Why now could be a great time for the FTSE 250 to shine. The factors which make UK mid caps potential winners.
Plus, a look at the streaming services sector encompassing Disney, Netflix, Spotify, ITV and more and the details of a big merger between Witan and Alliance Trust.
Find out how to enjoy an income from your investments, why it’s the French and US elections which are really moving financial markets right now and whether property is a viable alternative for a pension.
Also in the digital magazine, investment ideas on a self-storage firm and an emerging markets fund as well as stories on Nike, Tesla, PepsiCo and more.
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Market Overview
UK 350 Risers and Fallers
Company | Price | % Chg |
Bakkavor Group PLC | 164.00 | -7.08 |
Ferrexpo PLC | 79.00 | -5.39 |
Hays PLC | 86.00 | 1.06 |
Great Portland Es... | 298.50 | 2.40 |
Ashmore Group PLC | 160.60 | -1.11 |
Melrose Industrie... | 521.60 | -1.21 |
Company | Price | % Chg |
Tesco PLC | 324.20 | -4.42 |
Sainsbury (J) PLC | 232.40 | -1.11 |
Marks And Spencer... | 320.70 | -4.10 |
Burberry Group PLC | 907.80 | -4.26 |
Bodycote PLC | 599.00 | -1.16 |
4Imprint Group PLC | 3,955.00 | -1.00 |
Risers/fallers data from previous trading day. Today's data available from 8:15am.