Wishbone Gold PLC - Gibraltar-based precious metals trading and exploration company with assets in Australia - Drilling at Red Setter project in Australia reveals encouraging results, with the intersection of multiple zones of quartz veining, carbonate and chalcopyrite.
Current hole is being drilled at a depth of 230 metres and will continue to a depth of at least 500 metres.
‘It is very positive to see these sulphide observations of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite within the current DDH1 diamond drillhole, that started at 57 metres and are repeating downhole. We are currently clearing further drill pads in the area and making preparations for the upcoming heritage survey that will clear a significant further portion of the project area for drilling,’ said Chair Richard Poulden.
Current stock price: 16.00 pence, up 12% on Wednesday
12-month change: up 74%
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