Source - Alliance News

Anexo Group PLC - Liverpool, England-based integrated credit hire and legal services company - Legal subsidiary Bond Turner is representing four parents of victims of serial murderer Lucy Letby, at the Thirlwall inquiry concerning Letby’s actions at Countess of Chester Hospital. It is one of seven firms acting for seventeen parents of children named in the indictment. Areas under investigation will include the effectiveness of NHS management in safeguarding infant patients, and the conduct of those working at the hospital regarding Letby. Separate to the inquiry, Bond Turner is pursuing claims of clinical negligence against the Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust on behalf of the above four clients. Firm expects to reclaim all legal costs but will not charge any success fees.

Bond Turner is also acting for multiple medical professionals in litigation advocated by Long Covid Doctors For Action, pursuing negligence claims against the government and various NHS trusts. Litigation involves employer liability around failures regarding personal protective equipment. It will seek to explore requirements and provisions adopted by trusts, and the extent to which government edicts influenced these.

Current stock price: 64.60 pence

12-month change: down 42%

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