Source - Alliance News

Supreme PLC - consumer products manufacturer and supplier - Chief Executive Sandeep Singh Chadha, buys 1,570 shares at £1.25 on October 2, and 153,430 shares at £1.27 on the same date. In addition, buys 65,000 shares at £1.24 on September 29. Worth total £277,419. Purchases made by Supreme 8 Ltd, a company wholly owned by Chadha. Further, company has been notified by Chadha Discretionary Trust 2020, a person closely associated with Sandeep Singh Chadha, buys 50,000 shares at £1.28 on October 2. In addition, buys 30,000 shares at £1.24 on September 29, and buys 90,000 shares at £1.18 on the same date. Worth total £207,400. Following these purchases, Chadha now holds 67.3 million shares, around 57% of the current issued share capital.

Current stock price: 110.12 pence, down 6.7%

12-month change: up 49%

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