Cybersecurity: the companies which can defend your data and your portfolios and what’s driving their growth.
Discover the factors putting gold on track to hit $3,000, why funds can offer exposure to global smaller companies and get the latest on activist pressure at BP and further consolidation in the investment trust space.
Investment ideas include a support services small cap and a fund which invests in frontier markets.
Plus, insight into what makes a defensive stock, a look ahead to results from Walmart and HSBC, Rachel Vahey tackles another question about pensions – this time relating to inheritance tax changes – and there are stories on Filtronic, ELF Beauty, US jobs and more.
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Market Overview
UK 350 Risers and Fallers
Company | Price | % Chg |
Bakkavor Group PLC | 176.50 | 16.89 |
Ferrexpo PLC | 83.50 | 13.45 |
Hays PLC | 85.10 | 12.34 |
Great Portland Es... | 291.50 | 9.38 |
Ashmore Group PLC | 162.40 | 8.77 |
Melrose Industrie... | 528.00 | 6.41 |
Company | Price | % Chg |
Tesco PLC | 339.20 | -8.69 |
Sainsbury (J) PLC | 235.00 | -7.77 |
Marks And Spencer... | 334.40 | -5.22 |
Burberry Group PLC | 948.20 | -5.18 |
Bodycote PLC | 606.00 | -4.87 |
4Imprint Group PLC | 3,995.00 | -3.27 |
Risers/fallers data from previous trading day.