Source - Alliance News

DCI Advisors Ltd - London-based real estate investment trust - Enters two further loan agreements with a DCI shareholder to provide additional working capital. Estimates when combined with the shareholder loans announced previously, the loans will total €2.0 million. Notes the four previous loans amounted to €350,000 each and the new loans are for $330,000 in total. All of the loans have identical terms and are for a 12-month term bearing an interest rate of 12% per annum. Intends to repay the loans from the proceeds of the sale of company assets. If the loans have not been repaid by September 30, collateral in the form of security over certain company assets will be put in place which would exceed the aggregate value of the loans. Explains the two new loan agreements have been entered into with funds managed by Almitas Capital LLC which controls 11.1% of the company.

Current stock price: 4.80 pence

12-month change: up 28%

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