For immediate release
5 March 2021
Aggreko plc
Albion Acquisitions Limited
(a newly formed company owned by
funds managed by I Squared Capital Advisors (US) LLC and
investment funds managed by TDR Capital LLP)
to be effected by means of a Scheme of Arrangement
under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006
· The boards of directors of Aggreko plc ("Aggreko") and Albion Acquisitions Limited ("Bidco") are pleased to announce that they have reached agreement on the terms and conditions of a recommended all cash acquisition of the entire issued, and to be issued, ordinary share capital of Aggreko.
· Under the terms of the Acquisition, each Scheme Shareholder will be entitled to receive:
for each Scheme Share: 880 pence in cash
· The Acquisition values Aggreko's entire issued, and to be issued, ordinary share capital at approximately £2,322 million on a fully diluted basis.
· The price per Scheme Share represents a premium of approximately:
· 39 per cent. to the Closing Price of 635 pence per Aggreko Share on 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period);
· 49 per cent. to the volume-weighted average price of 591 pence per Aggreko Share for the three-month period ended 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period); and
· 75 per cent. to the volume-weighted average price of 502 pence per Aggreko Share for the six-month period ended 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period).
· On 1 March 2021, Aggreko announced a final dividend of 10.00 pence per Aggreko Share (the "Final Dividend"), which, subject to approval by Aggreko Shareholders at the annual general meeting of the Company, will be payable to eligible Aggreko Shareholders on the register of members on the Final Dividend Record Date. If the Final Dividend Record Date occurs before the Effective Date, the Offer Price shall be reduced by the amount of the Final Dividend, in which case the relevant eligible Aggreko Shareholders will be entitled to retain the Final Dividend.
· Except for the Final Dividend, if, on or after the date of this Announcement and prior to the Acquisition becoming Effective, any other dividend, distribution or other return of value is declared, made or paid by Aggreko, Bidco reserves the right to reduce the consideration payable under the terms of the Acquisition for the Aggreko Shares by an amount equal to the aggregate amount of such dividend, distribution or other return of value. In such circumstances, Aggreko Shareholders would be entitled to retain any such dividend, distribution or other return of value.
· It is intended that the Acquisition will be implemented by means of a Court-sanctioned scheme of arrangement under Part 26 of the Companies Act.
· The Aggreko Directors, who have been so advised by Centerview Partners, Citi and Jefferies as to the financial terms of the Acquisition, consider the terms of the Acquisition to be fair and reasonable. In providing their advice, Centerview Partners, Citi and Jefferies have taken into account the commercial assessments of the Aggreko Directors. Centerview Partners is providing independent financial advice to the Aggreko Directors for the purposes of Rule 3 of the Code.
· Accordingly, the Aggreko Directors intend to recommend unanimously that the Aggreko Shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme at the Court Meeting and the Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting, as they have irrevocably undertaken to do in respect of their own beneficial holdings which are under their control of, in aggregate, 164,096 Aggreko Shares representing approximately 0.064 per cent. of the issued ordinary share capital of Aggreko on 4 March 2021 (being the last business day before the date of this Announcement). Further details of these undertakings, including the circumstances in which they cease to be binding are set out in Schedule 3.
· The terms of the Acquisition will be put to the Aggreko Shareholders at the Court Meeting and the General Meeting. The Court Meeting and the General Meeting are required to enable Aggreko Shareholders to consider, and if thought fit, vote in favour of the Scheme and the Resolutions to implement the Scheme. In order to become Effective, the Scheme must be approved by a majority in number of Scheme Shareholders, present and voting at the Court Meeting, whether in person or by proxy, representing 75 per cent. or more in value of the Scheme Shares held by those Scheme Shareholders (or the relevant class or classes thereof).
· The Acquisition will be on the terms and subject to the Conditions set out in Schedule 1 to this Announcement. Full details of the Acquisition will be set out in the Scheme Document. It is expected that the Scheme Document containing further information about the Acquisition and notices of the Court Meeting and General Meeting, together with the Forms of Proxy, will be published within 28 days of this Announcement (unless the Panel agrees otherwise). An expected timetable of principal events will be included in the Scheme Document.
· The Acquisition is expected to become Effective in the summer of 2021, subject to satisfaction (or, where applicable, waiver) of the Conditions and further terms set out in Schedule 1 to this Announcement.
· Ken Hanna, the Chairman of Aggreko, said:
"The Aggreko Board believes that the offer from I Squared Capital and TDR Capital represents an attractive price in cash that fairly recognises Aggreko's future prospects. We believe that the business, its people and customers will continue to be well supported with I Squared Capital and TDR Capital as shareholders bringing their expertise in energy and rental markets to support our existing strategy.
Aggreko is a great company and the actions that we have taken in the last few years, both strategically and financially, have positioned the company well to navigate the market challenges and look to the future as a leader in the energy transition. The leadership team set out a clear vision in November 2020 for how Aggreko can both grow profitably through the energy transition and achieve market leading carbon reduction targets. This strategy was well received by our partners, our customers and investors, and I Squared Capital and TDR Capital are fully supportive.
I am proud to have been chair of Aggreko for the last nine years and it has been a pleasure to work with so many dedicated individuals who have made Aggreko a leader in the field of temporary power solutions. For now, it is business as usual, and I thank all our people for their continued dedication and hard work."
· Commenting on the Announcement, Adil Rahmathulla of I Squared Capital, said:
"Aggreko is a global market leader in delivering bespoke temporary power solutions to its customers and has clearly shown it has a strategy to complete its journey towards a net-zero emission business. The urgency to deliver on that transition has only increased in the post-Covid environment. Repositioning Aggreko fast enough to truly capitalise on these trends and rapidly shifting customer demand requires significant investment in clean technology and a step change in the pace of transformation. We are well positioned to accelerate Aggreko's development at this critical juncture and secure a successful future for the company, underpinned by a long-term investment focus and the combined expertise of TDR Capital and I Squared Capital in the power infrastructure and equipment rental sectors."
· Commenting on the Announcement, Gary Lindsay of TDR Capital LLP, said:
"I Squared Capital and TDR Capital together have a proven track record and deep expertise in investing in the power infrastructure and equipment rental sectors. Aggreko is a business that fits this investment focus well. It has the potential to enable the energy transition through clean technology investment, as the world focuses increasingly on energy efficiency and sustainability. We fully support Aggreko's vision for long term growth and believe our partnership will enable it to accelerate its strategy. We look forward to partnering with Aggreko's management and employees to further support the company's ongoing transformation towards a clean energy future."
This summary should be read in conjunction with, and is subject to, the full text of the following Announcement (including its Schedules). The Acquisition will be subject to the Conditions and certain further terms set out in Schedule 1 and to the full terms and conditions to be set out in the Scheme Document. Schedule 2 contains the sources and bases of certain information contained in this summary and the following Announcement. Schedule 3 contains details of the irrevocable undertakings received by Bidco. Schedule 4 contains the definitions of certain terms used in this summary and the following Announcement.
Powerscourt (PR Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 7793 858 211 |
Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc ("Morgan Stanley") (Financial Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 20 7425 8000 |
Barclays Bank PLC (Acting through its investment bank) (Financial Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 20 7623 2323 |
Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch (Financial Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 20 7545 8000 |
Goldman Sachs International | +44 (0) 20 7774 1000 |
J.P. Morgan Cazenove (Financial Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 20 7742 4000 |
Merrill Lynch International (Financial Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 20 7995 1930 |
Aggreko | +44 20 7227 0090 |
Centerview Partners (Financial Adviser to Aggreko) | +44 20 7409 9700 |
Citi (Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker to Aggreko) | +44 20 7986 4000 |
Jefferies (Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker to Aggreko) | +44 20 7029 8000 |
Headland (PR Adviser to Aggreko) |
Kirkland & Ellis International LLP is acting as legal adviser to I Squared Capital, TDR Capital and Bidco.
Slaughter and May is acting as legal adviser to Aggreko, and Dickson Minto W.S. is acting as legal adviser to Aggreko on matters of Scots law.
Further information
This Announcement is for information purposes only and is not intended to and does not constitute, or form part of, an offer, invitation or the solicitation of an offer to purchase, otherwise acquire, subscribe for, sell or otherwise dispose of any securities, or the solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction, pursuant to the Acquisition or otherwise, nor shall there be any sale, issuance or transfer of securities of Aggreko in any jurisdiction in contravention of applicable law. The Acquisition will be implemented solely by means of the Scheme Document (or, if the Acquisition is implemented by way of an Offer, the offer document), which will contain the full terms and conditions of the Acquisition including details of how to vote in respect of the Acquisition. Any vote in respect of the Scheme or other response in relation to the Acquisition should be made only on the basis of the information contained in the Scheme Document (or, if the Acquisition is implemented by way of an Offer, the offer document). This Announcement does not constitute a prospectus, prospectus equivalent document or an exempted document.
Morgan Stanley, which is authorised and regulated by the PRA and authorised by the FCA, is acting as financial adviser to Bidco and no-one else in connection with the matters described in this Announcement and will neither be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of Morgan Stanley nor for providing advice in connection with the subject matter of this Announcement or any other matter referred to herein.
Barclays Bank PLC ("Barclays"), which is authorised by the PRA and regulated in the United Kingdom by the FCA and the PRA, is acting exclusively for Bidco and no one else in connection with the matters described in this Announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of Barclays nor for providing advice in relation to the subject matter of this Announcement or any other matter referred to in this Announcement. In accordance with the Code, normal United Kingdom market practice and Rule 14e-5(b) of the Exchange Act, Barclays and its affiliates will continue to act as exempt principal trader in Aggreko securities on the London Stock Exchange. These purchases and activities by exempt principal traders which are required to be made public in the United Kingdom pursuant to the Code will be reported to a Regulatory Information Service and will be available on the London Stock Exchange website at www.londonstockexchange.com. This information will also be publicly disclosed in the United States to the extent that such information is made public in the United Kingdom.
Deutsche Bank AG is a joint stock corporation incorporated with limited liability in the Federal Republic of Germany, with its head office in Frankfurt am Main where it is registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court under number HRB 30 000. Deutsche Bank AG is authorised under German banking law. The London branch of Deutsche Bank AG is registered in the register of companies for England and Wales (registration number BR000005) with its registered address and principal place of business at Winchester House, 1 Great Winchester Street, London EC2N 2DB. Deutsche Bank AG is authorised and regulated by the European Central Bank and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). With respect to activities undertaken in the UK, Deutsche Bank AG is authorised by the PRA with deemed variation of permission. It is subject to regulation by the FCA and limited regulation by the PRA. Details about the Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-based firms to operate in the UK for a limited period while seeking full authorisation, are available on the FCA's website. Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch ("Deutsche Bank") is acting exclusively as financial adviser to Bidco and no-one else in connection with the matters described in this Announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of Deutsche Bank nor for providing advice in connection with the subject matter of this Announcement or any other matter referred to herein.
Goldman Sachs International ("Goldman Sachs"), which is authorised in the United Kingdom by the PRA and regulated in the United Kingdom by the PRA and the FCA, is acting exclusively for Bidco and no one else in connection with the matters set out in this Announcement. Goldman Sachs will not be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of Goldman Sachs nor for providing advice in relation to any matter referred to herein.
J.P. Morgan Securities plc, which conducts its UK investment banking business as J.P. Morgan Cazenove ("J.P. Morgan Cazenove"), and which is authorised in the United Kingdom by the PRA and regulated by the PRA and the FCA, is acting as financial adviser exclusively to Bidco and no-one else in connection with the Acquisition and will not regard any other person as its client in relation to the Acquisition and will not be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of J.P. Morgan Cazenove or its affiliates, nor for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition or any other matter or arrangement referred to herein.
Merrill Lynch International ("BofA Securities") which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated in the United Kingdom by the FCA and the Prudential Regulation Authority, is acting exclusively for Bidco and no one else in connection with the matters described herein and will not be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of BofA Securities nor for providing advice in relation to the matters referred to herein. In accordance with the Code, normal United Kingdom market practice and Rule 14e-5(b) of the Exchange Act, BofA Securities and its affiliates will continue to act as exempt principal trader in Aggreko securities on the London Stock Exchange. These purchases and activities by exempt principal traders will, to the extent required, be made public in the United Kingdom pursuant to the Code and will be reported to a Regulatory Information Service and will be available on the London Stock Exchange website at www.londonstockexchange.com. This information will also, to the extent required, be publicly disclosed in the United States to the extent that such information is made public in the United Kingdom.
Centerview Partners UK LLP ("Centerview Partners"), which is authorised and regulated by the FCA, is acting exclusively as financial adviser to Aggreko and no one else in connection with the matters described in this Announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Aggreko for providing the protections afforded to clients of Centerview Partners nor for providing advice in connection with the matters referred to herein. Neither Centerview Partners nor any of its affiliates owes or accepts any duty, liability or responsibility whatsoever (whether direct or indirect, whether in contract, in tort, under statute or otherwise) to any person who is not a client of Centerview Partners in connection with this Announcement, any statement contained herein, the Acquisition or otherwise.
Jefferies International Limited ("Jefferies"), which is authorised and regulated by the FCA in the United Kingdom, is acting exclusively for Aggreko and no one else in connection with the Acquisition and will not be responsible to anyone other than Aggreko for providing the protections afforded to clients of Jefferies nor for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition or any other matters referred to in this Announcement. Neither Jefferies nor any of its affiliates owes or accepts any duty, liability or responsibility whatsoever (whether direct or indirect, whether in contract, in tort, under statute or otherwise) to any person who is not a client of Jefferies in connection with this Announcement, any statement contained herein or otherwise.
Citigroup Global Markets Limited ("Citi"), which is authorised by the PRA and regulated in the UK by the FCA and the PRA, is acting as joint financial adviser for Aggreko and for no one else in connection with the matters set out in this Announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Aggreko for providing the protections afforded to clients of Citi nor for providing advice in connection with the matters set out in this Announcement. Neither Citi nor any of its affiliates, directors or employees owes or accepts any duty, liability or responsibility whatsoever (whether direct or indirect, consequential, whether in contract, in tort, in delict, under statute or otherwise) to any person who is not a client of Citi in connection with the matters set out in this Announcement or any other matter or arrangement referred to herein.
Overseas jurisdictions
The availability of the Acquisition to Aggreko Shareholders who are not resident in and citizens of the UK may be affected by the laws of the relevant jurisdictions in which they are located or of which they are citizens. Persons who are not resident in the UK should inform themselves of, and observe, any applicable legal or regulatory requirements of their jurisdictions. In particular, the ability of persons who are not resident in the UK to vote their Aggreko Shares with respect to the Scheme at the Court Meeting, or to appoint another person as proxy to vote at the Court Meeting on their behalf, may be affected by the laws of the relevant jurisdictions in which they are located. Any failure to comply with the applicable restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. Further details in relation to overseas shareholders will be contained in the Scheme Document.
The release, publication or distribution of this Announcement in or into jurisdictions other than the UK may be restricted by law and therefore any persons who are subject to the law of any jurisdiction other than the UK should inform themselves of, and observe, any applicable legal or regulatory requirements. Any failure to comply with such requirements may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the companies and persons involved in the Acquisition disclaim any responsibility or liability for the violation of such restrictions by any person. This Announcement has been prepared for the purposes of complying with English and Scots law, the UK Listing Rules, the rules of the London Stock Exchange and the Code and the information disclosed may not be the same as that which would have been disclosed if this Announcement had been prepared in accordance with the laws of jurisdictions outside of the UK.
Copies of this Announcement and the formal documentation relating to the Scheme and the Acquisition will not be and must not be, directly or indirectly, mailed, transmitted or otherwise forwarded, distributed or sent in, into or from any Restricted Jurisdiction or any jurisdiction where to do so would violate the laws of that jurisdiction, and persons receiving such documents (including, without limitation, agents, custodians, nominees and trustees) must not, directly or indirectly, mail or otherwise forward, distribute or send them in or into or from any such jurisdiction. If the Acquisition is implemented by way of an Offer (unless otherwise permitted by applicable law and regulation), the Offer may not be made directly or indirectly, in or into, or by the use of mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce of, or of any facility of a national, state or other securities exchange of any Restricted Jurisdiction and the Offer may not be capable of acceptance by any such use, means, instrumentality or facilities.
US Holders
US Holders should note that the Acquisition relates to the securities of a Scottish company, is subject to UK disclosure requirements and practices (which are different from those of the US) and is proposed to be implemented by means of a scheme of arrangement under Scottish law. A transaction effected by means of a scheme of arrangement is not subject to the tender offer or proxy solicitation rules under the US Exchange Act of 1934. Accordingly, the Acquisition and the Scheme will be subject to the disclosure requirements and practices applicable in the UK to schemes of arrangement, which are different from the disclosure requirements of the US tender offer and proxy solicitation rules. The financial information included in this Announcement and the Scheme Document has been or will have been prepared in accordance with IFRS, and thus may not be comparable to financial information of US companies or companies whose financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the US. However, if, in the future, Bidco were to exercise its right to implement the Acquisition of the Aggreko Shares by way of an Offer, such Offer will be made in compliance with applicable US tender offer and securities laws and regulations.
The receipt of cash pursuant to the Acquisition by a US Holder as consideration for the transfer of its Scheme Shares pursuant to the Scheme may be a taxable transaction for US federal income tax purposes and under applicable US state and local, as well as foreign and other, tax laws. Each Aggreko Shareholder is urged to consult with legal, tax and financial advisers in connection with making a decision regarding this transaction.
It may be difficult for US Holders to enforce their rights and claims arising out of the US federal securities laws, since Bidco and Aggreko are located in countries other than the US, and some or all of their officers and directors may be residents of countries other than the US. US Holders may not be able to sue a non-US company or its officers or directors in a non-US court for violations of US securities laws. Further, it may be difficult to compel a non-US company and its affiliates to subject themselves to a US court's judgement.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, in accordance with normal UK market practice and pursuant to Rule 14e-5(b) of the US Exchange Act, Bidco or its nominees, or their brokers (acting as agents), may from time to time make certain purchases of, or arrangements to purchase, Aggreko Shares outside of the US, other than pursuant to the Acquisition, until the date on which the Acquisition becomes effective, lapses or is otherwise withdrawn. These purchases may occur either in the open market at prevailing prices or in private transactions at negotiated prices.
Forward-looking statements
This Announcement (including information incorporated by reference in this Announcement), oral statements made regarding the Acquisition, and other information published by Bidco and Aggreko contain statements which are, or may be deemed to be, "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements are prospective in nature and are not based on historical facts, but rather on current expectations and projections of the management of Bidco and Aggreko about future events, and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.
The forward-looking statements contained in this Announcement include statements relating to the expected effects of the Acquisition on Bidco and Aggreko, the expected timing and scope of the Acquisition and other statements other than historical facts. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "is subject to", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Although Bidco and Aggreko believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, Bidco and Aggreko can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.
These factors include, but are not limited to: the ability to complete the Acquisition; the ability to obtain requisite regulatory and shareholder approvals and the satisfaction of other Conditions on the proposed terms and schedule; as future market conditions, changes in general economic and business conditions, the behaviour of other market participants, the anticipated benefits from the proposed transaction not being realised as a result of changes in general economic and market conditions in the countries in which Bidco and Aggreko operate, weak, volatile or illiquid capital and/or credit markets, changes in tax rates, interest rate and currency value fluctuations, the degree of competition in the geographic and business areas in which Bidco and Aggreko operate and changes in laws or in supervisory expectations or requirements. Other unknown or unpredictable factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements should therefore be construed in the light of such factors. Neither Bidco nor Aggreko, nor any of their respective associates or directors, officers or advisers, provides any representation, assurance or guarantee that the occurrence of the events expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements in this Announcement will actually occur. You are cautioned not to place any reliance on these forward-looking statements. Other than in accordance with their legal or regulatory obligations, neither Bidco nor Aggreko is under any obligation, and Bidco and Aggreko expressly disclaim any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
No profit forecasts or estimates
No statement in this Announcement is intended as a profit forecast, profit estimate or quantified benefits statement for any period and no statement in this Announcement should be interpreted to mean that earnings or earnings per share for Bidco or Aggreko, as appropriate, for the current or future financial years would necessarily match or exceed the historical published earnings or earnings per share for Bidco or Aggreko, as appropriate.
Disclosure requirements of the Code
Under Rule 8.3(a) of the Code, any person who is interested in one per cent. or more of any class of relevant securities of an offeree company or of any securities exchange offeror (being any offeror other than an offeror in respect of which it has been announced that its offer is, or is likely to be, solely in cash) must make an Opening Position Disclosure following the commencement of the offer period and, if later, following the announcement in which any securities exchange offeror is first identified.
An Opening Position Disclosure must contain details of the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any securities exchange offeror(s). An Opening Position Disclosure by a person to whom Rule 8.3(a) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business day following the commencement of the offer period and, if appropriate, by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business day following the announcement in which any securities exchange offeror is first identified. Relevant persons who deal in the relevant securities of the offeree company or of a securities exchange offeror prior to the deadline for making an Opening Position Disclosure must instead make a Dealing Disclosure.
Under Rule 8.3(b) of the Code, any person who is, or becomes, interested in one per cent. or more of any class of relevant securities of the offeree company or of any securities exchange offeror must make a Dealing Disclosure if the person deals in any relevant securities of the offeree company or of any securities exchange offeror. A Dealing Disclosure must contain details of the dealing concerned and of the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any securities exchange offeror(s), save to the extent that these details have previously been disclosed under Rule 8. A Dealing Disclosure by a person to whom Rule 8.3(b) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the business day following the date of the relevant dealing.
If two or more persons act together pursuant to an agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal, to acquire or control an interest in relevant securities of an offeree company or a securities exchange offeror, they will be deemed to be a single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3.
Opening Position Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company and by any offeror and Dealing Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company, by any offeror and by any persons acting in concert with any of them (see Rules 8.1, 8.2 and 8.4).
Details of the offeree and offeror companies in respect of whose relevant securities Opening Position Disclosures and Dealing Disclosures must be made can be found in the Disclosure Table on the Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk, including details of the number of relevant securities in issue, when the offer period commenced and when any offeror was first identified. You should contact the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit on +44 (0)20 7638 0129 if you are in any doubt as to whether you are required to make an Opening Position Disclosure or a Dealing Disclosure.
Publication on a website
In accordance with Rule 26.1 of the Code, a copy of this Announcement will be made available, subject to certain restrictions relating to persons resident in Restricted Jurisdictions, on Aggreko's website at www.plc.aggreko.com and Bidco's website at www.albionoffer.com by no later than 12 noon (London time) on the business day following this Announcement. For the avoidance of doubt, the contents of these websites are not incorporated by reference and do not form part of this Announcement.
Requesting hard copy documents
Aggreko Shareholders may request a hard copy of this Announcement by: (i) writing to Link Group at The Registrar, 10th Floor, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4DL, United Kingdom; (ii) by email to enquiries@linkgroup.co.uk; or (iii) by calling +44 (0)371 664 0300. Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside the United Kingdom are charged at the applicable international rate. Lines are open between 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales. For persons who receive a copy of this Announcement in electronic form or via a website notification, a hard copy of this Announcement will not be sent unless so requested. You may also request that all future documents, announcements and information to be sent to you in relation to the Acquisition should be in hard copy form.
Electronic communications
Please be aware that addresses, electronic addresses and certain other information provided by Aggreko Shareholders, persons with information rights and other relevant persons for the receipt of communications from Aggreko may be provided to Bidco during the offer period as required under Section 4 of Appendix 4 of the Code to comply with Rule 2.11(c).
Certain figures included in this Announcement have been subjected to rounding adjustments. Accordingly, figures shown for the same category presented in different tables may vary slightly and figures shown as totals in certain tables may not be an arithmetic aggregation of figures that precede them.
For immediate release
5 March 2021
Aggreko plc
Albion Acquisitions Limited
(a newly formed company owned by
funds managed by I Squared Capital Advisors (US) LLC and
investment funds managed by TDR Capital LLP)
to be effected by means of a Scheme of Arrangement
under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006
1 Introduction
The boards of directors of Albion Acquisitions Limited ("Bidco") and Aggreko plc ("Aggreko") are pleased to announce that they have reached agreement on the terms and conditions of a recommended all cash acquisition of the entire issued, and to be issued, ordinary share capital of Aggreko. It is intended that the Acquisition will be implemented by means of a Court-sanctioned scheme of arrangement under Part 26 of the Companies Act.
2 The Acquisition
Under the terms of the Acquisition, which will be subject to the Conditions and further terms set out in Schedule 1 to this Announcement and the full terms and conditions to be set out in the Scheme Document, each Scheme Shareholder will be entitled to receive:
for each Scheme Share: 880 pence in cash
The Offer Price of 880 pence per Scheme Share represents a premium of approximately:
· 39 per cent. to the Closing Price of 635 pence per Aggreko Share on 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period);
· 49 per cent. to the volume-weighted average price of 591 pence per Aggreko Share for the three-month period ended 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period); and
· 75 per cent. to the volume-weighted average price of 502 pence per Aggreko Share for the six-month period ended 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period).
The Acquisition values Aggreko's entire issued, and to be issued, ordinary share capital at approximately £2,322 million on a fully diluted basis.
On 1 March 2021, Aggreko announced a final dividend of 10.00 pence per Aggreko Share (the "Final Dividend"), which, subject to approval by Aggreko Shareholders at the annual general meeting of the Company, will be payable to eligible Aggreko Shareholders on the register of members on the Final Dividend Record Date. If the Final Dividend Record Date occurs before the Effective Date, the Offer Price shall be reduced by the amount of the Final Dividend, in which case, the relevant eligible Aggreko Shareholders will be entitled to retain the Final Dividend.
Except for the Final Dividend, if, on or after the date of this Announcement and prior to the Acquisition becoming Effective, any other dividend, distribution or other return of value is declared, made or paid by Aggreko, Bidco reserves the right to reduce the consideration payable under the terms of the Acquisition for the Aggreko Shares by an amount equal to the aggregate amount of such dividend, distribution or other return of value. In such circumstances, Aggreko Shareholders would be entitled to retain any such dividend, distribution or other return of value.
3 Background to and reasons for the Acquisition
I Squared Capital and TDR Capital have a proven track record and deep expertise in investing in power and energy transition infrastructure and equipment rental businesses which generate stable cash flows in attractive markets supported by growing demand. I Squared Capital and TDR Capital believe that Aggreko is a business that fits this investment focus well and has the potential to enable the energy transition through clean technology investment, as the world focuses increasingly on energy efficiency and sustainability and requires flexible solutions. Aggreko is a global market leader in delivering bespoke temporary power solutions to its customers and has demonstrated the capabilities and innovation required to facilitate the transition towards a net-zero emission business. This energy transition is driving substantial changes in the underlying energy market and, as such, will require sustained capital investment and business agility. I Squared Capital and TDR Capital are supportive of the broader strategy and growth initiatives articulated by Aggreko's management in their strategic update on 17 November 2020, driven by a repositioning of Aggreko's fleet mix.
While the urgency and importance of sustainability have accelerated in a post-Covid environment, repositioning Aggreko to address and capture these trends will require a long-term perspective and investment horizon. In addition, I Squared Capital and TDR Capital believe that the realignment of the business will be better achieved in the private domain rather than under the scrutiny of public markets and the requirement for periodic reporting. I Squared Capital and TDR Capital are excited by the opportunities brought about by such a new environment and have the appropriate resources to support the business' growth over the next decade and beyond. It will provide additional attractive development opportunities for Aggreko's stakeholders as well as a spectrum of cleaner and more sustainable solutions for its customers. I Squared Capital and TDR Capital believe that they are well positioned to accelerate Aggreko's development at this critical juncture and secure a successful long-term future for the company, underpinned by a long-term investment focus and the synergistic expertise between both parties in the power infrastructure and equipment rental sectors.
4 Recommendation
The Aggreko Directors, who have been so advised by Centerview Partners, Citi and Jefferies as to the financial terms of the Acquisition, consider the terms of the Acquisition to be fair and reasonable. In providing their advice, Centerview Partners, Citi and Jefferies have taken into account the commercial assessments of the Aggreko Directors. Centerview Partners is providing independent financial advice to the Aggreko Directors for the purposes of Rule 3 of the Code.
Accordingly, the Aggreko Directors intend to recommend unanimously that the Aggreko Shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme at the Court Meeting and the Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting, as they have irrevocably undertaken to do in respect of their own beneficial holdings which are under their control of, in aggregate, 164,096 Aggreko Shares representing approximately 0.064 per cent. of the issued ordinary share capital of Aggreko on 4 March 2021 (being the last business day before the date of this Announcement). Further details of these undertakings, including the circumstances in which they cease to be binding are set out in Schedule 3.
5 Background to and reasons for the recommendation
Since 2014, Aggreko has been on a strategic transformation to reduce its reliance on oil and gas end markets and legacy Power Solutions Utility contracts and move towards a more diverse range of customer sectors and lower carbon technology products.
Aggreko has achieved this through investment in (i) people and customers to enhance expertise in delivering increasingly complex, sector specialised solutions in a simple way; and (ii) new assets to deliver energy through a wider variety of technologies and fuels. It has also addressed the increase in competition in Power Solutions Utility's markets by addressing its cost base in this business and driving growth in faster-growing Rental Solutions and Power Solution Industrial businesses, which now account for around 80% of the Aggreko Group's revenue as at 31 December 2020[1]. These actions supported the delivery by the business of a 14.9% operating margin and 12% exit ROCE[2], based on its closing balance sheet, in 2019.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic began impacting Aggreko's markets, Aggreko has continued to focus on delivering power solutions to its customers, while ensuring the safety of its people. However, the pandemic has had an impact on Aggreko's business, in particular in sectors such as events and oil and gas, which have been impacted by government responses to the pandemic.
In November 2020, Aggreko announced its strategy for the energy transition setting out targets (i) to reduce diesel fuel used in customer solutions by 50% by 2030 and (ii) for Aggreko and the services it provides to be net zero by 2050. The energy transition will require substantial annual capital investment in new, low-carbon provision technology, but also gives Aggreko, as a global leader with differentiated strengths in technology, capabilities, and people, an opportunity to deliver shareholder value through the energy transition via a focus on profitable growth and the target of achieving mid-teens ROCE.
While the Aggreko Directors believe Aggreko would have a strong future as an independent listed company, they also acknowledge that, given the significant capital investment and time required and resulting risks associated with the energy transition strategy, there are benefits of undertaking this as a private company. That said, the Aggreko Directors also believe that the prospects for the group, including those resulting from the energy transition have not been recognised in the share price and, therefore, the Acquisition provides a compelling valuation, fairly reflecting the company's longer term prospects and allowing shareholders to realise that value in full and in cash.
The Aggreko Directors have taken several factors into account in considering the terms of the Acquisition, including:
§ the opportunity for Aggreko Shareholders to realise a fair and reasonable value for their holdings in cash;
§ that the terms of the Acquisition represent:
- a premium of approximately 39 per cent. to the Closing Price of 635 pence on 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period);
- a premium of approximately 49 per cent. and 75 per cent. to the three-month and six-month volume-weighted average price per Aggreko Share of 591 pence and 502 pence on 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period); and
- a value of £2,322 million for the entire issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of Aggreko (on a fully diluted basis).
The Aggreko Directors have also taken into account Bidco's intentions for the broader business, management, employees, pension schemes and other stakeholders of Aggreko.
Accordingly, following careful consideration of the above factors, the Aggreko Directors intend to unanimously, and unconditionally, recommend the Acquisition to Aggreko Shareholders.
6 Irrevocable Undertakings
As described above, all of the Aggreko Directors who hold Aggreko Shares have irrevocably undertaken to vote, or procure votes, in favour of the Scheme at the Court Meeting and the Resolutions to be proposed to implement the Scheme at the General Meeting in respect of their own beneficial holdings which are under their control, amounting to, in aggregate, 164,096 Aggreko Shares representing approximately 0.064 per cent. of the issued ordinary share capital of Aggreko on 4 March 2021 (being the last business day before the date of this Announcement).
The undertakings from the Aggreko Directors, will cease to be binding only if (i) the Panel consents to Bidco not proceeding with the Acquisition; (ii) the Scheme Document is not dispatched to Aggreko Shareholders within 28 days (or such longer period as may be agreed between Aggreko and the Panel) of this Announcement; (iii) the Scheme lapses or is withdrawn in accordance with its terms, or the Scheme does not become effective on or before the Long Stop Date (other than in circumstances where Bidco has, prior to such date, elected (in accordance with the Cooperation Agreement) to exercise its right to proceed by way of an Offer and announced the same in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 8 of Appendix 7 to the Code, and such Offer has not lapsed or been withdrawn); (iv) any competing offer for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Aggreko becomes or is declared wholly unconditional or, if proceeding by way of scheme of arrangement, becomes effective; (v) Bidco announces, with the consent of the Panel, that it does not intend to make or proceed with the Acquisition and no new, revised, or replacement Scheme or Offer is announced by Bidco in accordance with Rule 2.7 of the Code at the same time; or (vi) the Scheme lapses or is withdrawn in accordance with its terms and Bidco publicly confirms that it does not intend to proceed with the Acquisition or to implement the Acquisition by way of an Offer.
Further details of these irrevocable undertakings are set out in Schedule 3 to this Announcement.
7 Information relating to I SQUARED CAPITAL, TDR CAPITAL AND Bidco
I Squared Capital
I Squared Capital Advisors (US) LLC is an independent fund manager registered as an investment advisor with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission that specialises in investing and managing infrastructure assets globally across the sectors of energy, utilities, telecom, transportation and social infrastructure, with focus on Europe, the Americas, and select growth economies in Asia and Latin America. I Squared Capital Advisors (US) LLC currently has US$28.6 billion of assets under management.
TDR Capital
TDR Capital LLP is a leading private equity firm formed in 2002 and based in London with over €8 billion of committed capital. TDR Capital seeks to invest in market-leading businesses and partner with them to develop and grow their operations.
Bidco is a limited company registered in England and Wales and incorporated on 25 February 2021. Bidco was formed for the purposes of the Acquisition and is an entity owned by I Squared Capital and TDR Capital and has not traded since its date of incorporation, nor has it entered into any obligations other than in connection with the Acquisition.
The current directors of Bidco are Mohamed El-Gazzar and Gary Lindsay. Further details in relation to Bidco will be contained in the Scheme Document.
8 Information relating to Aggreko
Aggreko is a world-leading provider of mobile modular power, temperature control and energy services. Working at the forefront of a rapidly changing energy market, Aggreko solves customers' energy problems by providing sector-specific, cost-effective and flexible solutions. Aggreko has 55 years of operational experience, around 6,000 permanent employees and 190 sales and service centers across the globe to support its customers across 79 countries.
Aggreko's operations comprise three business units as follows:
§ Rental Solutions: Providing power, heating and cooling in developed markets, focused on seven key sectors, where customer requirements tend to involve shorter-term, but often complex, projects and key events; and
§ Power Solutions: Providing power, heating and cooling focused on seven key sectors across emerging markets for customers with generally longer-term power needs
o Industrial: Comprises medium-term projects for industrial customers, as well as shorter-term rental contracts; and
o Utility: Longer-term projects providing power to national utility customers.
Demand for electricity will continue to grow, driven by population growth and electrification. However, the climate imperative and availability of new technology is changing the way in which electricity is generated, distributed, consumed, stored and monitored, making it more complex with a requirement for lower carbon.
As such, in November 2020, Aggreko announced its energy transition strategy to ensure that as a global leader in the supply of mobile modular energy solutions, Aggreko remains well positioned to lead and benefit from the energy transition. In that announcement, Aggreko: (a) set out its commitments to: (i) reduce diesel fuel used in customer solutions by 50% by 2030; and (ii) be net zero by 2050 for Aggreko and the services it provides; and (b) laid out its strategic plan to invest to deliver profitable growth into the future.
For the year ended 31 December 2020, Aggreko reported consolidated revenue of £1,365 million; operating profit of £136 million; profit before tax of £102 million; diluted earnings per share of 21.8 pence and a dividend per share of 15.0 pence. Aggreko is headquartered in Glasgow, United Kingdom and listed on the London Stock Exchange with a market capitalisation of £1.6 billion as of 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period).
9 Financing
The cash consideration payable to the Aggreko Shareholders under the terms of the Acquisition will be financed by a combination of equity to be invested by funds managed by I Squared Capital and TDR Capital and debt to be provided under a senior term, revolving and bridge facilities agreement dated on or around the date of this Announcement entered into between, amongst others, Barclays, Bank of America Europe Designated Activity Company, Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs International and Banco Santander S.A., London Branch as mandated lead arrangers and Barclays as interim facility agent.
Morgan Stanley and Barclays, each in its capacity as financial adviser to Bidco, are satisfied that the resources available to Bidco are sufficient to satisfy in full the cash consideration payable to the Aggreko Shareholders under the terms of the Acquisition.
Further information on the financing of the Acquisition will be set out in the Scheme Document.
10 Management, employees, research and development and locations
As set out in paragraph 3 (Background to and reasons for the Acquisition), Bidco considers that Aggreko has the capabilities and innovation required to facilitate the transition towards a low-carbon emission business through clean technology investment. Bidco believes that I Squared Capital and TDR Capital's expertise in the power infrastructure and equipment rental sectors make them ideally placed to support Aggreko to capitalise on the growth and investment opportunities created by this transition under private ownership.
Bidco holds the Aggreko management team in high regard and values their operational expertise and experience. Bidco supports management's strategy for repositioning Aggreko's fleet and plans to accelerate the implementation of this strategy following completion of the Acquisition. Bidco intends to work with the management and employees of Aggreko to support the business with a view to providing attractive and sustained growth and development opportunities for Aggreko's stakeholders as well as cleaner, more sustainable solutions for its customers.
Prior to this Announcement, consistent with market practice, Bidco has been granted access to Aggreko's senior management for the purposes of confirmatory due diligence. However, Bidco has not yet had access to sufficiently detailed information to formulate specific plans regarding the impact of the Acquisition on the Aggreko Group.
Following completion of the Acquisition, Bidco intends to conduct a comprehensive and extensive six-month review of management's existing five-year business plan and the efficiency of Aggreko's operations across the 79 geographies in which it currently operates, in order to determine how its short and long-term objectives can be best delivered. While no decisions have yet been made by Bidco in relation to specific actions that may be taken following such review, and no detailed discussions have yet been held between Bidco and Aggreko in this regard, it is possible that the conclusions of the review could result in some headcount reduction, such as may arise in connection with any operational and administrative restructuring following completion of the Acquisition, investments and/or divestments of assets or operations in certain countries.
In addition, the proposed de-listing of Aggreko Shares from the London Stock Exchange and re-registration of Aggreko as a private limited company (as further described in paragraph 13 below) will mean that certain functions relating to Aggreko's status as a public listed company are no longer required.
Any reduction in headcount arising from functions relating to Aggreko's status as a public company no longer being required and, if implemented, any additional headcount reduction following the six-month review, is not expected to be material in the context of the Aggreko Group's global workforce and would be at least partially offset by new job opportunities created by the clean energy transition and Aggreko's future business growth. In addition, any headcount reduction would be subject to applicable informing and consulting requirements and conducted in accordance with applicable law.
Employees and management
Bidco attaches great importance to the skill and experience of Aggreko's management and employees and recognises that the employees and management of the Aggreko Group will be key to its future success. Except as set out in this Announcement, Bidco does not have any intention of making any material changes to the conditions of employment or to the balance of the skills and functions of the Aggreko Group's employees or management.
It is intended that, upon completion of the Acquisition, each of the non-executive members of the Aggreko Board shall resign from his or her office as a director of Aggreko.
Existing rights and pensions
Bidco confirms that, following the Scheme becoming effective, the existing contractual and statutory employment rights, including in relation to the Aggreko Group's pension schemes, of all Aggreko management and employees will be fully safeguarded in accordance with applicable law.
Aggreko's UK defined benefit pension scheme is well-funded and as at 31 December 2020 was in surplus on an IAS 19 basis. This defined benefit pension scheme is closed to new members and future accruals. Bidco does not intend to make any changes to the current employer pension contribution arrangements, the accrual of benefits for existing members or the rights of admission of new members.
Management incentivisation arrangements
Bidco has not entered into, and has not discussed any form of incentivisation arrangements with, members of Aggreko's management. Bidco is expected to put in place certain incentive arrangements for the management of Aggreko following completion of the Acquisition.
Research and development
Bidco understands the importance of R&D to Aggreko's ability to facilitate the transition towards a low-carbon emission business through clean technology investment and to provide cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions to its customers and end users. Bidco therefore intends for Aggreko to maintain a level of expenditure on research and development consistent with its past practice.
Headquarters, locations and fixed assets
Following the Acquisition, Bidco intends that Aggreko will continue to operate as a standalone business group. Subject to the outcome of its strategic review to be undertaken following completion of the Acquisition, Bidco has no plans to undertake any material restructurings or change in the locations of Aggreko's places of business. Bidco has no plans to change the location or functions of Aggreko's headquarters in Glasgow.
Bidco intends to maintain and, where practicable, accelerate the Aggreko Group's existing strategy of repositioning its fleet to facilitate the transition towards a low-carbon business. Save as driven by this transition and excluding periodic ordinary course redeployment consistent with past practice according to business demand, no significant changes are envisaged by Bidco with respect to the redeployment of Aggreko's fixed asset base.
Trading Facilities
Aggreko Shares are currently listed on the Official List and admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange. As set out in paragraph 13, applications will be made for the cancellation of the listing of Aggreko Shares on the Official List and the cancellation of trading of the Aggreko Shares on the London Stock Exchange.
11 Offer-related Arrangements
Confidentiality Agreement
On 2 February 2021, I Squared Capital Advisors (UK) LLP, TDR Capital and Aggreko entered into the Confidentiality Agreement in relation to the Acquisition, pursuant to which, amongst other things, I Squared Capital (UK) LLP and TDR Capital gave certain undertakings to: (a) subject to certain exceptions, keep information relating to Aggreko and the Acquisition confidential and not to disclose it to third parties; and (b) use such confidential information only in connection with the Acquisition. These confidentiality obligations will remain in force until the earlier of 2 February 2023 and completion of the Acquisition by Bidco.
Cooperation Agreement
Pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement, Bidco and Aggreko have, amongst other things, each agreed to: (i) cooperate in relation to obtaining all approvals, consents, clearances, permissions, confirmations, comfort letters and waivers, making all filings and ensuring that all waiting periods have expired, from or under any applicable laws, regulations or practices applied by any applicable regulatory authority, as are necessary and/or expedient to enable the Effective Date to occur by the Long Stop Date and/or to satisfy Condition 2; and (ii) cooperate in preparing and implementing appropriate proposals in relation to the Aggreko Share Plans. In addition, Bidco has agreed to certain provisions if the Scheme should switch to an Offer.
The Cooperation Agreement will terminate in certain circumstances, including if the Acquisition is withdrawn, terminated or lapses prior to the Long Stop Date, a competing offer completes, becomes effective or is declared unconditional in all respects, or if prior to the Long Stop Date any Condition has been invoked by Bidco (where the invocation is permitted by the Panel), if the Aggreko Directors withdraw their recommendation of the Acquisition or if the Scheme does not become effective in accordance with its terms by the Long Stop Date or otherwise as agreed between Bidco and Aggreko in writing.
Pursuant to the terms of the Cooperation Agreement, Bidco undertakes that it will deliver a notice in writing to Aggreko on the business day prior to the Scheme Court Hearing confirming either: (i) the satisfaction or waiver of the Conditions (other than Condition 1.3); or (ii) to the extent permitted by the Panel, that it intends to invoke one or more Conditions.
12 Structure of the Acquisition
It is intended that the Acquisition will be implemented by way of a Court-sanctioned scheme of arrangement between Aggreko and the Scheme Shareholders, under Part 26 of the Companies Act. The purpose of the Scheme is to provide for Bidco to become the owner of the entire issued, and to be issued, ordinary share capital of Aggreko. Under the Scheme, the Acquisition will be achieved by the transfer of the Scheme Shares by the Scheme Shareholders to Bidco in consideration for which the Scheme Shareholders will receive cash on the basis described in paragraph 2 above. The procedure involves, among other things, a petition by Aggreko to the Court to sanction the Scheme.
The Acquisition is subject to the Conditions and certain further terms referred to in Schedule 1 to this Announcement and to the full terms and conditions to be set out in the Scheme Document, and will only become Effective if, among other things, the following events occur on or before the Long Stop Date (or such later date as Bidco and Aggreko may, with the consent of the Panel, agree and, if required, the Court may approve):
· a resolution to approve the Scheme is passed by a majority in number of the Scheme Shareholders present and voting (and entitled to vote) at the Court Meeting, either in person or by proxy, representing 75 per cent. or more in value of the Scheme Shares held by those Scheme Shareholders (or the relevant class or classes thereof);
· the Resolution(s) necessary to implement the Scheme is/are passed by the requisite majority of Aggreko Shareholders at the General Meeting (which will require the approval of Aggreko Shareholders representing at least 75 per cent. of the votes cast at the General Meeting either in person or by proxy);
· following the Court Meeting and General Meeting, the Scheme is sanctioned by the Court (without modification, or with modification on terms agreed by Bidco and Aggreko); and
· following such sanction, an office copy of the Scheme Court Order is delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
Upon the Scheme becoming Effective: (i) it will be binding on all Aggreko Shareholders, irrespective of whether or not they attended or voted at the Court Meeting or the General Meeting (and if they attended and voted, whether or not they voted in favour); and (ii) share certificates in respect of Aggreko Shares will cease to be valid and entitlements to Aggreko Shares held within the CREST system will be cancelled.
Any Aggreko Shares issued before the Scheme Record Time will be subject to the terms of the Scheme. The Resolution(s) to be proposed at the General Meeting will, amongst other matters, provide that the Articles be amended to incorporate provisions requiring any Aggreko Shares issued after the Scheme Record Time (other than to Bidco and/or its nominees) to be automatically transferred to Bidco on the same terms as the Acquisition (other than terms as to timings and formalities). The provisions of the Articles (as amended) will avoid any person (other than Bidco and its nominees) holding Aggreko Shares after the Effective Date.
If the Scheme does not become Effective on or before the Long Stop Date, it will lapse and the Acquisition will not proceed (unless the Panel otherwise consents).
The Scheme Document will include full details of the Scheme, together with notices of the Court Meeting and the General Meeting. The Scheme Document will also contain the expected timetable for the Acquisition, and will specify the necessary actions to be taken by Aggreko Shareholders. It is expected that the Scheme Document, together with the Forms of Proxy, will be published within 28 days of this Announcement (unless the Panel agrees otherwise). Subject, amongst other things, to the satisfaction or waiver of the Conditions, it is expected that the Scheme will become Effective in the summer of 2021. An expected timetable of events will be included in the Scheme Document.
13 Delisting, Cancellation of trading and re-registration
It is intended that the London Stock Exchange and the FCA will be requested respectively to cancel trading in Aggreko Shares on the London Stock Exchange's market for listed securities and the listing of the Aggreko Shares from the Official List, in each case, to take effect on or shortly after the Effective Date.
It is expected that the last day of dealings in Aggreko Shares on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange will be the business day immediately prior to the Effective Date and no transfers will be registered after 6.00 p.m. (London time) on that date.
It is intended that Aggreko be re-registered as a private limited company as part of the Scheme and for this to take effect as soon as practicable on or following the Effective Date.
14 Aggreko deferred shares
Aggreko has in issue 592,366,393,475 Aggreko Deferred Shares which are not listed on the FCA's Official List or traded on the London Stock Exchange and do not constitute "equity share capital" for the purposes of the Code. Accordingly, with the Panel's confirmation, no separate offer is being made for the Aggreko Deferred Shares.
On or as soon as reasonably practicable following the Effective Date, Bidco intends to procure the transfer of the Aggreko Deferred Shares by Aggreko to Bidco in accordance with the transfer provisions set out in the Articles.
15 Disclosure of interests in Aggreko relevant securities
Except for the irrevocable commitments referred to in paragraph 6, as at the date of this Announcement neither Bidco, nor any director of either of Bidco, nor, as far as Bidco is aware, any person acting in concert (within the meaning of the Code) with Bidco:
· has any interest in, or right to subscribe for, any relevant securities of Aggreko; nor
· has any short position in relevant securities of Aggreko, including any short position under a derivative, any agreement to sell, any delivery obligation or right to require another person to purchase or take delivery of relevant securities of Aggreko; nor
· has borrowed or lent any relevant securities of Aggreko or entered into any financial collateral arrangements relating to relevant securities of Aggreko; nor
· is party to any dealing arrangement of the kind referred to in Note 11 on the definition of acting in concert in the Code in relation to relevant securities of Aggreko.
'Interests in securities' for these purposes arise, in summary, when a person has long economic exposure, whether absolute or conditional, to changes in the price of securities (and a person who only has a short position in securities is not treated as interested in those securities). In particular, a person will be treated as having an 'interest' by virtue of the ownership, voting rights or control of securities, or by virtue of any agreement to purchase, option in respect of, or derivative referenced to, securities.
16 Overseas shareholders
The availability of the Acquisition or the distribution of this Announcement to Aggreko Shareholders who are not resident in the United Kingdom may be affected by the laws of their relevant jurisdiction. Such persons should inform themselves of, and observe, any applicable legal or regulatory requirements of their jurisdiction. Aggreko Shareholders who are in any doubt regarding such matters should consult an appropriate independent professional adviser in the relevant jurisdiction without delay.
This Announcement does not constitute an offer for sale of any securities or an offer or an invitation to purchase any securities. Aggreko Shareholders are advised to read carefully the Scheme Document and related Forms of Proxy once these have been published.
17 Documents published on a website
Copies of the following documents will, by no later than 12 noon (London time) on the business day following this Announcement, be published on Aggreko's website at www.plc.aggreko.com and Bidco's website at www.albionoffer.com until the Effective Date:
· this Announcement;
· the irrevocable undertakings referred to in paragraph 6;
· the agreement entered into for the financing of the Acquisition referred to in paragraph 9;
· the Confidentiality Agreement referred to in paragraph 11; and
· the Cooperation Agreement referred to in paragraph 11.
The contents of Aggreko's website and Bidco's website are not incorporated into and do not form part of this Announcement.
18 General
Bidco reserves the right to elect (with the consent of the Panel and subject to the terms of the Cooperation Agreement) to implement the acquisition of the Aggreko Shares by way of an Offer as an alternative to the Scheme. In such event, the Offer will be implemented on substantially the same terms, so far as applicable, as those which would apply to the Scheme.
The Acquisition will be made on the terms and subject to the Conditions and further terms set out in Schedule 1 to this Announcement. The sources of information and bases of calculations contained in this Announcement are set out in Schedule 2 to this Announcement. A summary of the irrevocable undertakings is contained in Schedule 3 to this Announcement. Certain terms used in this Announcement are defined in Schedule 4 to this Announcement.
Morgan Stanley, Barclays, Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch, Goldman Sachs International, J.P. Morgan Cazenove, Merrill Lynch International, Centerview Partners, Citi and Jefferies have each given and not withdrawn their consent to the publication of this Announcement with the inclusion herein of the references to their names in the form and context in which they appear.
Powerscourt (PR Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 7793 858 211 |
Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc ("Morgan Stanley") (Financial Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 20 7425 8000 |
Barclays Bank PLC (Acting through its investment bank) (Financial Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 20 7623 2323 |
Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch (Financial Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 20 7545 8000 |
Goldman Sachs International | +44 (0) 20 7774 1000 |
J.P. Morgan Cazenove (Financial Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 20 7742 4000 |
Merrill Lynch International (Financial Adviser to Bidco) | +44 (0) 20 7995 1930 |
Aggreko | +44 20 7227 0090 |
Centerview Partners (Financial Adviser to Aggreko) | +44 20 7409 9700 |
Citi (Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker to Aggreko) | +44 20 7986 4000 |
Jefferies (Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker to Aggreko) | +44 20 7029 8000 |
Headland (PR Adviser to Aggreko) |
Kirkland & Ellis International LLP is acting as legal adviser to I Squared Capital, TDR Capital and Bidco.
Slaughter and May is acting as legal adviser to Aggreko and Dickson Minto W.S. is acting as legal adviser to Aggreko on matters of Scots law.
Further information
This Announcement is for information purposes only and is not intended to and does not constitute, or form part of, an offer, invitation or the solicitation of an offer to purchase, otherwise acquire, subscribe for, sell or otherwise dispose of any securities, or the solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction, pursuant to the Acquisition or otherwise, nor shall there be any sale, issuance or transfer of securities of Aggreko in any jurisdiction in contravention of applicable law. The Acquisition will be implemented solely by means of the Scheme Document (or, if the Acquisition is implemented by way of an Offer, the offer document), which will contain the full terms and conditions of the Acquisition including details of how to vote in respect of the Acquisition. Any vote in respect of the Scheme or other response in relation to the Acquisition should be made only on the basis of the information contained in the Scheme Document (or, if the Acquisition is implemented by way of an Offer, the offer document). This Announcement does not constitute a prospectus, prospectus equivalent document or an exempted document.
Morgan Stanley, which is authorised and regulated by the PRA and authorised by the FCA, is acting as financial adviser to Bidco and no-one else in connection with the matters described in this Announcement and will neither be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of Morgan Stanley nor for providing advice in connection with the subject matter of this Announcement or any other matter referred to herein.
Barclays, which is authorised by the PRA and regulated in the United Kingdom by the FCA and the PRA, is acting exclusively for Bidco and no one else in connection with the matters described in this Announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of Barclays nor for providing advice in relation to the subject matter of this Announcement or any other matter referred to in this Announcement. In accordance with the Code, normal United Kingdom market practice and Rule 14e-5(b) of the Exchange Act, Barclays and its affiliates will continue to act as exempt principal trader in Aggreko securities on the London Stock Exchange. These purchases and activities by exempt principal traders which are required to be made public in the United Kingdom pursuant to the Code will be reported to a Regulatory Information Service and will be available on the London Stock Exchange website at www.londonstockexchange.com. This information will also be publicly disclosed in the United States to the extent that such information is made public in the United Kingdom.
Deutsche Bank AG is a joint stock corporation incorporated with limited liability in the Federal Republic of Germany, with its head office in Frankfurt am Main where it is registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court under number HRB 30 000. Deutsche Bank AG is authorised under German banking law. The London branch of Deutsche Bank AG is registered in the register of companies for England and Wales (registration number BR000005) with its registered address and principal place of business at Winchester House, 1 Great Winchester Street, London EC2N 2DB. Deutsche Bank AG is authorised and regulated by the European Central Bank and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). With respect to activities undertaken in the UK, Deutsche Bank AG is authorised by the PRA with deemed variation of permission. It is subject to regulation by the FCA and limited regulation by the PRA. Details about the Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-based firms to operate in the UK for a limited period while seeking full authorisation, are available on the FCA's website. Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch ("Deutsche Bank") is acting exclusively as financial adviser to Bidco and no-one else in connection with the matters described in this Announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of Deutsche Bank nor for providing advice in connection with the subject matter of this Announcement or any other matter referred to herein.
Goldman Sachs International ("Goldman Sachs"), which is authorised in the United Kingdom by the PRA and regulated in the United Kingdom by the PRA and the FCA, is acting exclusively for Bidco and no one else in connection with the matters set out in this Announcement. Goldman Sachs will not be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of Goldman Sachs nor for providing advice in relation to any matter referred to herein.
J.P. Morgan Securities plc, which conducts its UK investment banking business as J.P. Morgan Cazenove ("J.P. Morgan Cazenove"), and which is authorised in the United Kingdom by the PRA and regulated by the PRA and the FCA, is acting as financial adviser exclusively to Bidco and no-one else in connection with the Acquisition and will not regard any other person as its client in relation to the Acquisition and will not be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of J.P. Morgan Cazenove or its affiliates, nor for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition or any other matter or arrangement referred to herein.
Merrill Lynch International ("BofA Securities") which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated in the United Kingdom by the FCA and the Prudential Regulation Authority, is acting exclusively for Bidco and no one else in connection with the matters described herein and will not be responsible to anyone other than Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of BofA Securities nor for providing advice in relation to the matters referred to herein. In accordance with the Code, normal United Kingdom market practice and Rule 14e-5(b) of the Exchange Act, BofA Securities and its affiliates will continue to act as exempt principal trader in Aggreko securities on the London Stock Exchange. These purchases and activities by exempt principal traders will, to the extent required, be made public in the United Kingdom pursuant to the Code and will be reported to a Regulatory Information Service and will be available on the London Stock Exchange website at www.londonstockexchange.com. This information will also, to the extent required, be publicly disclosed in the United States to the extent that such information is made public in the United Kingdom.
Centerview Partners UK LLP ("Centerview Partners"), which is authorised and regulated by the FCA, is acting exclusively as financial adviser to Aggreko and no one else in connection with the matters described in this Announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Aggreko for providing the protections afforded to clients of Centerview Partners nor for providing advice in connection with the matters referred to herein. Neither Centerview Partners nor any of its affiliates owes or accepts any duty, liability or responsibility whatsoever (whether direct or indirect, whether in contract, in tort, under statute or otherwise) to any person who is not a client of Centerview Partners in connection with this Announcement, any statement contained herein, the Acquisition or otherwise.
Jefferies International Limited ("Jefferies"), which is authorised and regulated by the FCA in the United Kingdom, is acting exclusively for Aggreko and no one else in connection with the Acquisition and will not be responsible to anyone other than Aggreko for providing the protections afforded to clients of Jefferies nor for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition or any other matters referred to in this Announcement. Neither Jefferies nor any of its affiliates owes or accepts any duty, liability or responsibility whatsoever (whether direct or indirect, whether in contract, in tort, under statute or otherwise) to any person who is not a client of Jefferies in connection with this Announcement, any statement contained herein or otherwise.
Citigroup Global Markets Limited ("Citi"), which is authorised by the PRA and regulated in the UK by the FCA and the PRA, is acting as joint financial adviser for Aggreko and for no one else in connection with the matters set out in this Announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Aggreko for providing the protections afforded to clients of Citi nor for providing advice in connection with the matters set out in this Announcement. Neither Citi nor any of its affiliates, directors or employees owes or accepts any duty, liability or responsibility whatsoever (whether direct or indirect, consequential, whether in contract, in tort, in delict, under statute or otherwise) to any person who is not a client of Citi in connection with the matters set out in this Announcement or any other matter or arrangement referred to herein.
Overseas jurisdictions
The availability of the Acquisition to Aggreko Shareholders who are not resident in and citizens of the UK may be affected by the laws of the relevant jurisdictions in which they are located or of which they are citizens. Persons who are not resident in the UK should inform themselves of, and observe, any applicable legal or regulatory requirements of their jurisdictions. In particular, the ability of persons who are not resident in the UK to vote their Aggreko Shares with respect to the Scheme at the Court Meeting, or to appoint another person as proxy to vote at the Court Meeting on their behalf, may be affected by the laws of the relevant jurisdictions in which they are located. Any failure to comply with the applicable restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. Further details in relation to overseas shareholders will be contained in the Scheme Document.
The release, publication or distribution of this Announcement in or into jurisdictions other than the UK may be restricted by law and therefore any persons who are subject to the law of any jurisdiction other than the UK should inform themselves of, and observe, any applicable legal or regulatory requirements. Any failure to comply with such requirements may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the companies and persons involved in the Acquisition disclaim any responsibility or liability for the violation of such restrictions by any person. This Announcement has been prepared for the purposes of complying with English and Scots law, the UK Listing Rules, the rules of the London Stock Exchange and the Code and the information disclosed may not be the same as that which would have been disclosed if this Announcement had been prepared in accordance with the laws of jurisdictions outside of the UK.
Copies of this Announcement and the formal documentation relating to the Scheme and the Acquisition will not be and must not be, directly or indirectly, mailed, transmitted or otherwise forwarded, distributed or sent in, into or from any Restricted Jurisdiction or any jurisdiction where to do so would violate the laws of that jurisdiction, and persons receiving such documents (including, without limitation, agents, custodians, nominees and trustees) must not, directly or indirectly, mail or otherwise forward, distribute or send them in or into or from any such jurisdiction. If the Acquisition is implemented by way of an Offer (unless otherwise permitted by applicable law and regulation), the Offer may not be made directly or indirectly, in or into, or by the use of mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce of, or of any facility of a national, state or other securities exchange of any Restricted Jurisdiction and the Offer may not be capable of acceptance by any such use, means, instrumentality or facilities.
US Holders
US Holders should note that the Acquisition relates to the securities of a Scottish company, is subject to UK disclosure requirements and practices (which are different from those of the US) and is proposed to be implemented by means of a scheme of arrangement under Scottish law. A transaction effected by means of a scheme of arrangement is not subject to the tender offer or proxy solicitation rules under the US Exchange Act of 1934. Accordingly, the Acquisition and the Scheme will be subject to the disclosure requirements and practices applicable in the UK to schemes of arrangement, which are different from the disclosure requirements of the US tender offer and proxy solicitation rules. The financial information included in this Announcement and the Scheme Document has been or will have been prepared in accordance with IFRS, and thus may not be comparable to financial information of US companies or companies whose financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the US. However, if, in the future, Bidco were to exercise its right to implement the Acquisition of the Aggreko Shares by way of an Offer, such Offer will be made in compliance with applicable US tender offer and securities laws and regulations.
The receipt of cash pursuant to the Acquisition by a US Holder as consideration for the transfer of its Scheme Shares pursuant to the Scheme may be a taxable transaction for US federal income tax purposes and under applicable US state and local, as well as foreign and other, tax laws. Each Aggreko Shareholder is urged to consult with legal, tax and financial advisers in connection with making a decision regarding this transaction.
It may be difficult for US Holders to enforce their rights and claims arising out of the US federal securities laws, since Bidco and Aggreko are located in countries other than the US, and some or all of their officers and directors may be residents of countries other than the US. US Holders may not be able to sue a non-US company or its officers or directors in a non-US court for violations of US securities laws. Further, it may be difficult to compel a non-US company and its affiliates to subject themselves to a US court's judgement.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, in accordance with normal UK market practice and pursuant to Rule 14e-5(b) of the US Exchange Act, Bidco or its nominees, or their brokers (acting as agents), may from time to time make certain purchases of, or arrangements to purchase, Aggreko Shares outside of the US, other than pursuant to the Acquisition, until the date on which the Acquisition becomes effective, lapses or is otherwise withdrawn. These purchases may occur either in the open market at prevailing prices or in private transactions at negotiated prices.
Forward-looking statements
This Announcement (including information incorporated by reference in this Announcement), oral statements made regarding the Acquisition, and other information published by Bidco and Aggreko contain statements which are, or may be deemed to be, "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements are prospective in nature and are not based on historical facts, but rather on current expectations and projections of the management of Bidco and Aggreko about future events, and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.
The forward-looking statements contained in this Announcement include statements relating to the expected effects of the Acquisition on Bidco and Aggreko, the expected timing and scope of the Acquisition and other statements other than historical facts. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "is subject to", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Although Bidco and Aggreko believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, Bidco and Aggreko can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.
These factors include, but are not limited to: the ability to complete the Acquisition; the ability to obtain requisite regulatory and shareholder approvals and the satisfaction of other Conditions on the proposed terms and schedule; as future market conditions, changes in general economic and business conditions, the behaviour of other market participants, the anticipated benefits from the proposed transaction not being realised as a result of changes in general economic and market conditions in the countries in which Bidco and Aggreko operate, weak, volatile or illiquid capital and/or credit markets, changes in tax rates, interest rate and currency value fluctuations, the degree of competition in the geographic and business areas in which Bidco and Aggreko operate and changes in laws or in supervisory expectations or requirements. Other unknown or unpredictable factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements should therefore be construed in the light of such factors. Neither Bidco nor Aggreko, nor any of their respective associates or directors, officers or advisers, provides any representation, assurance or guarantee that the occurrence of the events expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements in this Announcement will actually occur. You are cautioned not to place any reliance on these forward-looking statements. Other than in accordance with their legal or regulatory obligations, neither Bidco nor Aggreko is under any obligation, and Bidco and Aggreko expressly disclaim any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
No profit forecasts or estimates
No statement in this Announcement is intended as a profit forecast, profit estimate or quantified benefits statement for any period and no statement in this Announcement should be interpreted to mean that earnings or earnings per share for Bidco or Aggreko, as appropriate, for the current or future financial years would necessarily match or exceed the historical published earnings or earnings per share for Bidco or Aggreko, as appropriate.
Disclosure requirements of the Code
Under Rule 8.3(a) of the Code, any person who is interested in one per cent. or more of any class of relevant securities of an offeree company or of any securities exchange offeror (being any offeror other than an offeror in respect of which it has been announced that its offer is, or is likely to be, solely in cash) must make an Opening Position Disclosure following the commencement of the offer period and, if later, following the announcement in which any securities exchange offeror is first identified.
An Opening Position Disclosure must contain details of the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any securities exchange offeror(s). An Opening Position Disclosure by a person to whom Rule 8.3(a) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business day following the commencement of the offer period and, if appropriate, by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business day following the announcement in which any securities exchange offeror is first identified. Relevant persons who deal in the relevant securities of the offeree company or of a securities exchange offeror prior to the deadline for making an Opening Position Disclosure must instead make a Dealing Disclosure.
Under Rule 8.3(b) of the Code, any person who is, or becomes, interested in one per cent. or more of any class of relevant securities of the offeree company or of any securities exchange offeror must make a Dealing Disclosure if the person deals in any relevant securities of the offeree company or of any securities exchange offeror. A Dealing Disclosure must contain details of the dealing concerned and of the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any securities exchange offeror(s), save to the extent that these details have previously been disclosed under Rule 8. A Dealing Disclosure by a person to whom Rule 8.3(b) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the business day following the date of the relevant dealing.
If two or more persons act together pursuant to an agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal, to acquire or control an interest in relevant securities of an offeree company or a securities exchange offeror, they will be deemed to be a single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3.
Opening Position Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company and by any offeror and Dealing Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company, by any offeror and by any persons acting in concert with any of them (see Rules 8.1, 8.2 and 8.4).
Details of the offeree and offeror companies in respect of whose relevant securities Opening Position Disclosures and Dealing Disclosures must be made can be found in the Disclosure Table on the Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk, including details of the number of relevant securities in issue, when the offer period commenced and when any offeror was first identified. You should contact the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit on +44 (0)20 7638 0129 if you are in any doubt as to whether you are required to make an Opening Position Disclosure or a Dealing Disclosure.
Publication on a website
In accordance with Rule 26.1 of the Code, a copy of this Announcement will be made available, subject to certain restrictions relating to persons resident in Restricted Jurisdictions, on Aggreko's website at www.plc.aggreko.com and Bidco's website at www.albionoffer.com by no later than 12 noon (London time) on the business day following this Announcement. For the avoidance of doubt, the contents of these websites are not incorporated by reference and do not form part of this Announcement.
Requesting hard copy documents
Aggreko Shareholders may request a hard copy of this Announcement by: (i) writing to Link Group at The Registrar, 10th Floor, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4DL, United Kingdom; (ii) by email to enquiries@linkgroup.co.uk; or (iii) by calling +44 (0)371 664 0300. Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside the United Kingdom are charged at the applicable international rate. Lines are open between 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales. For persons who receive a copy of this Announcement in electronic form or via a website notification, a hard copy of this Announcement will not be sent unless so requested. You may also request that all future documents, announcements and information to be sent to you in relation to the Acquisition should be in hard copy form.
Electronic communications
Please be aware that addresses, electronic addresses and certain other information provided by Aggreko Shareholders, persons with information rights and other relevant persons for the receipt of communications from Aggreko may be provided to Bidco during the offer period as required under Section 4 of Appendix 4 of the Code to comply with Rule 2.11(c).
Certain figures included in this Announcement have been subjected to rounding adjustments. Accordingly, figures shown for the same category presented in different tables may vary slightly and figures shown as totals in certain tables may not be an arithmetic aggregation of figures that precede them.
Schedule 1
Conditions and Certain Further Terms of the Scheme and the Acquisition
Part A
Conditions to the Scheme and Acquisition
The Acquisition will be conditional upon the Scheme becoming unconditional and becoming Effective, subject to the provisions of the Code, on or before the Long Stop Date or such later date (if any) as Bidco and Aggreko may, with the consent of the Panel, agree and (if required) the Court may approve.
Scheme approval
1. The Scheme will be conditional upon:
1.1 (i) approval of the Scheme by a majority in number representing not less than 75 per cent. in value of Scheme Shareholders (or the relevant class or classes thereof), who are on the register of members of Aggreko at the Scheme Voting Record Time, present and voting, either in person or by proxy, at the Court Meeting and at any separate class meeting which may be required by the Court or at any adjournment of any such meetings; and (ii) the Court Meeting being held on or before the 22nd day after the expected date of the Court Meeting to be set out in the Scheme Document in due course (or such later date (if any) as Bidco and Aggreko may agree and the Court may allow);
1.2 (i) all Resolutions necessary to approve and implement the Scheme being duly passed by the requisite majority at the General Meeting or at any adjournment thereof; and (ii) the General Meeting being held on or before the 22nd day after the expected date of the General Meeting to be set out in the Scheme Document in due course (or such later date (if any) as Bidco and Aggreko may agree and the Court may allow); and
1.3 (i) the sanction of the Scheme by the Court (without modification, or with modification on terms acceptable to Bidco and Aggreko) and the delivery of the Scheme Court Order to the Registrar of Companies for registration; and (ii) the Scheme Court Hearing being held on or before the 22nd day after the expected date of the Scheme Court Hearing to be set out in the Scheme Document in due course (or such later date (if any) as Bidco and Aggreko may agree and the Court may allow).
In addition, Bidco and Aggreko have agreed that, subject as stated in Part B below and to the requirements of the Panel, the Acquisition will be conditional upon the following matters set out in this Part A of Schedule 1 and, accordingly, the necessary actions to make the Scheme Effective will not be taken unless such conditions (as amended, if appropriate) have been satisfied or, where relevant, waived.
Antitrust and regulatory clearances
2. The Acquisition will be further conditional upon:
United States of America
2.1 all necessary notifications and filings in respect of the Acquisition having been made under the United States Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 (as amended) and the regulations promulgated thereunder, and all applicable waiting periods under that Act and those regulations having expired, lapsed or been terminated;
European Union
2.2 insofar as the Acquisition or any aspect of the Acquisition constitutes, or is deemed to constitute, a concentration with a Community dimension within the scope of Council Regulation (EC) 139/2004 (as amended) (the "Regulation") or the European Commission otherwise accepts jurisdiction to examine the Acquisition under the Regulation:
(a) the European Commission having issued a decision under Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation, or being deemed to have done so under Article 10(6) of the Regulation, declaring the Acquisition compatible with the internal market provided that such approval shall either be unconditional or, if such approval is subject to any conditions, on conditions reasonably satisfactory to Bidco; or
(b) following a referral by the European Commission of the Acquisition (or part of it) to a relevant national competition authority, regulatory body or governmental department within any EU/EFTA Member State (under Article 9 of the Regulation), Bidco having received confirmation from the national competition authority concerned that the Acquisition (or part of it) has been approved in accordance with the relevant national legislation of that EU Member State;
2.3 the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia having granted clearance in respect of the Acquisition in accordance with Federal Law No. 135 On Protection of Competition, dated 26 July 2006, provided that such approval shall either be unconditional or, if such approval is subject to any conditions, on conditions reasonably satisfactory to Bidco;
Saudi Arabia
2.4 (i) the Saudi General Authority for Competition ("GAC") having issued a notice or decision approving the Acquisition or stating that GAC have no objection to the consummation of the Acquisition (in each case, either unconditionally or on conditions reasonably satisfactory to Bidco) and, where any such notice or decision is conditional, the conditional notice or decision has not been withdrawn by the Board of Directors of GAC (because of non-compliance with the conditions set forth in the decision or notice); (ii) the Acquisition having been deemed approved by GAC because the applicable waiting period pursuant to Article 23 of the Implementing Regulations issued by Resolution No. (337) dated 25/1/1441H issued by the Board of Directors of GAC has expired without the Board of Directors or Governor of GAC issuing any notice or decision to any of the parties or by way of public announcement; or (iii) the Governor or Board of Directors of GAC having confirmed in writing that the requirement to file for economic concentration clearance does not apply (or has been waived) in respect of the Acquisition;
2.5 the Turkish Competition Board having issued a decision pursuant to the Act on the Protection of Competition (Law No. 4054, as amended (the "Turkish Competition Act")) and Communique No. 2010/4 on the Mergers and Acquisitions Calling for the Authorisation of the Competition Board (as amended), stating that the Acquisition is not subject to notification, or approving the Acquisition after a preliminary examination either unconditionally or, if such approval is subject to any conditions, on conditions reasonably satisfactory to Bidco; or the statutory waiting period of 30 days specified in Article 10 of the Turkish Competition Act expiring without the Turkish Competition Board responding to or taking any action in relation to the notification made regarding the Acquisition;
Foreign investment
2.6 either (i) having received written notice under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) ("FATA"), by or on behalf of the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia ("Treasurer") stating that, or to the effect that, the Commonwealth Government does not object to the Acquisition either unconditionally or on conditions reasonably satisfactory to Bidco; or (ii) following Bidco giving notice of the Acquisition to the Treasurer under FATA, the Treasurer ceasing to be empowered to make any order under Part 3 of FATA; or (iii) it having been determined by Bidco in its sole discretion that approval of the Acquisition under FATA is not required and, to the extent that any notification has already been made under the FATA in connection with the Acquisition, such notification having been withdrawn;
2.7 either (i) the necessary authorisation in respect of the Acquisition by the French Ministry of Economy and Finance pursuant to Articles L. 151-3 and R. 151-1 et seq. of the French Monetary and Financial Code having been obtained (either unconditionally or on conditions reasonably satisfactory to Bidco); or (ii) a no-action letter per which the French Ministry of Economy and Finance confirms to Bidco, pursuant to Article R. 151-6 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, that the Acquisition is not subject to the authorisation process provided by Articles L. 151-3 and R. 151-1 et seq. of the French Monetary and Financial Code having been obtained;
New Zealand
2.8 a direction order in respect of the Acquisition having been obtained (to the extent required by the Overseas Investment Act (NZ) and regulations thereunder) that is either subject to no conditions or subject only to conditions reasonably satisfactory to Bidco;
2.9 either (i) the having received the necessary authorisation in respect of the Acquisition by the Spanish Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 7.bis of Act 19/2003 of 4 July, on the legal regime for movement of capital, foreign economic transactions and certain measures to prevent money laundering; or (ii) having received a written confirmation (including by email) by the Subdirectorate General for Foreign Investments at the Directorate General for International Trade and Investments at the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism that such authorisation shall not be necessary for this Acquisition;
2.10 if the draft National Security and Investment Act ("NS&I Act") is enacted and enters into force prior to the Effective Date (and the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy ("BEIS") has not confirmed in writing (including by email) to any of the parties that the Acquisition is not in a mandatory sector) and pursuant to the NS&I Act (i) any of the parties is required to notify the Acquisition to BEIS prior to the Effective Date, or (ii) BEIS or any other UK regulatory or governmental body requests or requires that any of the parties notifies the Acquisition to BEIS prior to the Effective Date, or (iii) BEIS or any other UK regulatory or governmental body calls in the Acquisition for review prior to the Effective Date (in each case for so long as such actions as are contemplated in Conditions 2.10(i) to (iii) would prevent the Effective Date from occurring unless necessary approval has first been obtained), then all necessary approvals under the NS&I Act (as enacted) having been obtained either unconditionally or on conditions reasonably satisfactory to Bidco;
United States of America
2.11 (i) Aggreko and Bidco having received written notice (including by email) from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States ("CFIUS") that CFIUS has determined that either (a) the Acquisition is not a "covered transaction" subject to review under Section 721 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, and all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder (the "DPA"), (b) there are no unresolved national security concerns with respect to the Acquisition and CFIUS has concluded all action under the DPA with respect to such transaction, or (c) it is not able to conclude action under the DPA with respect to the Acquisition based on a declaration submitted to CFIUS pursuant to 31 C.F.R. § 800.403 and Aggreko and Bidco may file a notice with CFIUS pursuant to 31 C.F.R. § 800.501 ("CFIUS Notice") to seek written notification that CFIUS has concluded all such action, but CFIUS has not requested the filing of such CFIUS Notice, or (d) pursuant to the DPA, CFIUS has sent a report to the President of the United States requesting the President's decision with respect to the Acquisition and either (i) the President of the United States has announced a decision not to suspend or prohibit such transaction, or (ii) the period under the DPA during which the President of the United States may announce a decision to take such action has expired without any such action being announced or taken.
General third party clearances
3. Excluding filings, applications, obligations, notifications, waiting and other time periods, and clearances relating to antitrust, merger control or national security or foreign investment screening (in respect of which only paragraph 2 above shall apply), all necessary filings or applications having been made, all necessary waiting and other time periods (including any extensions of such waiting and other time periods) under any applicable legislation or regulation of any relevant jurisdiction having expired, lapsed or been terminated (as appropriate) and all statutory or regulatory obligations in any relevant jurisdiction having been complied with, in each case in connection with the Acquisition or the acquisition by any member of the Wider Bidco Group of any shares or other securities in, or control of, any member of the Wider Aggreko Group, where the direct consequence of a failure to make such a notification or filing or to wait for the expiry, lapse, or termination of any such waiting or time period would be unlawful in any relevant jurisdiction.
4. No Third Party having intervened (other than any Third Party having intervened in respect of antitrust, merger control or national security or foreign investment screening (in respect of which only paragraph 2 above shall apply)) and there not continuing to be outstanding any statute, regulation or order of any Third Party (other than any statute, regulation or order of any Third Party relating to antitrust or merger control or national security or foreign investment screening (in respect of which only paragraph 2 above shall apply)), in each case which would reasonably be expected to:
4.1 make the Scheme or the Acquisition or, in each case, its implementation or the acquisition or proposed acquisition by Bidco or any member of the Wider Bidco Group of any shares or other securities in, or control or management of, Aggreko or any member of the Wider Aggreko Group void, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, or otherwise directly or indirectly materially restrain, prevent, prohibit, restrict or materially delay, the same or impose additional conditions or obligations with respect to the Scheme or the Acquisition or such acquisition, or otherwise materially impede, challenge or interfere with the Scheme or Acquisition or such acquisition, or require material amendment to the terms of the Scheme or Acquisition or the acquisition or proposed acquisition of any Aggreko Shares or the acquisition of control or management of Aggreko or the Wider Aggreko Group by Bidco or any member of the Wider Bidco Group;
4.2 materially limit or delay, or impose any material limitations on, the ability of any member of the Wider Bidco Group or any member of the Wider Aggreko Group to acquire or to hold or to exercise effectively, directly or indirectly, all or any rights of ownership in respect of shares or other securities in, or to exercise voting or management control over, any member of the Wider Aggreko Group or any member of the Wider Bidco Group;
4.3 require, prevent or materially delay the divestiture or materially alter the terms envisaged for any proposed divestiture by any member of the Wider Bidco Group of any ordinary shares or other securities in Aggreko or of all or any portion of their respective businesses, assets or properties or materially limit the ability of any of them to conduct any of their respective businesses or to own or control any of their respective assets or properties or any part thereof;
4.4 except pursuant to the implementation of the Acquisition or, if applicable, sections 974 to 991 of the Companies Act, require any member of the Wider Bidco Group or of the Wider Aggreko Group to acquire, or to offer to acquire, any shares or other securities (or the equivalent) in any member of either group owned by any third party;
4.5 materially adversely limit the ability of any member of the Wider Bidco Group or of the Wider Aggreko Group to conduct or integrate or co-ordinate its business, or any part of it, with the businesses or any part of the businesses of any other member of the Wider Bidco Group or of the Wider Aggreko Group; or
4.6 except as Disclosed, otherwise materially adversely affect, any or all of the business, assets, profits, financial or trading position of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group or of the Wider Bidco Group.
Certain matters arising as a result of any arrangement, agreement, etc.
5. Except as Disclosed, there being no provision of any arrangement, agreement, licence, permit, franchise or other instrument to which any member of the Wider Aggreko Group is a party, or by or to which any such member or any of its assets is or are or may be bound, entitled or subject, which, in each case as a consequence of the Scheme or Acquisition or the acquisition or proposed acquisition of any ordinary shares or other securities in, or control of, Aggreko or any other member of the Wider Aggreko Group by any member of the Wider Bidco Group or otherwise, would be expected to result in (in any case, to an extent which would reasonably be expected to be material and adverse in the context of the Aggreko Group taken as a whole):
5.1 any monies borrowed by or any other indebtedness or liabilities (actual or contingent) of, or any grant available to, any member of the Wider Aggreko Group being or becoming repayable or capable of being declared repayable immediately or prior to its stated maturity date or repayment date or the ability of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group to borrow monies or incur any indebtedness being withdrawn or inhibited or becoming capable of being withdrawn or inhibited;
5.2 other than in the ordinary course of business, the creation or enforcement of any mortgage, charge or other security interest over the whole or any part of the business, property, assets or interests of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group;
5.3 any asset or interest of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group being or falling to be disposed of or charged or ceasing to be available to any member of the Wider Aggreko Group or any right arising under which any such asset or interest could be required to be disposed of or could cease to be available to any member of the Wider Aggreko Group otherwise than in the ordinary course of business;
5.4 the creation of any liabilities (actual or contingent) by any member of the Wider Aggreko Group other than trade creditors or other liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business;
5.5 the rights, liabilities, obligations or interests of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group under any such arrangement, agreement, licence, permit, franchise or other instrument or the interests or business of any such member in or with any other person, firm, company or body (or any arrangement or arrangements relating to any such interests or business) being, or becoming capable of being, terminated or adversely modified or affected or any adverse action being taken or any obligation or liability arising thereunder; or
5.6 the financial or trading position or the value of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group being prejudiced or adversely affected,
and no event having occurred which, under any provision of any such arrangement, agreement, licence, permit or other instrument, would or would reasonably be expected to result in any of the events or circumstances which are referred to in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.6 of this paragraph 5 occurring, in any case to an extent which would reasonably be expected to be material and adverse in the context of the Aggreko Group taken as a whole.
Certain events occurring since 31 December 2020
6. Except as Disclosed, no member of the Wider Aggreko Group having, since 31 December 2020:
6.1 issued or agreed to issue, or authorised the issue of, additional shares of any class, or securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for, or rights, warrants or options to subscribe for or acquire, any such shares or convertible securities or transferred or sold any shares out of treasury, in each case other than as between Aggreko and wholly-owned subsidiaries of Aggreko and/or on the exercise of options or vesting of awards granted in the ordinary course under the Aggreko Share Plans;
6.2 purchased or redeemed or repaid any of its own shares or other securities or reduced or made any other change to any part of its ordinary share capital in each case to an extent which is material and adverse in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
6.3 (other than the Final Dividend) recommended, declared, paid or made any dividend or other distribution whether payable in cash or otherwise or made any bonus issue (other than to Aggreko or a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aggreko);
6.4 other than pursuant to the Acquisition (and except for transactions between Aggreko and its wholly-owned subsidiaries or between the wholly-owned subsidiaries of Aggreko and transactions in the ordinary course of business) implemented, effected, authorised or announced its intention to implement, effect, authorise or propose any merger, demerger, reconstruction, amalgamation, scheme, or acquisition or disposal of assets or shares or loan capital (or the equivalent thereof) in any undertaking or undertakings in any such case to an extent which is material and adverse in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole or in the context of the Acquisition;
6.5 save for intra-Aggreko Group transactions, made or authorised any change in its loan capital other than in connection with ordinary course financing arrangements in any case to an extent which is material and adverse in the context of the Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
6.6 save for intra-Aggreko Group transactions and other than in the ordinary course of business, entered into, implemented or authorised the entry into of, any joint venture, asset or profit sharing arrangement, partnership or merged with, demerged or acquired any body corporate, partnership or business or acquired or disposed of or transferred, mortgaged, charged or created any security interest over any assets or any right, title or interest in any assets (including shares in any undertaking and trade investments) or authorised the same (in each case, to an extent which is material and adverse in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole);
6.7 save in the ordinary course of business, issued or authorised the issue of, or made any change in or to, any debentures or (save for intra-Aggreko Group transactions) incurred or increased any indebtedness or liability (actual or contingent) which in any case is material and adverse in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
6.8 entered into, varied or authorised any material agreement, transaction, arrangement or commitment (whether in respect of capital expenditure or otherwise) which:
6.8.1 is of a long term, onerous or unusual nature or magnitude or which is reasonably likely to involve an obligation of such nature or magnitude (save in the ordinary course of business); or
6.8.2 is likely to materially restrict the business of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group other than to a nature and extent which is normal in the context of the business concerned,
and, in either case, which is or would reasonably be expected to be material and adverse in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
6.9 (other than in respect of a member which is dormant or which is solvent at the relevant time) taken any corporate action or had any legal proceedings instituted or threatened against it or petition presented or order made for its winding-up (voluntarily or otherwise), dissolution or reorganisation or for the appointment of a receiver, administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or similar officer of all or any material part of its assets and revenues or any analogous proceedings in any jurisdiction or appointed any analogous person in any jurisdiction which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
6.10 been unable, or admitted in writing that it is unable, to pay its debts or having stopped or suspended (or threatened to stop or suspend) payment of its debts generally or ceased or threatened to cease carrying on all or a substantial part of its business to an extent which is material in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
6.11 other than in respect of claims between Aggreko and wholly-owned subsidiaries of Aggreko, waived or compromised any claim otherwise than in the ordinary course of business which is material in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
6.12 made any alteration to its memorandum or articles of association (in each case, other than in connection with the Scheme) which is adverse to the interests of Bidco in the context of the Acquisition;
6.13 (except in relation to changes made or agreed as a result of, or arising from, applicable law or changes to applicable law) made or agreed or consented to:
6.13.1 any material change to:
(a) the terms of the trust deeds constituting the pension scheme(s) established for its directors, employees or their dependents; or
(b) other than in connection with the valuation of the Aggreko plc Pension Scheme as at 31 December 2020, the contributions payable to any such scheme(s) or to the benefits which accrue or to the pensions which are payable thereunder; or
(c) the basis on which qualification for, or accrual or entitlement to such benefits or pensions are calculated or determined; or
(d) other than in connection with the valuation of the Aggreko plc Pension Scheme as at 31 December 2020, the basis upon which the liabilities (including pensions) or such pension schemes are funded, valued or made; or
6.13.2 any non-ordinary course change to the trustees including the appointment of a trust corporation,
in each case, which would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the financial position of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole; or
6.14 entered into or materially varied the terms of or made any offer (which remains open for acceptance) to enter into or vary the terms of, any contract, agreement, commitment, transaction or arrangement with any director or senior executive which is material and adverse in the context of the Acquisition or which would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the financial position of the Wider Aggreko Group;
6.15 save in respect of any replacement plan proposed to Aggreko Shareholders at the 2021 annual general meeting, proposed, agreed to provide or materially modified the terms of any share option scheme, incentive scheme or other benefit relating to the employment or termination of employment of any person employed by the Wider Aggreko Group in each case which is material and adverse in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole; and
6.16 on or after the date of this Announcement, and other than with the consent of Bidco, taken or proposed to take any action which requires or would require the approval of Aggreko Shareholders in general meeting in accordance with, or as contemplated by, Rule 21.1 of the Code.
No adverse change, litigation or regulatory enquiry
7. Except as Disclosed, since 31 December 2020:
7.1 there having been no adverse change or deterioration in the business, assets, financial or trading positions or profit or prospects of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group which in any case is material and adverse in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
7.2 no contingent or other liability of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group having arisen or become apparent or increased other than in the ordinary course of business which in any case is or would reasonably be expected to be material and adverse in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
7.3 (other than as a result of or in connection with the Acquisition), no litigation, arbitration proceedings, prosecution or other legal or regulatory proceedings to which any member of the Wider Aggreko Group is or may become a party (whether as plaintiff, defendant or otherwise) and no investigation by any Third Party against or in respect of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group having been threatened in writing, announced, implemented or instituted by or against or remaining outstanding against or in respect of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group which in any such case is or would reasonably be expected to be material and adverse in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
7.4 no steps having been taken which are likely to result in the withdrawal, cancellation, termination or modification of any licence held by any member of the Wider Aggreko Group which is necessary for the proper carrying on of its business and the withdrawal, cancellation, termination or modification of which would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole; and
7.5 no member of the Wider Aggreko Group having conducted its business in breach of any applicable laws and regulations which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole.
No discovery of certain matters
8. Except as Disclosed, since 31 December 2020, Bidco not having discovered:
8.1 that any financial or business or other information concerning the Wider Aggreko Group disclosed at any time by or on behalf of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group, whether publicly, to any member of the Wider Bidco Group or to any of their advisers or otherwise, is misleading or contains any misrepresentation of fact or omits to state a fact necessary to make any information contained therein not misleading, in each case to an extent which is material in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
8.2 that any member of the Wider Aggreko Group is subject to any liability (actual or contingent) which is material in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole;
8.3 any past or present member of the Wider Aggreko Group has not complied in all material respects with all applicable legislation or regulations of any jurisdiction relating to the use, treatment, storage, carriage, disposal, discharge, spillage, release, leak or emission of any waste or hazardous substance or any substance likely to impair the environment (including property) or harm human health or otherwise relating to environmental matters or the health and safety of any person, or that there has otherwise been any such use, treatment, handling, storage, transport, release, disposal, discharge, spillage, leak or emission (whether or not this constituted a non-compliance by any person with any legislation or regulations and wherever the same may have taken place), which non- compliance would be likely to give rise to any material liability including any penalty for non-compliance (whether actual or contingent) or cost on the part of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group, which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group as a whole; or
8.4 there is any material liability (actual or contingent) to make good, repair, reinstate or clean up any property now or previously owned, occupied or made use of by any past or present member of the Wider Aggreko Group under any environmental legislation, regulation, notice, circular or order of any government, governmental, quasi-governmental, state or local government, supranational, statutory or other regulatory body, agency, court, association or any other person or body in any jurisdiction, which in any case is material in the context of the Wider Aggreko Group taken as a whole.
Anti-corruption, sanctions and criminal property
9. Except as Disclosed, Bidco not having discovered that:
9.1 any:
9.1.1 past or present member, director, officer or employee of the Wider Aggreko Group; or
9.1.2 person that performs or has performed services on behalf of the Wider Aggreko Group,
has at any time engaged in an activity, practice or conduct which would constitute an offence under the UK Bribery Act 2010, the US Foreign Practices Act of 1977 or any other applicable anti- corruption legislation;
9.2 any material asset of any member of the Wider Aggreko Group constitutes criminal property as defined by section 340(3) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (but disregarding paragraph (b) of that definition);
9.3 any past or present member, director, officer or employee of the Wider Aggreko Group, or any other person for whom any such person may be liable or responsible, has engaged in any business with, made any investments in, or made any payments or assets available to or received any funds or asset from:
9.3.1 any government, entity or individual with which US or European Union persons (or persons operating in those territories) are prohibited from engaging in activities, doing business or from receiving or making available funds or economic resources, by US or European Union laws or regulations, including the economic sanctions administered by the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control or HM Treasury & Customs; or
9.3.2 any government, entity or individual targeted by any of the economic sanctions of the United Nations, United States or the European Union or any of its member states,
which, in each case, would cause any member of the Aggreko Group to be in breach of any economic sanctions laws applicable to the Aggreko Group; or
9.4 a member of the Aggreko Group has engaged in a transaction which would cause the Aggreko Group to be in breach of any law or regulation prior to completion of the Acquisition, including the economic sanctions administered by the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control or HM Treasury & Customs or any government, entity or individual targeted by any of the economic sanctions of the United Nations, United States or the European Union or any of its member states.
10. For the purpose of these Conditions:
10.1 "Third Party" means any central bank, government, government department or governmental, quasi-governmental, supranational, statutory, regulatory, environmental or investigative body, authority, court, trade agency, association, institution or professional or environmental body in any relevant jurisdiction, including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Panel; and
10.2 a Third Party shall be regarded as having "intervened" if it has given notice to take, institute, implement or threaten any action, proceeding, suit, investigation, enquiry or reference or made, proposed or enacted any statute, regulation, decision or order or taken any measures or other steps or required any action to be taken or information to be provided or otherwise having done anything and "intervene" shall be construed accordingly.
Part B
Further terms of the Scheme and the Acquisition
1. Conditions 2 to 9 (inclusive) must be fulfilled, be determined by Bidco to be or remain satisfied or (if capable of waiver) be waived prior to the commencement of the Scheme Court Hearing, failing which the Scheme will lapse.
2. Notwithstanding the paragraph above, subject to paragraph 4 below and subject to the requirements of the Panel, Bidco reserves the right in its sole discretion to waive all or any of the Conditions, in whole or in part and to proceed with the Scheme Court Hearing prior to the fulfilment, satisfaction or waiver of any of the Conditions, except that Conditions 1.1(i), 1.2(i) and 1.3(i) (Scheme approval) cannot be waived.
3. Bidco shall be under no obligation under the terms and Conditions of the Acquisition to waive (if capable of waiver), to determine to be or remain satisfied or to treat as fulfilled any of Conditions 2 to 9 (inclusive) that Bidco is entitled (with the consent of the Panel and subject to the requirements of the Code) to invoke, by a date earlier than the latest date specified in paragraph 1 above, notwithstanding that the other Conditions may at such earlier date have been waived or fulfilled and that there are, at such earlier date, no circumstances indicating that any Condition may not be capable of fulfilment.
4. Bidco reserves the right to elect to implement the Acquisition by way of a takeover offer (as defined in Part 28 of the Companies Act), subject to the Panel's consent and (while the Cooperation Agreement is continuing) to the terms of the Cooperation Agreement. In such event, such Offer will be implemented on the same terms and conditions (subject to appropriate amendments, including (without limitation and for so long as the Cooperation Agreement is continuing) an acceptance condition set at 75 per cent. of the Aggreko Shares (or such lesser percentage as Bidco and Aggreko may agree in accordance with the terms of the Cooperation Agreement, where applicable with the consent of the Panel)) so far as applicable, as those which would apply to the Scheme.
5. Under Rule 13.5(a) of the Code, Bidco may not invoke a Condition so as to cause the Acquisition not to proceed, to lapse or to be withdrawn unless the circumstances which give rise to the right to invoke the Condition are of material significance to Bidco in the context of the Acquisition. Conditions 1.1(i), 1.2(i) and 1.3(i) (Scheme approval) and, if applicable, any acceptance condition if the Offer is implemented by means of a takeover offer, are not subject to this provision of the Code.
6. The Acquisition will lapse if either the European Commission initiates proceedings under Article 6(1)(c) of Council Regulation (EC) 139/2004 or makes a referral to a competent authority of the United Kingdom under Article 9(3)(b) of that Regulation and there is a subsequent Phase 2 CMA Reference, in either case before 1.00 p.m. on or before the later of the date of the Court Meeting and the date of the General Meeting. In such event, Aggreko will not be bound by the terms of the Scheme.
7. If the Panel requires Bidco to make an offer for Aggreko Shares under the provisions of Rule 9 of the Code, Bidco may make such alterations to the Conditions as are necessary to comply with the provisions of that Rule.
8. The Acquisition will be subject, inter alia, to the Conditions and certain further terms which are set out in this Schedule 1 and those terms which will be set out in the Scheme Document and such further terms as may be required to comply with the provisions of the UK Listing Rules and the provisions of the Code.
9. Bidco may not invoke any of the Conditions, other than (with the consent of the Panel and subject to the requirements of the Code) the Conditions set out in paragraph 2 to 4 (inclusive) of Part A of this Schedule 1, as a result of: (A) any failure by Bidco or Aggreko to (i) make any filing or application to any relevant Regulatory Authority; (ii) obtain any authorization, order, recognition, grant, consent, licence, confirmation, clearance, permission or approval from any Regulatory Authority; or (iii) comply with any statutory or regulatory obligation in any jurisdiction, in each case in respect of the Acquisition or its implementation; or (B) any Regulatory Authority having decided to take, institute, implement or threaten any action, proceeding, suit, investigation, enquiry or reference or having enacted, made or proposed any statute, regulation, decision or order, or having taken any other step under the laws of any jurisdiction in respect of the Acquisition, or any waiting or other applicable time period for any of the foregoing not having expired; or (C) any effects of or facts, matters, events or circumstances arising directly as a result of any of the foregoing.
10. Aggreko Shares will be acquired by Bidco fully paid and free from all liens, charges, encumbrances and other third party rights of any nature whatsoever and together with all rights attaching to them, including the right to receive and retain all dividends and distributions (if any) declared, made or paid after the Acquisition becomes Effective.
11. If the Final Dividend Record Date occurs before the Effective Date, the Offer Price shall be automatically reduced by the amount of the Final Dividend, in which case, the relevant eligible Aggreko Shareholders will be entitled to retain the Final Dividend. Except for the Final Dividend, if, on or after the date of this Announcement and prior to the Acquisition becoming Effective, any dividend, distribution or other return of value is declared, made or paid by Aggreko or becomes payable in respect of the Aggreko Shares, Bidco reserves the right (without prejudice to any right of Bidco, with the consent of the Panel, to invoke the Condition set out in paragraph 6.3 of Part A of this Schedule 1) to reduce the consideration payable under the terms of the Acquisition for the Aggreko Shares by an amount equal to the aggregate amount of such dividend, distribution or other return of value, in which case any reference in this Announcement to the consideration payable under the terms of the Acquisition will be deemed to be a reference to the consideration as so reduced. In such circumstances, Aggreko Shareholders would be entitled to retain any such dividend, distribution or return of value. Any exercise by Bidco of its rights referred to in this paragraph 11 shall be the subject of an announcement and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall not be regarded as constituting any revision or variation of the Acquisition.
12. To the extent that a dividend, distribution or other return of value has been declared, paid, made or is payable, and is or shall be: (i) transferred pursuant to the Acquisition on a basis which entitles Bidco to receive the dividend, distribution or other return of value and to retain it; or (ii) cancelled, the consideration payable and the Offer Price shall not be subject to change and shall not be reduced in accordance with paragraph 11.
13. The Scheme will be governed by Scots law and be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court, to the Conditions set out above and in the Scheme Document. The Acquisition will be subject to the applicable requirements of the Takeover Code, the Panel, the London Stock Exchange and the UK Listing Rules.
Each of the Conditions shall be regarded as a separate Condition and shall not be limited by reference to any other Condition.
Schedule 2
Bases and Sources
In this Announcement, unless otherwise stated or the context otherwise requires, the following bases and sources have been used.
1) Aggreko's fully diluted equity value has been calculated on the basis of a fully diluted issued ordinary share capital of 263,918,406 Aggreko Shares, calculated as:
a) 256,128,201 Aggreko Shares in issue as at 4 March 2021 (being the last practicable date before this Announcement); plus
b) 8,551,964 Aggreko Shares which may be issued on or after the date of this Announcement pursuant to the Aggreko Share Plans as at 4 March 2021 (being the last practicable date before this Announcement); less
c) 761,759 Aggreko Shares as at 4 March 2021 (being the last practicable date before this Announcement) held by the Aggreko Employee Benefit Trust which can be used to satisfy the exercise of options and vesting of awards granted under the Aggreko Share Plans.
2) The premium calculations to the price per Aggreko Share used in this Announcement have been calculated by reference to:
a) the Closing Price on 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period) of 635 pence derived from Bloomberg;
b) the three-month volume weighted average Closing Price of 591 pence per Aggreko Share on 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period) derived from Bloomberg; and
c) the six-month volume weighted average Closing Price of 502 pence per Aggreko Share on 4 February 2021 (being the last business day before the commencement of the Offer Period) derived from Bloomberg.
3) Certain figures included in this Announcement have been subject to rounding adjustments.
4) Unless otherwise stated, the financial information of Aggreko is extracted (without material adjustment) from Aggreko's results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2020, which were released on 1 March 2021.
Schedule 3
Details of Irrevocable Undertakings
Aggreko Director undertakings
The following Aggreko Directors, who hold Aggreko Shares, have given irrevocable undertakings to vote in favour of the Scheme at the Court Meeting and the Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting in relation to the following Aggreko Shares:
Name | Number of Aggreko Shares | Percentage of Aggreko Shares in issue on 4 March 2021 (being the last business day before the date of this Announcement) |
Chris Weston | 88,504 | 0.035 |
Heath Drewett | 18,066 | 0.007 |
Ken Hanna | 15,644 | 0.006 |
Uwe Krueger | 3,101 | 0.001 |
Dame Nicola Brewer | 1,450 | 0.0006 |
Mark Clare | 25,000 | 0.010 |
Barbara Jeremiah | 1,000 | 0.0004 |
Sarah Kuijlaars | 3,000 | 0.001 |
Ian Marchant | 8,331 | 0.003 |
Miles Roberts | 0 | 0.000 |
Total | 164,096 | 0.064 |
The undertakings from the Aggreko Directors, will cease to be binding only if (i) the Panel consents to Bidco not proceeding with the Acquisition; (ii) the Scheme Document is not dispatched to Aggreko Shareholders within 28 days (or such longer period as may be agreed between Aggreko and the Panel) of this Announcement; (iii) the Scheme lapses or is withdrawn in accordance with its terms, or the Scheme does not become effective on or before the Long Stop Date (other than in circumstances where Bidco has, prior to such date, elected (in accordance with the Cooperation Agreement) to exercise its right to proceed by way of an Offer and announced the same in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 8 of Appendix 7 to the Code, and such Offer has not lapsed or been withdrawn); (iv) any competing offer for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Aggreko becomes or is declared wholly unconditional or, if proceeding by way of scheme of arrangement, becomes effective; (v) Bidco announces, with the consent of the Panel, that it does not intend to make or proceed with the Acquisition and no new, revised, or replacement Scheme or Offer is announced by Bidco in accordance with Rule 2.7 of the Code at the same time; or (vi) the Scheme lapses or is withdrawn in accordance with its terms and Bidco publicly confirms that it does not intend to proceed with the Acquisition or to implement the Acquisition by way of an Offer.
Schedule 4
The following definitions apply throughout this Announcement unless the context requires otherwise:
"Acquisition" means the direct or indirect acquisition of the entire issued, and to be issued, ordinary share capital of Aggreko by Bidco to be implemented by way of the Scheme or, should Bidco so elect (with the consent of the Panel and subject to the terms of the Cooperation Agreement) by way of the Offer;
"Aggreko" means Aggreko plc;
"Aggreko Deferred Shares" means the deferred shares of 9 84/775 pence each, 1/775 pence each, 6 18/25 pence each and 1/306125 pence each in the capital of Aggreko;
"Aggreko Directors" means the directors of Aggreko;
"Aggreko Group" means Aggreko and its subsidiary undertakings;
"Aggreko Shareholders" means the registered holders of Aggreko Shares from time to time;
"Aggreko Share Plans" means each of the Aggreko 2015 Long Term Incentive Plan, the Aggreko 2015 Restricted Share Plan, the Aggreko 2015 Deferred Share Bonus Plan, the Aggreko 2017 Sharesave Plan, the Aggreko 2017 International Sharesave Plan and the Aggreko 2017 US Stock Purchase Plan;
"Aggreko Shares" means the existing unconditionally allotted or issued and fully paid ordinary shares of 4 329/395 pence each in the capital of Aggreko and any further ordinary shares which are unconditionally allotted or issued before the Scheme becomes Effective but excluding in both cases any such ordinary shares held or which become held in treasury;
"Announcement" means this announcement made pursuant to Rule 2.7 of the Code;
"Articles" means the articles of association of Aggreko from time to time;
"Bidco Group" means Bidco, its subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings from time to time;
"business day" means any day (excluding any Saturday or Sunday or any public holiday in England or Scotland) on which banks in the City of London and Edinburgh are generally open for business;
"Centerview Partners" means Centerview Partners UK LLP;
"Citi" means Citigroup Global Markets Limited;
"Closing Price" means the closing middle market price of an Aggreko Share as derived from the Daily Official List on any particular date;
"Code" means the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, as amended from time to time;
"Companies Act" means the UK Companies Act 2006, as amended from time to time;
"Conditions" means the conditions to the implementation of the Acquisition (including the Scheme) as set out in Schedule 1 to this Announcement and to be set out in the Scheme Document;
"Confidentiality Agreement" means the confidentiality agreement entered into between I Squared Capital (UK) LLP, TDR Capital and Aggreko dated 2 February 2021, a summary of which is set out in paragraph 11 of this Announcement;
"Cooperation Agreement" means the agreement entered into between Bidco and Aggreko dated 5 March 2021, a summary of which is set out in paragraph 11 of this Announcement;
"Court" means the Court of Session at Parliament House, Parliament Square, Edinburgh, EH1 1RQ;
"Court Meeting" means the meeting or meetings of holders of Scheme Shares which are in issue at the Scheme Voting Record Time or of any class or classes thereof to be convened by order of the Court pursuant to section 896 of the Companies Act to consider and, if thought fit, to approve the Scheme (with or without amendment) and any adjournment thereof;
"CREST" means the relevant system (as defined in the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/3755) (including as it forms part of domestic law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018), in respect of which Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited is the Operator (as defined in such Regulations) in accordance with which securities may be held and transferred in uncertificated form;
"Daily Official List" means the daily official list of the London Stock Exchange;
"Dealing Disclosure" means an announcement pursuant to Rule 8 of the Code containing details of dealings in interests in relevant securities of a party to an offer;
"Disclosed" means:
(a) information disclosed by, or on behalf of, Aggreko:
(i) in Aggreko's annual report and accounts for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 31 December 2019 or in its half year report for the six months ended 30 June 2020; or
(ii) in this Announcement; or
(b) fairly disclosed prior to the date of this Announcement by or on behalf of Aggreko to Bidco (or its respective officers, employees, agents or advisers in their capacity as such), including via the virtual data room operated by or on behalf of Aggreko in respect of the Acquisition; or
(c) as otherwise publicly announced by Aggreko prior to the date of this Announcement (by the delivery of an announcement to Regulatory Information Service);
"Effective" means:
(a) if the Acquisition is implemented by way of the Scheme, means the Scheme having become effective pursuant to its terms; or
(b) if the Acquisition is implemented by way of an Offer, means the Offer having been declared or having become unconditional in all respects in accordance with the requirements of the Code;
"Effective Date" means the date upon which the Acquisition becomes Effective;
"Excluded Shares" any Aggreko Shares registered in the name of or beneficially owned by (i) Bidco or any subsidiary undertaking of Bidco, (ii) funds managed by TDR Capital or I Squared Capital or any of their respective subsidiary undertakings, or (iii) any nominee of the foregoing, in each case, immediately prior to the Scheme Record Time;
"FCA" means the Financial Conduct Authority;
"Final Dividend" means the final dividend of 10.0 pence per Aggreko Share, which, subject to approval by Aggreko Shareholders at the annual general meeting of the Company, will be payable to Aggreko Shareholders on the Final Dividend Record Date;
"Final Dividend Record Date" means 23 April 2021;
"Forms of Proxy" means the forms of proxy in connection with each of the Court Meeting and the General Meeting, which shall accompany the Scheme Document;
"General Meeting" means the general meeting of Aggreko Shareholders to be convened to consider and, if thought fit, to approve the Resolutions (with or without amendment) and any adjournment thereof;
"IFRS" means International Financial Reporting Standards;
"I Squared Capital" means funds managed by I Squared Capital Advisors (US) LLC;
"Jefferies" means Jefferies International Limited;
"London Stock Exchange" means London Stock Exchange plc, together with any successor thereto;
"Long Stop Date" means 31 December 2021 or such later date as may be agreed by the parties in writing (with the Panel's consent and as the Court may approve (if such consent and/or approval is/are required));
"Offer" means if (subject to the consent of the Panel and the terms of the Cooperation Agreement) Bidco elects to effect the Acquisition by way of a takeover offer as defined in Chapter 3 of Part 28 of the Companies Act, the offer to be made by or on behalf of Bidco to acquire the issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of Aggreko on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the related offer document;
"Offer Period" means the offer period (as defined by the Code) relating to Aggreko which commenced on 5 February 2021;
"Offer Price" means 880 pence for each Scheme Share;
"Official List" means the Official List of the FCA;
"Panel" means the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers;
"Phase 2 CMA Reference" means a reference of the Acquisition to the chair of the Competition and Markets Authority for the constitution of a group under Schedule 4 to the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013;
"PRA" means the Prudential Regulation Authority;
"Registrar of Companies" means the Registrar of Companies in Scotland;
"Regulatory Authority" means any central bank, ministry, governmental, quasigovernmental (including the European Union), supranational, statutory, regulatory or investigative body or authority (including any national or supranational antitrust or merger control authority, any sectoral ministry or regulator and any foreign investment review body), national, state, municipal or local government (including any subdivision, court, administrative agency or commission or other authority thereof), any entity owned or controlled by them, any private body exercising any regulatory, taxing, importing or other authority, trade agency, association, institution or professional or environmental body in any jurisdiction;
"Regulatory Information Service" means any information service authorised from time to time by the FCA for the purpose of disseminating regulatory announcements;
"Resolutions" means the resolution(s) to be proposed at the General Meeting necessary to implement the Scheme, including, amongst other things, a resolution to amend the Articles by the adoption and inclusion of a new article under which any Aggreko Shares issued after the Scheme Record Time (other than to Bidco and/or its nominees) shall be automatically transferred to Bidco on the same terms as the Acquisition (other than terms as to timings and formalities);
"Restricted Jurisdictions" means any jurisdiction where local laws or regulations may result in a significant risk of civil, regulatory or criminal exposure if information concerning the Acquisition is sent or made available to Aggreko Shareholders in that jurisdiction;
"Scheme" means the scheme of arrangement proposed to be made under Part 26 of the Companies Act between Aggreko and the Scheme Shareholders, the terms of which are to be set out in the Scheme Document, with or subject to any modification, addition or condition approved or imposed by the Court and agreed to by Aggreko and Bidco;
"Scheme Court Hearing" means the hearing of the Court to sanction the Scheme under Part 26 of the Companies Act;
"Scheme Court Order" means the order of the Court sanctioning the Scheme under Part 26 of the Companies Act;
"Scheme Document" means the document to be sent to (among others) Aggreko Shareholders containing and setting out, among other things, the full terms and conditions of the Scheme, the explanatory statement required by Section 897 of the Companies Act and containing the notices convening the Court Meeting and General Meeting;
"Scheme Record Time" means the time and date specified in the Scheme Document, expected to be 6.00 p.m. on the business day immediately following the date of the Scheme Court Hearing;
"Scheme Shareholders" means registered holders of Scheme Shares;
"Scheme Shares" means:
(a) the existing Aggreko Shares in issue as at the date of the Scheme Document;
(b) any Aggreko Shares issued after the date of the Scheme Document and prior to the Scheme Voting Record Time; and
(c) any Aggreko Shares issued on or after the Scheme Voting Record Time but before the Scheme Record Time, either on terms that the original or any subsequent holders thereof shall be bound by the Scheme or in respect of which the holders thereof shall have agreed in writing to be bound by the Scheme,
in each case, and where the context requires, which remain in issue at the Scheme Record Time but excluding the Excluded Shares;
"Scheme Voting Record Time" means the time and date specified as such in the Scheme Document by reference to which entitlement to vote at the Court Meeting will be determined, which is expected to be 6.00 pm on the day which is two business days before the date of the Court Meeting (or any adjournment thereof);
"Substantial Interest" means a direct or indirect interest in 20 per cent. or more of the voting equity share capital of an undertaking;
"TDR Capital" means TDR Capital IV 'A' L.P. and TDR Capital IV Associates L.P. each acting by their manager TDR Capital LLP;
"United States of America", "United States" or "US" means the United States of America, its territories and possessions, any state of the United States and the District of Columbia;
"US Exchange Act" means the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder (as amended);
"US Holders" means holders of Aggreko Shares ordinarily resident in the US or with a registered address in the US, and any custodian, nominee or trustee holding Aggreko Shares for persons in the US or with a registered address in the US;
"Wider Aggreko Group" means Aggreko and its subsidiaries, subsidiary undertakings and associated undertakings and any other undertaking (including any joint venture, partnership, firm or company) in which Aggreko and/or such undertakings (aggregating their interests) have a Substantial Interest;
"Wider Bidco Group" means Bidco and its subsidiaries, subsidiary undertakings and associated undertakings, and any other undertaking (including any joint venture, partnership, firm or company) in which any Bidco and/or such undertakings (aggregating their interests) have a Substantial Interest;
For the purposes of this Announcement, "subsidiary", "subsidiary undertaking", "undertaking", "associated undertaking" and "equity share capital" have the meanings given by the UK Companies Act 2006.
References to an enactment include references to that enactment as amended, replaced, consolidated or re-enacted by or under any other enactment before or after the date of this Announcement. All references to time in this Announcement are to London time unless otherwise stated.
A reference to "includes" shall mean "includes without limitation", and references to "including" and any other similar term shall be construed accordingly.
[1] Excluding pass-through fuel.
[2] Return (expressed as underlying operating profit) generated from the business's net operating assets, calculated by taking the underlying operating profit (pre-exceptional items) for the year and expressing it as a percentage of the closing net operating assets at 31 December 2019.
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