Source - Alliance News

Intelligent Ultrasound Group PLC - Cardiff, Wales-based artificial intelligence ultrasound software firm - Launches gestational age estimation artificial intelligence software called ScanNav FetalCheck. ScanNav FetalCheck is a scanning technology used to accurately establish the gestational age of fetuses. ‘Having an accurate gestational age is important in the management of pregnancy, both to assess fetal growth and to inform treatment choice in the event that complications are seen. However, accurate determination of GA is difficult in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) as, currently, GA must be measured by trained sonographers, and very few front-line healthcare workers have the necessary skills’, it explains.

Adds that an unnamed university in Africa has purchased four ScanNav FetalCheck systems as part of a trial looking into causes of stillbirth. Says ScanNav FetalCheck is still not licenced for clinical use.

Chief Operating Officer Nicholas Sleep says: ‘The use of ScanNav FetalCheck in this first field study is a testament to the ease of use of our new AI software. Our mission is to make ultrasound easier to learn and simpler to use. This is the next step on our journey to achieving this and putting ultrasound into the hands of front-line health practitioners.’

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