/income




Finance costs



Foreign exchange loss



Loss before income taxes



Current income tax expense



Loss and total comprehensive loss for the period



Attributable to

     SDX shareholders



     Non-controlling interests



Net loss, attributable to SDX shareholders, per share








Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity


Year ended 31 December




Share capital

Balance, beginning of period



Balance, end of period



Share premium

Balance, beginning of period



Balance, end of period



Share-based payment reserve

Balance, beginning of period



Share-based compensation for the period



Share-based options terminated



Balance, end of period



Accumulated other comprehensive loss

Balance, beginning of period



Balance, end of period



Merger reserve

Balance, beginning of period



Balance, end of period



Retained earnings

Balance, beginning of period



Part disposal of subsidiary



Share-based options terminated



Total comprehensive loss for the year



Balance, end of period



Non-controlling interest

Balance, beginning of period



Part disposal of subsidiary






Loss for the period



Balance, end of period



Total equity




Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows


Year ended 31 December




Cash flows generated from/(used in) operating activities

Loss before income taxes



Adjustments for:

Depletion, depreciation and amortisation



Exploration and evaluation expense



Impairment expense



Finance expense



Stock-based compensation charge



Foreign exchange loss



Tax paid by state



Share of profit from joint venture



Operating cash flow before working capital movements



Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables



Decrease in trade and other payables



Payments for inventory



Payments for decommissioning



Cash generated from operating activities



Income taxes paid



Net cash generated from operating activities



Cash flows generated from/(used in) investing activities:

Property, plant and equipment expenditures



Exploration and evaluation expenditures



Proceeds on disposal



Dividends received



Net cash used in investing activities



Cash flows generated from/(used in) financing activities:

Net proceeds from loans and borrowings



Payments of lease liabilities



Dividends paid - NCI in Sea Dragon Energy (Nile) BV



Finance costs paid



Net cash generated from/(used in) financing activities



Increase in cash and cash equivalents



Effect of foreign exchange on cash and cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period



Cash and cash equivalents, end of period





About SDX

SDX is an international energy company, headquartered in London, United Kingdom. In Egypt, SDX has a working interest in two producing assets: a 36.9% operated interest in the South Disouq and Ibn Yunus gas fields and a 67.0% operated interest in the Ibn Yunus North gas field in the Nile Delta and a 50% non-operated interest in the West Gharib concession, which is located onshore in the Eastern Desert, adjacent to the Gulf of Suez. In Morocco, SDX has a 75% working interest in four development/production concessions, all situated in the Gharb Basin. The producing assets in Morocco are characterised by attractive gas prices and exceptionally low operating costs. SDX has a strong weighting of fixed price gas assets in its portfolio with low operating costs and attractive margins throughout, providing resilience in a low commodity price environment. SDX's portfolio also includes high impact exploration opportunities in both Egypt and Morocco.


For further information, please see the Company's website at or the Company's filed documents at


Competent Persons Statement

In accordance with the guidelines of the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange, the technical information contained in the announcement has been reviewed and approved by Rob Cook, VP Subsurface of SDX. Dr. Cook has 30 years of oil and gas industry experience and is the qualified person as defined in the London Stock Exchange's Guidance Note for Mining and Oil and Gas companies. Dr. Cook holds a BSc in Geochemistry and a PhD in Sedimentology from the University of Reading, UK. He is a Chartered Geologist with the Geological Society of London (Geol Soc) and a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG-11983) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG).


For further information:


SDX Energy Plc

Jay Bhattacherjee

Interim Executive Chairman

Tel: +44 203 219 5640




Shore Capital (Nominated Adviser and Broker)

Toby Gibbs/Iain Sexton

Tel: +44 (0) 207 408 4090


Camarco (PR)

Billy Clegg/Owen Roberts/Violet Wilson

Tel: +44 (0) 203 757 4980










stock tank barrel


barrels of oil per day


billion cubic feet


barrels of oil equivalent


barrels of oil equivalent per day

"CO2e "

carbon dioxide equivalent


depletion, depreciation and amortisation


exploration & evaluation


million barrels of oil equivalent


thousands of cubic feet


million standard cubic feet per day


million standard cubic feet equivalent per day


working interest


proved plus probable reserves



Forward-looking information


Certain statements contained in this press release may constitute "forward-looking information" as such term is used in applicable Canadian securities laws. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or are not statements of historical fact should be viewed as forward-looking information. In particular, statements regarding: liquidity and sources of cash flows in 2023; future drilling developments, costs and results; future raising of external capital and management's beliefs with respect to the Company's overall economic position should all be regarded as forward-looking information.


The forward-looking information contained in this document is based on certain assumptions, and although management considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to them, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information because SDX can give no assurances that they may prove to be correct. This includes, but is not limited to, assumptions related to, among other things, commodity prices and interest and foreign exchange rates; planned synergies, capital efficiencies and cost-savings; applicable tax laws; future production rates; receipt of necessary permits; the sufficiency of budgeted capital expenditures in carrying out planned activities, and the availability and cost of labour and services.


All timing given in this announcement, unless stated otherwise, is indicative, and while the Company endeavours to provide accurate timing to the market, it cautions that, due to the nature of its operations and reliance on third parties, this is subject to change, often at little or no notice. If there is a delay or change to any of the timings indicated in this announcement, the Company shall update the market without delay.


Forward-looking information is subject to certain risks and uncertainties (both general and specific) that could cause actual events or outcomes to differ materially from those anticipated or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and other factors include, but are not limited to, political, social, and other risks inherent in daily operations for the Company, risks associated with the industries in which the Company operates, such as: operational risks; delays or changes in plans with respect to growth projects or capital expenditures; costs and expenses; health, safety and environmental risks; commodity price, interest rate and exchange rate fluctuations; environmental risks; competition; permitting risks; the ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources; and changes in legislation, including but not limited to tax laws and environmental regulations. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of risk factors is not exhaustive and are advised to refer to the Principal Risks & Uncertainties section of SDX's Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2022, which can be found on SDX's SEDAR profile at, for a description of additional risks and uncertainties associated with SDX's business.


The forward-looking information contained in this press release is as of the date hereof and SDX does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the included forwardlooking information, except as required by applicable law. The forwardlooking information contained herein is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.



Non-IFRS Measures

This news release contains the terms "Netback," and "EBITDAX" which are not recognized measures under IFRS and may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. The Company uses these measures to help evaluate its performance.

Netback is a non-IFRS measure that represents sales net of all operating expenses and government royalties. Management believes that Netback is a useful supplemental measure to analyze operating performance and provide an indication of the results generated by the Company's principal business activities prior to the consideration of other income and expenses. Management considers Netback an important measure as it demonstrates the Company's profitability relative to current commodity prices. Netback may not be comparable to similar measures used by other companies.

EBITDAX is a non-IFRS measure that represents earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization, exploration expense and impairment. EBITDAX is calculated by taking operating income/(loss) and adjusting for the add-back of depreciation and amortization, exploration expense and impairment of property, plant, and equipment (if applicable).  EBITDAX is presented in order for the users to understand the cash profitability of the Company, which excludes the impact of costs attributable to exploration activity, which tend to be one-off in nature, and the non-cash costs relating to depreciation, amortization and impairments. EBITDAX may not be comparable to similar measures used by other companies. 

Oil and Gas Advisory

Certain disclosures in this news release constitute "anticipated results" for the purposes of National Instrument 51-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities ("NI 51-101") of the Canadian Securities Administrators because the disclosure in question may, in the opinion of a reasonable person, indicate the potential value or quantities of resources in respect of the Company's resources or a portion of its resources. Without limitation, the anticipated results disclosed in this news release include estimates of volume, flow rate, production rates, porosity, and pay thickness attributable to the resources of the Company. Such estimates have been prepared by Company management and have not been prepared or reviewed by an independent qualified reserves evaluator or auditor. Anticipated results are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, including those described above and various geological, technical, operational, engineering, commercial, and technical risks. In addition, the geotechnical analysis and engineering to be conducted in respect of such resources is not complete. Such risks and uncertainties may cause the anticipated results disclosed herein to be inaccurate. Actual results may vary, perhaps materially.

Use of the term "boe" or the term "MMscf" may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A "boe" conversion ratio of 6 Mcf: 1 bbl and a "Mcf" conversion ratio of 1 bbl: 6 Mcf are based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.

Use of a Standard


Reserve and resource estimates disclosed or referenced herein have been prepared in accordance with the SPE's Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook and in accordance with NI 51-101.


Prospective Resources Data


The prospective resources estimates disclosed or referenced herein have been prepared by Dr. Rob Cook, a qualified reserves evaluator, in accordance with the SPE's Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook and in accordance with NI 51-101. The prospective resources disclosed herein have an effective date of 1 January 2023. Prospective resources are those quantities of gas, estimated as of the given date, to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations through future development projects. As prospective resources, there is no certainty that any portion of the resources will be discovered. The chance that an exploration project will result in a discovery is referred to as the "chance of discovery" as defined by the management of the Company.


There is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the resources discussed herein; though any discovery that is commercially viable would be tied back to the Company's pipeline in Morocco and then connected to customers' facilities within 9 to 12 months of discovery. Based upon the economic analysis undertaken on any discovery, management has attributed an associated chance of development of 100%.


There are uncertainties associated with the volume estimates of the prospective resources disclosed herein, due to the level of information available on prospective resources, but ranges are defined based on data from the Company's nearby existing analogous wells. Some of the risks and uncertainties are outlined below:

·      Petrophysical parameters of the sand/reservoir;

·      Fluid composition, especially heavy end hydrocarbons;

·      Accurate estimation of reservoir conditions (pressure and temperature);

·      Reservoir drive mechanism;

·      Potential well deliverability; and

·      The thickness and lateral extent of the reservoir section, currently based on 3D seismic data.


"P50" means that there is at least a 50% probability that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the best estimate.


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