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Market Overview
UK 350 Risers and Fallers
Company | Price | % Chg |
Schroders PLC | 428.20 | 12.62 |
Itv PLC | 76.35 | 9.70 |
Rhi Magnesita N.V. | 3,800.00 | 9.67 |
Qinetiq Group PLC | 530.00 | 7.37 |
Victrex PLC | 1,012.00 | 6.98 |
Admiral Group PLC | 3,046.00 | 5.00 |
Company | Price | % Chg |
Melrose Industrie... | 556.40 | -18.18 |
Spire Healthcare ... | 188.60 | -15.99 |
Harbour Energy PLC | 189.40 | -11.50 |
Rentokil Initial PLC | 346.20 | -10.77 |
Hunting PLC | 286.50 | -6.68 |
Ithaca Energy PLC | 126.00 | -6.67 |