Source - Alliance News

Telecom Plus PLC - London-based bundled household utility provider and owner of Utility Warehouse - Says it has passed the one million customer milestone. The company credits this to its ‘unique combination of its multiservice customer offering and word of mouth route to market’. Telecom Plus says that it continues to trade in line with market expectations, which predict around £113.2 million in pretax profit for the year ending March 31.

Chief Executive Officer Stuart Burnett says: ‘We are now helping more than one million households to stop wasting time and money on their household bills, demonstrating the ongoing strength of our unique business model. Our sights are now firmly set on doubling the business from 1 million to 2 million customers through a combination of the market-leading savings customers receive when they take multiple services from us, and the meaningful additional income partners earn from recommending these savings to their friends and family.’

Current stock price: 1,522.00 pence per share, up 1.7% in London on Wednesday morning.

12-month change: down 20%

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