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Market Overview
UK 350 Risers and Fallers
Company | Price | % Chg |
Aston Martin Lago... | 69.85 | 7.05 |
British American ... | 3,182.00 | 1.86 |
Moonpig Group PLC | 210.00 | 1.69 |
Severn Trent PLC | 2,531.00 | 1.40 |
Harbour Energy PLC | 210.30 | 1.40 |
Imperial Brands PLC | 2,865.00 | 1.38 |
Company | Price | % Chg |
Pets AT Home Grou... | 216.40 | -8.46 |
Molten Ventures PLC | 256.50 | -7.73 |
Close Brothers Gr... | 278.20 | -7.20 |
International Con... | 260.80 | -6.62 |
Raspberry Pi Hold... | 466.60 | -6.27 |
Mobico Group PLC | 58.15 | -6.06 |
Risers/fallers data from previous trading day. Today's data available from 8:15am.