Source - Alliance News

The following stocks are the leading risers and fallers on AIM on Monday.




Futura Medical PLC, up 17% at 39.29 pence, 12-month range 23.28p-53.00. The sexual health products company’s shares jumped, after it announced that Eroxon is available for pre-order online, and will also be available in US stores from October. Eroxon is a fast-acting gel used to treat erectile dysfunction, which has been available without a prescription in UK pharmacies since March last year. More recently, Futura struck a licensing deal with Haleon PLC for the gel, which has led to its availability in the US.




Jersey Oil & Gas PLC, down 16% at 62.00p, 12-month range 53.00p-268.00. The upstream oil and gas company, which is focused on the UK continental shelf region of the North Sea, saw its shares fall after Neo Energy Metals PLC said it would be ‘materially slowing down activities across all development assets’. Neo operates Buchan Horst, which is located in licence P2498, of which Jersey Oil & Gas holds a 20% interest. Neo’s decision comes after the UK government announced plans for a consultation on new environmental guidance for oil and gas firms, in light of the recent Supreme Court ‘Finch’ ruling requiring regulators to consider the impact of hydrocarbon combustion, scope three emissions. The Buchan Horst project is thus reliant on ‘clarity’ around new regulatory and fiscal frameworks, and as such, this will ‘ inevitably delay first oil timing in relation to the project’, Neo explained. First oil was originally planned for late 2027. The joint venture will now seek a licence extension in order to continue technical evaluation in light of these changes.


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